Started ground work for the compiler

This commit is contained in:
Nocturn9x 2021-10-30 13:21:54 +02:00
parent df59bc8f0d
commit 53741cb0df
3 changed files with 83 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -29,13 +29,12 @@ type
Compiler* = ref object
ast: seq[ASTNode]
enclosing: Compiler
current: int
file: string
# Keeps track of all identifiers
# in the code
locals: seq[Local]
localCount: int
scopeDepth: int
currentFunction: FunDecl
proc initCompiler*(): Compiler =
@ -45,9 +44,8 @@ proc initCompiler*(): Compiler =
result.current = 0
result.file = ""
result.locals = @[]
result.localCount = 0
result.currentLoop = None
result.scopeDepth = 0
result.currentFunction = nil
proc peek(self: Compiler, distance: int = 0): ASTNode =

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@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ type
LiteralExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
# Using a string for literals makes it much easier to handle numeric types, as
# there is no overflow nor underflow or float precision issues to deal with.
# there is no overflow nor underflow or float precision issues during parsing.
# Numbers are just serialized as strings and then converted back to numbers
# before being passed to the VM, which also keeps the door open in the future
# to implementing bignum arithmetic that can take advantage of natively supported

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@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ export ast
Chunk* = ref object
## A piece of bytecode.
## Consts represents the constants table the code is referring to
## and is a compile-time a mirror of the VM's stack at runtime.
## Consts represents the constants table the code is referring to.
## Code is the linear sequence of compiled bytecode instructions.
## Lines maps bytecode instructions to line numbers using Run
## Length Encoding. Instructions are encoded in groups whose structure
@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ type
## - The first integer represents the line number
## - The second integer represents the count of whatever comes after it
## (let's call it c)
## - After c, a sequence of c integer follows
## - After c, a sequence of c integers follows
## A visual representation may be easier to understand: [1, 2, 3, 4]
## This is to be interpreted as "there are 2 instructions at line 1 whose values
@ -42,34 +41,35 @@ type
OpCode* {.pure.} = enum
## Enum of possible opcodes.
## Note: x represents the
## argument to unary opcodes, while
## a and b represent arguments to binary
## opcodes. Other variable names may be
## used for more complex opcodes
LoadConstant = 0u8, # Pushes constant from Chunk.consts[x] onto the stack
# Note: x represents the
# argument to unary opcodes, while
# a and b represent arguments to binary
# opcodes. Other variable names may be
# used for more complex opcodes
LoadConstant = 0u8, # Pushes constant at position x in the constant table onto the stack
# Binary operators
UnaryNegate, # Pushes the result of -x onto the stack
BinaryAdd, # Pushes the result of a + b onto the stack
BinarySubtract, # Pushes the result of a - b onto the stack
BinaryDivide, # Pushes the result of a / b onto the stack (true division)
BinaryFloorDiv, # Pushes the result of a // b onto the stack (integer division)
BinaryDivide, # Pushes the result of a / b onto the stack (true division). The result is a float
BinaryFloorDiv, # Pushes the result of a // b onto the stack (integer division). The result is always an integer
BinaryMultiply, # Pushes the result of a * b onto the stack
BinaryPow, # Pushes the result of a ** b (reads as 'a to the power of') onto the stack
BinaryPow, # Pushes the result of a ** b (a to the power of b) onto the stack
BinaryMod, # Pushes the result of a % b onto the stack (modulo division)
BinaryShiftRight, #
BinaryAs, # Type conversion
BinaryIs, # Identity checking
BinaryOf, # Instance checking
BinarySlice, # Subscript operator, like "hello"[0]
BinaryShiftRight, # Pushes the result of a >> b (a with bits shifted b times to the right) onto the stack
BinaryShiftLeft, # Pushes the result of a << b (a with bits shifted b times to the left) onto the stack
BinaryXor, # Pushes the result of a ^ b (bitwise exclusive or) onto the stack
BinaryOr, # Pushes the result of a | b (bitwise or) onto the stack
BinaryAnd, # Pushes the result of a & b (bitwise and) onto the stack
BinaryNot, # Pushes the result of ~x (bitwise not) onto the stack
BinaryAs, # Pushes the result of a as b onto the stack (converts a to the type of b. Explicit support from a is required)
BinaryIs, # Pushes the result of a is b onto the stack (true if a and b point to the same object, false otherwise)
BinaryOf, # Pushes the result of a of b onto the stack (true if a is a subclass of b, false otherwise)
BinarySlice, # Perform slicing on supported objects (like "hello"[0:2], which yields "he"). The result is pushed onto the stack
BinarySubscript, # Subscript operator, like "hello"[0] (which pushes 'h' onto the stack)
# Binary comparison operators
GreaterThan, #
@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ type
# Binary in-place operators
# Binary in-place operators. Same as their non in-place counterparts
# except they operate on already existing names.
@ -86,6 +87,12 @@ type
# Constants/singletons
@ -106,38 +113,42 @@ type
# Looping and jumping
JumpIfFalse, # Jumps to an absolute index in the bytecode if the value at the top of the stack is falsey
Jump, # Relative unconditional jump in the bytecode. This is how instructions like break and continue are implemented
# Misc
ReRaise, # Re-raises active exception
const simpleInstructions* = {OpCode.Return, OpCode.BinaryAdd, OpCode.BinaryMultiply,
OpCode.BinaryDivide, OpCode.BinarySubtract,
OpCode.BinaryMod, OpCode.BinaryPow, OpCode.Nil,
OpCode.True, OpCode.False, OpCode.Nan, OpCode.Inf,
OpCode.BinaryShiftLeft, OpCode.BinaryShiftRight,
OpCode.BinaryXor, OpCode.LogicalNot, OpCode.EqualTo,
OpCode.GreaterThan, OpCode.LessThan, OpCode.LoadAttribute,
OpCode.BinarySlice, OpCode.Pop, OpCode.UnaryNegate,
OpCode.BinaryIs, OpCode.BinaryAs, OpCode.GreaterOrEqual,
OpCode.LessOrEqual, OpCode.BinaryOr, OpCode.BinaryAnd,
OpCode.BinaryNot, OpCode.InPlaceAdd, OpCode.InPlaceDivide,
OpCode.InPlaceFloorDiv, OpCode.InPlaceMod, OpCode.InPlaceMultiply,
OpCode.InPlaceSubtract, OpCode.BinaryFloorDiv, OpCode.BinaryOf}
const constantInstructions* = {OpCode.LoadConstant, OpCode.DeclareName,
OpCode.LoadName, OpCode.UpdateName,
const byteInstructions* = {OpCode.UpdateNameFast, OpCode.LoadNameFast,
OpCode.DeleteNameFast, OpCode.Call}
const jumpInstructions* = {OpCode.JumpIfFalse, OpCode.Jump, OpCode.Loop}
const simpleInstructions* = {Return, BinaryAdd, BinaryMultiply,
BinaryDivide, BinarySubtract,
BinaryMod, BinaryPow, Nil,
True, False, OpCode.Nan, OpCode.Inf,
BinaryShiftLeft, BinaryShiftRight,
BinaryXor, LogicalNot, EqualTo,
GreaterThan, LessThan, LoadAttribute,
BinarySlice, Pop, UnaryNegate,
BinaryIs, BinaryAs, GreaterOrEqual,
LessOrEqual, BinaryOr, BinaryAnd,
BinaryNot, InPlaceAdd, InPlaceDivide,
InPlaceFloorDiv, InPlaceMod, InPlaceMultiply,
InPlaceSubtract, BinaryFloorDiv, BinaryOf, Raise,
ReRaise, BeginTry, FinishTry,
Yield, Await}
const constantInstructions* = {LoadConstant, DeclareName,
LoadName, UpdateName,
const byteInstructions* = {UpdateNameFast, LoadNameFast,
DeleteNameFast, Call}
const jumpInstructions* = {JumpIfFalse, Jump}
proc newChunk*(): Chunk =
@ -156,6 +167,26 @@ proc write*(self: Chunk, newByte: uint8, line: int) =
proc write*(self: Chunk, bytes: openarray[uint8], line: int) =
## Calls write in a loop with all members of the given
## array
for cByte in bytes:
self.write(cByte, line)
proc write*(self: Chunk, newByte: OpCode, line: int) =
## Adds the given instruction at the provided line number
## to the given chunk object
self.write(uint8(newByte), line)
proc write*(self: Chunk, bytes: openarray[OpCode], line: int) =
## Calls write in a loop with all members of the given
## array
for cByte in bytes:
self.write(uint8(cByte), line)
proc getLine*(self: Chunk, idx: int): int =
## Returns the associated line of a given
## instruction index
@ -172,13 +203,6 @@ proc getLine*(self: Chunk, idx: int): int =
raise newException(IndexDefect, "index out of range")
proc write*(self: Chunk, bytes: openarray[uint8], line: int) =
## Calls writeChunk in a loop with all members of the given
## array
for cByte in bytes:
self.write(cByte, line)
proc addConstant*(self: Chunk, constant: ASTNode): array[3, uint8] =
## Writes a constant to a chunk. Returns its index casted to a 3-byte
## sequence (array)