Removed most redundant fully-qualified enum names

This commit is contained in:
nocturn9x 2021-09-14 10:53:02 +02:00
parent 1042093eeb
commit f9ce99b3ff
1 changed files with 57 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -25,64 +25,64 @@ export token # Makes Token available when importing the lexer module
# Table of all tokens except reserved keywords
const tokens = to_table({
'(': TokenType.LeftParen, ')': TokenType.RightParen,
'{': TokenType.LeftBrace, '}': TokenType.RightBrace,
'.': TokenType.Dot, ',': TokenType.Comma,
'-': TokenType.Minus, '+': TokenType.Plus,
';': TokenType.Semicolon, '*': TokenType.Asterisk,
'>': TokenType.GreaterThan, '<': TokenType.LessThan,
'=': TokenType.Equal, '~': TokenType.Tilde,
'/': TokenType.Slash, '%': TokenType.Percentage,
'[': TokenType.LeftBracket, ']': TokenType.RightBracket,
':': TokenType.Colon, '^': TokenType.Caret,
'&': TokenType.Ampersand, '|': TokenType.Pipe,
'!': TokenType.ExclamationMark})
'(': LeftParen, ')': RightParen,
'{': LeftBrace, '}': RightBrace,
'.': Dot, ',': Comma,
'-': Minus, '+': Plus,
';': Semicolon, '*': Asterisk,
'>': GreaterThan, '<': LessThan,
'=': Equal, '~': Tilde,
'/': Slash, '%': Percentage,
'[': LeftBracket, ']': RightBracket,
':': Colon, '^': Caret,
'&': Ampersand, '|': Pipe,
'!': ExclamationMark})
# Table of all triple-character tokens
const triple = to_table({"//=": TokenType.InplaceFloorDiv,
"**=": TokenType.InplacePow
const triple = to_table({"//=": InplaceFloorDiv,
"**=": InplacePow
# Table of all double-character tokens
const double = to_table({"**": TokenType.DoubleAsterisk,
">>": TokenType.RightShift,
"<<": TokenType.LeftShift,
"==": TokenType.DoubleEqual,
"!=": TokenType.NotEqual,
">=": TokenType.GreaterOrEqual,
"<=": TokenType.LessOrEqual,
"//": TokenType.FloorDiv,
"+=": TokenType.InplaceAdd,
"-=": TokenType.InplaceSub,
"/=": TokenType.InplaceDiv,
"*=": TokenType.InplaceMul,
"^=": TokenType.InplaceXor,
"&=": TokenType.InplaceAnd,
"|=": TokenType.InplaceOr,
"~=": TokenType.InplaceNot,
"%=": TokenType.InplaceMod
const double = to_table({"**": DoubleAsterisk,
">>": RightShift,
"<<": LeftShift,
"==": DoubleEqual,
"!=": NotEqual,
">=": GreaterOrEqual,
"<=": LessOrEqual,
"//": FloorDiv,
"+=": InplaceAdd,
"-=": InplaceSub,
"/=": InplaceDiv,
"*=": InplaceMul,
"^=": InplaceXor,
"&=": InplaceAnd,
"|=": InplaceOr,
"~=": InplaceNot,
"%=": InplaceMod
# Constant table storing all the reserved keywords (parsed as identifiers)
const reserved = to_table({
"fun": TokenType.Fun, "raise": TokenType.Raise,
"if": TokenType.If, "else": TokenType.Else,
"for": TokenType.For, "while": TokenType.While,
"var": TokenType.Var, "nil": TokenType.NIL,
"true": TokenType.True, "false": TokenType.False,
"return": TokenType.Return, "break": TokenType.Break,
"continue": TokenType.Continue, "inf": TokenType.Inf,
"nan": TokenType.NaN, "is": TokenType.Is,
"lambda": TokenType.Lambda, "class": TokenType.Class,
"async": TokenType.Async, "import": TokenType.Import,
"isnot": TokenType.IsNot, "from": TokenType.From,
"let": TokenType.Let, "const": TokenType.Const,
"assert": TokenType.Assert, "or": TokenType.LogicalOr,
"and": TokenType.LogicalAnd, "del": TokenType.Del,
"async": TokenType.Async, "await": TokenType.Await,
"dynamyc": TokenType.Dynamic, "foreach": TokenType.Foreach,
"inf": TokenType.Infinity
"fun": Fun, "raise": Raise,
"if": If, "else": Else,
"for": For, "while": While,
"var": Var, "nil": NIL,
"true": True, "false": False,
"return": Return, "break": Break,
"continue": Continue, "inf": TokenType.Inf,
"nan": TokenType.NaN, "is": Is,
"lambda": Lambda, "class": Class,
"async": Async, "import": Import,
"isnot": IsNot, "from": From,
"let": Let, "const": Const,
"assert": Assert, "or": LogicalOr,
"and": LogicalAnd, "del": Del,
"async": Async, "await": Await,
"dynamyc": Dynamic, "foreach": Foreach,
"inf": Infinity
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ proc parseString(self: Lexer, delimiter: char, mode: string = "single") =
self.error("unexpected EOL while parsing multi-line string literal")
discard self.step()
proc parseBinary(self: Lexer) =
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ proc parseBinary(self: Lexer) =
if not self.check(['0', '1']):
self.error(&"invalid digit '{self.peek()}' in binary literal")
discard self.step()
# To make our life easier, we pad the binary number in here already
while (self.tokens[^1].lexeme.len() - 2) mod 8 != 0:
self.tokens[^1].lexeme = "0b" & "0" & self.tokens[^1].lexeme[2..^1]
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ proc parseOctal(self: Lexer) =
if self.peek() notin '0'..'7':
self.error(&"invalid digit '{self.peek()}' in octal literal")
discard self.step()
proc parseHex(self: Lexer) =
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ proc parseHex(self: Lexer) =
if not self.peek().isDigit() and self.peek().toLowerAscii() notin 'a'..'f':
self.error(&"invalid hexadecimal literal")
discard self.step()
proc parseNumber(self: Lexer) =
@ -407,11 +407,11 @@ proc parseNumber(self: Lexer) =
discard self.step()
var kind: TokenType = TokenType.Integer
var kind: TokenType = Integer
while isDigit(self.peek()):
discard self.step()
if self.check(['e', 'E']):
kind = TokenType.Float
kind = Float
discard self.step()
while self.peek().isDigit():
discard self.step()
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ proc parseNumber(self: Lexer) =
discard self.step()
if not isDigit(self.peek()):
self.error("invalid float number literal")
kind = TokenType.Float
kind = Float
while isDigit(self.peek()):
discard self.step()
if self.check(['e', 'E']):
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ proc parseIdentifier(self: Lexer) =
# Identifier!
proc next(self: Lexer) =
@ -516,6 +516,6 @@ proc lex*(self: Lexer, source, file: string): seq[Token] =
while not self.done():
self.start = self.current
self.tokens.add(Token(kind: TokenType.EndOfFile, lexeme: "",
self.tokens.add(Token(kind: EndOfFile, lexeme: "",
line: self.line))
return self.tokens