Added some frontend stuff

This commit is contained in:
nocturn9x 2022-01-10 11:53:41 +01:00
parent 3df9bdc88f
commit 29df939df3
4 changed files with 463 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
# Copyright 2021 Mattia Giambirtone & All Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Implementation of a custom list data type for JAPL objects (used also internally by the VM)
{.experimental: "implicitDeref".}
import iterable
import ../../memory/allocator
import base
import strformat
ArrayList*[T] = object of Iterable
## Implementation of a simple dynamic
## array with amortized O(1) append complexity
## and O(1) complexity when popping/deleting
## the last element
container: ptr UncheckedArray[T]
ArrayListIterator*[T] = object of Iterator
list: ArrayList[T]
current: int
proc newArrayList*[T](): ptr ArrayList[T] =
## Allocates a new, empty array list
result = allocateObj(ArrayList[T], ObjectType.List)
result.capacity = 0
result.container = nil
result.length = 0
proc append*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T], elem: T) =
## Appends an object to the end of the list
## in amortized constant time (~O(1))
if self.capacity <= self.length:
self.capacity = growCapacity(self.capacity)
self.container = resizeArray(T, self.container, self.length, self.capacity)
self.container[self.length] = elem
self.length += 1
proc pop*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T], idx: int = -1): T =
## Pops an item from the list. By default, the last
## element is popped, in which case the operation's
## time complexity is O(1). When an arbitrary element
## is popped, the complexity rises to O(k) where k
## is the number of elements that had to be shifted
## by 1 to avoid empty slots
var idx = idx
if self.length == 0:
raise newException(IndexDefect, "pop from empty ArrayList")
if idx == -1:
idx = self.length - 1
if idx notin 0..self.length - 1:
raise newException(IndexDefect, &"ArrayList index out of bounds: {idx} notin 0..{self.length - 1}")
result = self.container[idx]
if idx != self.length - 1:
for i in countup(idx, self.length - 1):
self.container[i] = self.container[i + 1]
self.capacity -= 1
self.length -= 1
proc `[]`*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T], idx: int): T =
## Retrieves an item from the list, in constant
## time
if self.length == 0:
raise newException(IndexDefect, &"ArrayList index out of bounds: : {idx} notin 0..{self.length - 1}")
if idx notin 0..self.length - 1:
raise newException(IndexDefect, &"ArrayList index out of bounds: {idx} notin 0..{self.length - 1}")
result = self.container[idx]
proc `[]`*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T], slice: Hslice[int, int]): ptr ArrayList[T] =
## Retrieves a subset of the list, in O(k) time where k is the size
## of the slice
if self.length == 0:
raise newException(IndexDefect, "ArrayList index out of bounds")
if slice.a notin 0..self.length - 1 or slice.b notin 0..self.length:
raise newException(IndexDefect, "ArrayList index out of bounds")
result = newArrayList[T]()
for i in countup(slice.a, slice.b - 1):
proc `[]=`*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T], idx: int, obj: T) =
## Assigns an object to the given index, in constant
## time
if self.length == 0:
raise newException(IndexDefect, "ArrayList is empty")
if idx notin 0..self.length - 1:
raise newException(IndexDefect, "ArrayList index out of bounds")
self.container[idx] = obj
proc delete*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T], idx: int) =
## Deletes an object from the given index.
## This method shares the time complexity
## of self.pop()
if self.length == 0:
raise newException(IndexDefect, "delete from empty ArrayList")
if idx notin 0..self.length - 1:
raise newException(IndexDefect, &"ArrayList index out of bounds: {idx} notin 0..{self.length - 1}")
discard self.pop(idx)
proc contains*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T], elem: T): bool =
## Returns true if the given object is present
## in the list, false otherwise. O(n) complexity
if self.length > 0:
for i in 0..self.length - 1:
if self[i] == elem:
return true
return false
proc high*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T]): int =
## Returns the index of the last
## element in the list, in constant time
if self.length == 0:
raise newException(IndexDefect, "ArrayList is empty")
result = self.length - 1
proc len*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T]): int =
## Returns the length of the list
## in constant time
result = self.length
iterator pairs*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T]): tuple[key: int, val: T] =
## Implements pairwise iteration (similar to python's enumerate)
for i in countup(0, self.length - 1):
yield (key: i, val: self[i])
iterator items*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T]): T =
## Implements iteration
for i in countup(0, self.length - 1):
yield self[i]
proc reversed*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T], first: int = -1, last: int = 0): ptr ArrayList[T] =
## Returns a reversed version of the given list, from first to last.
## First defaults to -1 (the end of the list) and last defaults to 0 (the
## beginning of the list)
var first = first
if first == -1:
first = self.length - 1
result = newArrayList[T]()
for i in countdown(first, last):
proc extend*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T], other: seq[T]) =
## Iteratively calls self.append() with the elements
## from a nim sequence
for elem in other:
proc extend*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T], other: ptr ArrayList[T]) =
## Iteratively calls self.append() with the elements
## from another ArrayList
for elem in other:
proc `$`*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T]): string =
## Returns a string representation
## of self
result = "["
if self.length > 0:
for i in 0..self.length - 1:
result = result & $self.container[i]
if i < self.length - 1:
result = result & ", "
result = result & "]"
proc getIter*[T](self: ptr ArrayList[T]): Iterator =
## Returns the iterator object of the
## arraylist
result = allocate(ArrayListIterator, ) # TODO

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# Copyright 2021 Mattia Giambirtone & All Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import ../../memory/allocator
ObjectType* {.pure.} = enum
## All the possible object types
String, Exception, Function,
Class, Module, BaseObject,
Native, Integer, Float,
Bool, NotANumber, Infinity,
Nil, List, Dict, Set, Tuple
Obj* = object of RootObj
## The base object for all
## JAPL types. Every object
## in JAPL implicitly inherits
## from this base type
kind*: ObjectType
hashValue*: uint64
## Object constructors and allocators
proc allocateObject*(size: int, kind: ObjectType): ptr Obj =
## Wrapper around memory.reallocate to create a new generic JAPL object
result = cast[ptr Obj](reallocate(nil, 0, size))
result.kind = kind
template allocateObj*(kind: untyped, objType: ObjectType): untyped =
## Wrapper around allocateObject to cast a generic object
## to a more specific type
cast[ptr kind](allocateObject(sizeof kind, objType))
proc newObj*(): ptr Obj =
## Allocates a generic JAPL object
result = allocateObj(Obj, ObjectType.BaseObject)
proc asObj*(self: ptr Obj): ptr Obj =
## Casts a specific JAPL object into a generic
## pointer to Obj
result = cast[ptr Obj](self)

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@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
# Copyright 2021 Mattia Giambirtone & All Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import ../../memory/allocator
import ../../config
import base
import iterable
Entry = object
key: ptr Obj
value: ptr Obj
tombstone: bool
HashMap* = object of Iterable
entries: ptr UncheckedArray[ptr Entry]
actual_length: int
proc newHashMap*(): ptr HashMap =
result = allocateObj(HashMap, ObjectType.Dict)
result.actual_length = 0
result.entries = nil
result.capacity = 0
result.length = 0
proc freeHashMap*(self: ptr HashMap) =
discard freeArray(UncheckedArray[ptr Entry], self.entries, self.capacity)
self.length = 0
self.actual_length = 0
self.capacity = 0
self.entries = nil
proc findEntry(self: ptr UncheckedArray[ptr Entry], key: ptr Obj, capacity: int): ptr Entry =
var capacity = uint64(capacity)
var idx = uint64(key.hash()) mod capacity
while true:
result = self[idx]
if system.`==`(result.key, nil):
elif result.tombstone:
if result.key == key:
elif result.key == key:
idx = (idx + 1) mod capacity
proc adjustCapacity(self: ptr HashMap) =
var newCapacity = growCapacity(self.capacity)
var entries = allocate(UncheckedArray[ptr Entry], Entry, newCapacity)
var oldEntry: ptr Entry
var newEntry: ptr Entry
self.length = 0
for x in countup(0, newCapacity - 1):
entries[x] = allocate(Entry, Entry, 1)
entries[x].tombstone = false
entries[x].key = nil
entries[x].value = nil
for x in countup(0, self.capacity - 1):
oldEntry = self.entries[x]
if not system.`==`(oldEntry.key, nil):
newEntry = entries.findEntry(oldEntry.key, newCapacity)
newEntry.key = oldEntry.key
newEntry.value = oldEntry.value
self.length += 1
discard freeArray(UncheckedArray[ptr Entry], self.entries, self.capacity)
self.entries = entries
self.capacity = newCapacity
proc setEntry(self: ptr HashMap, key: ptr Obj, value: ptr Obj): bool =
if float64(self.length + 1) >= float64(self.capacity) * MAP_LOAD_FACTOR:
var entry = findEntry(self.entries, key, self.capacity)
result = system.`==`(entry.key, nil)
if result:
self.actual_length += 1
self.length += 1
entry.key = key
entry.value = value
entry.tombstone = false
proc `[]`*(self: ptr HashMap, key: ptr Obj): ptr Obj =
var entry = findEntry(self.entries, key, self.capacity)
if system.`==`(entry.key, nil) or entry.tombstone:
raise newException(KeyError, "Key not found: " & $key)
result = entry.value
proc `[]=`*(self: ptr HashMap, key: ptr Obj, value: ptr Obj) =
discard self.setEntry(key, value)
proc len*(self: ptr HashMap): int =
result = self.actual_length
proc del*(self: ptr HashMap, key: ptr Obj) =
if self.len() == 0:
raise newException(KeyError, "delete from empty hashmap")
var entry = findEntry(self.entries, key, self.capacity)
if not system.`==`(entry.key, nil):
self.actual_length -= 1
entry.tombstone = true
raise newException(KeyError, "Key not found: " & $key)
proc contains*(self: ptr HashMap, key: ptr Obj): bool =
let entry = findEntry(self.entries, key, self.capacity)
if not system.`==`(entry.key, nil) and not entry.tombstone:
result = true
result = false
iterator keys*(self: ptr HashMap): ptr Obj =
var entry: ptr Entry
for i in countup(0, self.capacity - 1):
entry = self.entries[i]
if not system.`==`(entry.key, nil) and not entry.tombstone:
yield entry.key
iterator values*(self: ptr HashMap): ptr Obj =
for key in self.keys():
yield self[key]
iterator pairs*(self: ptr HashMap): tuple[key: ptr Obj, val: ptr Obj] =
for key in self.keys():
yield (key: key, val: self[key])
iterator items*(self: ptr HashMap): ptr Obj =
for k in self.keys():
yield k
proc `$`*(self: ptr HashMap): string =
var i = 0
result &= "{"
for key, value in self.pairs():
result &= $key & ": " & $value
if i < self.len() - 1:
result &= ", "
i += 1
result &= "}"

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# Copyright 2021 Mattia Giambirtone & All Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Implementation of iterable types and iterators in JAPL
import base
Iterable* = object of Obj
## Defines the standard interface
## for iterable types in JAPL
length*: int
capacity*: int
Iterator* = object of Iterable
## This object drives iteration
## for every iterable type in JAPL except
## generators
iterable*: ptr Obj
iterCount*: int
proc getIter*(self: Iterable): ptr Iterator =
## Returns the iterator object of an
## iterable, which drives foreach
## loops
return nil
proc next*(self: Iterator): ptr Obj =
## Returns the next element from
## the iterator or nil if the
## iterator has been consumed
return nil