Initial experimental work on function declarations. Minor formatting fixes

This commit is contained in:
Nocturn9x 2022-02-15 11:22:56 +01:00
parent 8ceea4e84f
commit 43f5cea905
5 changed files with 119 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -56,15 +56,33 @@ type
Compiler* = ref object
## A wrapper around the compiler's state
# The bytecode chunk where we write code to
chunk: Chunk
# The output of our parser (AST)
ast: seq[ASTNode]
# The current AST node we're looking at
current: int
# The current file being compiled (used only for
# error reporting)
file: string
# Compile-time "simulation" of the stack at
# runtime to load variables that have stack
# behavior more efficiently
names: seq[Name]
# The current scope depth. If > 0, we're
# in a local scope, otherwise it's global
scopeDepth: int
# The current function being compiled
currentFunction: FunDecl
# Are optimizations turned on?
enableOptimizations*: bool
# The current loop being compiled (used to
# keep track of where to jump)
currentLoop: Loop
# The current module being compiled
# (used to restrict access to statically
# defined variables at compile time)
currentModule: string
# Each time a defer statement is
# compiled, its code is emitted
@ -130,7 +148,7 @@ proc done(self: Compiler): bool =
proc error(self: Compiler, message: string) =
## Raises a formatted CompileError exception
var tok = self.getCurrentNode().token
raise newException(CompileError, &"A fatal error occurred while compiling '{self.file}', line {tok.line} at '{tok.lexeme}' -> {message}")
raise newException(CompileError, &"A fatal error occurred while compiling '{self.file}', module '{self.currentModule}' line {tok.line} at '{tok.lexeme}' -> {message}")
proc step(self: Compiler): ASTNode =
@ -229,7 +247,7 @@ proc patchJump(self: Compiler, offset: int) =
of LongJumpIfFalsePop:
self.chunk.code[offset] = JumpIfFalsePop.uint8()
self.error(&"invalid opcode {self.chunk.code[offset]} in patchJump (This is an internal error and most likely a bug)")
self.chunk.code.delete(offset + 1) # Discards the 24 bit integer
let offsetArray = jump.toDouble()
self.chunk.code[offset + 1] = offsetArray[0]
@ -245,7 +263,7 @@ proc patchJump(self: Compiler, offset: int) =
of JumpIfFalsePop:
self.chunk.code[offset] = LongJumpIfFalsePop.uint8()
self.error(&"invalid opcode {self.chunk.code[offset]} in patchJump (This is an internal error and most likely a bug)")
let offsetArray = jump.toTriple()
self.chunk.code[offset + 1] = offsetArray[0]
self.chunk.code[offset + 2] = offsetArray[1]
@ -496,7 +514,8 @@ proc deleteStatic(self: Compiler, name: IdentExpr,
proc getStaticIndex(self: Compiler, name: IdentExpr): int =
## Gets the predicted stack position of the given variable
## if it is static, returns -1 if it is to be bound dynamically
## or it does not exist at all
## or it does not exist at all and returns -pos if the variable
## is outside of the current local scope (is emitted as a closure)
var i: int = self.names.high()
for variable in reversed(self.names):
if ==
@ -517,8 +536,12 @@ proc identifier(self: Compiler, node: IdentExpr) =
let index = self.getStaticIndex(node)
if index != -1:
self.emitByte(LoadFast) # Static name resolution, loads value at index in the stack. Very fast. Much wow.
if index >= 0:
self.emitByte(LoadFast) # Static name resolution, loads value at index in the stack. Very fast. Much wow.
self.emitBytes(self.identifierConstant(node)) # Closed-over variable!
self.emitByte(LoadName) # Resolves by name, at runtime, in a global hashmap. Slower
@ -878,7 +901,13 @@ proc statement(self: Compiler, node: ASTNode) =
proc funDecl(self: Compiler, node: FunDecl) =
## Compiles function declarations
# We store the current function...
var function = self.currentFunction
self.currentFunction = node
# A function's code is just compiled linearly
# and then jumped over
let jmp = self.emitJump(JumpForwards)
# Since the deferred array is a linear
# sequence of instructions and we want
# to keep track to whose function's each
@ -903,11 +932,15 @@ proc funDecl(self: Compiler, node: FunDecl) =
# just pop the instructions
for i in countup(deferStart, self.deferred.len(), 1):
# ... and restore it later!
self.currentFunction = function
proc classDecl(self: Compiler, node: ClassDecl) =
## Compiles class declarations

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@ -11,11 +11,12 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
## Low level bytecode implementation details
import ast
import ../../util/multibyte
import errors
import strutils
import strformat
@ -56,67 +57,71 @@ type
# used for more complex opcodes. All
# arguments to opcodes (if they take
# arguments) come from popping off the
# stack
# stack. Unsupported operations will
# raise TypeError or ValueError exceptions
# and never fail silently
LoadConstant = 0u8, # Pushes constant at position x in the constant table onto the stack
# Binary operators
UnaryNegate, # Pushes the result of -x onto the stack
BinaryAdd, # Pushes the result of a + b onto the stack
BinarySubtract, # Pushes the result of a - b onto the stack
BinaryDivide, # Pushes the result of a / b onto the stack (true division). The result is a float
BinaryFloorDiv, # Pushes the result of a // b onto the stack (integer division). The result is always an integer
BinaryMultiply, # Pushes the result of a * b onto the stack
BinaryPow, # Pushes the result of a ** b (a to the power of b) onto the stack
BinaryMod, # Pushes the result of a % b onto the stack (modulo division)
BinaryShiftRight, # Pushes the result of a >> b (a with bits shifted b times to the right) onto the stack
BinaryShiftLeft, # Pushes the result of a << b (a with bits shifted b times to the left) onto the stack
BinaryXor, # Pushes the result of a ^ b (bitwise exclusive or) onto the stack
BinaryOr, # Pushes the result of a | b (bitwise or) onto the stack
BinaryAnd, # Pushes the result of a & b (bitwise and) onto the stack
UnaryNot, # Pushes the result of ~x (bitwise not) onto the stack
BinaryAs, # Pushes the result of a as b onto the stack (converts a to the type of b. Explicit support from a is required)
BinaryIs, # Pushes the result of a is b onto the stack (true if a and b point to the same object, false otherwise)
BinaryIsNot, # Pushes the result of not (a is b). This could be implemented in terms of BinaryIs, but it's more efficient this way
BinaryOf, # Pushes the result of a of b onto the stack (true if a is a subclass of b, false otherwise)
BinarySlice, # Perform slicing on supported objects (like "hello"[0:2], which yields "he"). The result is pushed onto the stack
BinarySubscript, # Subscript operator, like "hello"[0] (which pushes 'h' onto the stack)
# Binary comparison operators
GreaterThan, # Pushes the result of a > b onto the stack
LessThan, # Pushes the result of a < b onto the stack
EqualTo, # Pushes the result of a == b onto the stack
NotEqualTo, # Pushes the result of a != b onto the stack (optimization for not (a == b))
GreaterOrEqual, # Pushes the result of a >= b onto the stack
LessOrEqual, # Pushes the result of a <= b onto the stack
# Logical operators
## Binary operators
UnaryNegate, # Pushes the result of -x onto the stack
BinaryAdd, # Pushes the result of a + b onto the stack
BinarySubtract, # Pushes the result of a - b onto the stack
BinaryDivide, # Pushes the result of a / b onto the stack (true division). The result is a float
BinaryFloorDiv, # Pushes the result of a // b onto the stack (integer division). The result is always an integer
BinaryMultiply, # Pushes the result of a * b onto the stack
BinaryPow, # Pushes the result of a ** b (a to the power of b) onto the stack
BinaryMod, # Pushes the result of a % b onto the stack (modulo division)
BinaryShiftRight, # Pushes the result of a >> b (a with bits shifted b times to the right) onto the stack
BinaryShiftLeft, # Pushes the result of a << b (a with bits shifted b times to the left) onto the stack
BinaryXor, # Pushes the result of a ^ b (bitwise exclusive or) onto the stack
BinaryOr, # Pushes the result of a | b (bitwise or) onto the stack
BinaryAnd, # Pushes the result of a & b (bitwise and) onto the stack
UnaryNot, # Pushes the result of ~x (bitwise not) onto the stack
BinaryAs, # Pushes the result of a as b onto the stack (converts a to the type of b. Explicit support from a is required)
BinaryIs, # Pushes the result of a is b onto the stack (true if a and b point to the same object, false otherwise)
BinaryIsNot, # Pushes the result of not (a is b). This could be implemented in terms of BinaryIs, but it's more efficient this way
BinaryOf, # Pushes the result of a of b onto the stack (true if a is a subclass of b, false otherwise)
BinarySlice, # Perform slicing on supported objects (like "hello"[0:2], which yields "he"). The result is pushed onto the stack
BinarySubscript, # Subscript operator, like "hello"[0] (which pushes 'h' onto the stack)
## Binary comparison operators
GreaterThan, # Pushes the result of a > b onto the stack
LessThan, # Pushes the result of a < b onto the stack
EqualTo, # Pushes the result of a == b onto the stack
NotEqualTo, # Pushes the result of a != b onto the stack (optimization for not (a == b))
GreaterOrEqual, # Pushes the result of a >= b onto the stack
LessOrEqual, # Pushes the result of a <= b onto the stack
## Logical operators
LogicalNot, # Pushes true if
# Constants/singletons
## Constant opcodes (each of them pushes a singleton on the stack)
# Basic stack operations
PopN, # Pops N elements off the stack (optimization for exiting scopes and returning from functions)
# Name resolution/handling
## Basic stack operations
Pop, # Pops an element off the stack and discards it
Push, # Pushes x onto the stack
PopN, # Pops x elements off the stack (optimization for exiting scopes and returning from functions)
## Name resolution/handling
DeclareName, # Declares a global dynamically bound name in the current scope
LoadName, # Loads a dynamically bound variable
LoadFast, # Loads a statically bound variable
StoreName, # Sets/updates a dynamically bound variable's value
StoreFast, # Sets/updates a statically bound variable's value
DeleteName, # Unbinds a dynamically bound variable's name from the current scope
DeleteFast, # Unbinds a statically bound variable's name from the current scope
# Looping and jumping
Jump, # Absolute and unconditional jump into the bytecode
JumpIfFalse, # Jumps to an absolute index in the bytecode if the value at the top of the stack is falsey
JumpIfTrue, # Jumps to an absolute index in the bytecode if the value at the top of the stack is truthy
JumpIfFalsePop, # Like JumpIfFalse, but it also pops off the stack (regardless of truthyness). Optimization for if statements
JumpForwards, # Relative, unconditional, positive jump in the bytecode
JumpBackwards, # Relative, unconditional, negative jump into the bytecode
Break, # Temporary opcode used to signal exiting out of loop
DeclareName, # Declares a global dynamically bound name in the current scope
LoadName, # Loads a dynamically bound variable
LoadFast, # Loads a statically bound variable
StoreName, # Sets/updates a dynamically bound variable's value
StoreFast, # Sets/updates a statically bound variable's value
DeleteName, # Unbinds a dynamically bound variable's name from the current scope
DeleteFast, # Unbinds a statically bound variable's name from the current scope
LoadHeap, # Loads a closed-over variable
StoreHeap, # Stores a closed-over variable
## Looping and jumping
Jump, # Absolute and unconditional jump into the bytecode
JumpIfFalse, # Jumps to an absolute index in the bytecode if the value at the top of the stack is falsey
JumpIfTrue, # Jumps to an absolute index in the bytecode if the value at the top of the stack is truthy
JumpIfFalsePop, # Like JumpIfFalse, but it also pops off the stack (regardless of truthyness). Optimization for if statements
JumpForwards, # Relative, unconditional, positive jump in the bytecode
JumpBackwards, # Relative, unconditional, negative jump into the bytecode
Break, # Temporary opcode used to signal exiting out of loop
## Long variants of jumps (they use a 24-bit operand instead of a 16-bit one)
@ -124,32 +129,32 @@ type
# Functions
# Exception handling
ReRaise, # Re-raises active exception
# Generators
## Functions
Call, # Calls a callable object
Return # Returns from the current function
## Exception handling
Raise, # Raises exception x
ReRaise, # Re-raises active exception
BeginTry, # Initiates an exception handling context
FinishTry, # Closes the current exception handling context
## Generators
# Coroutines
## Coroutines
# Collection literals
## Collection literals
# Misc
## Misc
# We group instructions by their operation/operand types for easier handling when debugging
# Simple instructions encompass:
# - Instructions that push onto/pop off the stack unconditionally (True, False, PopN, Pop, etc.)
# - Instructions that push onto/pop off the stack unconditionally (True, False, Pop, etc.)
# - Unary and binary operators
const simpleInstructions* = {Return, BinaryAdd, BinaryMultiply,
BinaryDivide, BinarySubtract,
@ -162,7 +167,8 @@ const simpleInstructions* = {Return, BinaryAdd, BinaryMultiply,
BinaryIs, BinaryAs, GreaterOrEqual,
LessOrEqual, BinaryOr, BinaryAnd,
UnaryNot, BinaryFloorDiv, BinaryOf, Raise,
ReRaise, BeginTry, FinishTry, Yield, Await}
ReRaise, BeginTry, FinishTry, Yield, Await,
# Constant instructions are instructions that operate on the bytecode constant table
const constantInstructions* = {LoadConstant, DeclareName, LoadName, StoreName, DeleteName}
@ -171,7 +177,7 @@ const constantInstructions* = {LoadConstant, DeclareName, LoadName, StoreName, D
# of 24 bit integers
const stackTripleInstructions* = {Call, StoreFast, DeleteFast, LoadFast}
# Stack Double instructions operate on the stack at arbitrary offsets and pop arguments off of it in the form
# Stack double instructions operate on the stack at arbitrary offsets and pop arguments off of it in the form
# of 16 bit integers
const stackDoubleInstructions* = {}
@ -180,8 +186,7 @@ const argumentDoubleInstructions* = {PopN, }
# Jump instructions jump at relative or absolute bytecode offsets
const jumpInstructions* = {JumpIfFalse, JumpIfFalsePop, JumpForwards, JumpBackwards,
LongJumpIfFalse, LongJumpIfFalsePop,
LongJumpIfFalse, LongJumpIfFalsePop, LongJumpForwards,
LongJumpBackwards, JumpIfTrue, LongJumpIfTrue}
# Collection instructions push a built-in collection type onto the stack

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
# limitations under the License.
## Nim exceptions for internal JAPL failures
NimVMException* = object of CatchableError
LexingError* = object of NimVMException
ParseError* = object of NimVMException

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ type
# Other singleton types
Infinity, NotANumber, Nil
# Control-flow statements
# Control flow statements
If, Else,
# Looping statements

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@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Makes our short integers platform-independent (big vs little endian)
## Utilities to convert from/to our 16-bit and 24-bit representations
## of numbers
proc toDouble*(input: int | uint | uint16): array[2, uint8] =