Repository for the V2 implementation of the JAPL programming language
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nocturn9x cd84f8a187 Updated grammar with nee assert keyword 2021-08-21 15:05:14 +02:00
docs Updated grammar with nee assert keyword 2021-08-21 15:05:14 +02:00
src Added more expressions to the parser 2021-08-21 15:04:46 +02:00
.gitignore Updated gitignore 2021-07-12 16:33:22 +02:00 Simplified README 2021-08-21 15:05:02 +02:00


A basic programming language written in Nim

Project structure

The project is split into several directories and submodules:

  • -> The build script (TODO, not pushed yet)
  • docs -> Contains markdown files with the various specifications for NimVM (bytecode, grammar, etc)
  • src -> Contains source files

Language design

NimVM is a generic stack-based bytecode VM implementation, meaning that source files are compiled into an imaginary instruction set for which we implemented all the required operations in a virtual machine. NimVM uses a triple-pass compiler where the input is first tokenized, then parsed into an AST and finally optimized before being translated to bytecode.

The compilation toolchain has been designed as follows:

  • First, the input is tokenized. This process aims to break down the source input into a sequence of easier to process tokens for the next step. The lexer (or tokenizer) detects basic syntax errors like unterminated string literals and multi-line comments and invalid usage of unknown tokens (for example UTF-8 runes)
  • Then, the tokens are fed into a parser. The parser recursively traverses the list of tokens coming from the lexer and builds a higher-level structure called an Abstract Syntax Tree-- or AST for short-- and also catches the rest of static or syntax errors such as illegal statement usage (for example return outside a function), malformed expressions and declarations and much more
  • After the AST has been built, it goes trough the optimizer. As the name suggests, this step aims to perform a few optimizations, namely:
    • constant folding (meaning 1 + 2 will be replaced with 3 instead of producing 2 constant opcodes and 1 addition opcode)

    • global name resolution. This is possible because NimVM's syntax only allows for globals to be defined in a way that is statically inferrable, so "name error" exceptions can be caught before any code is even ran.

    • throw warnings for things like unreachable code after return statements (optional).

      The optimization step is entirely optional and enabled by default

  • Once the optimizater is done, the compiler takes the AST and compiles it to bytecode for it to be later interpreted by our virtual machine implementation