Added basic expressions to recursive descent parser

This commit is contained in:
nocturn9x 2021-08-20 18:47:30 +02:00
parent 5bf36e5f2d
commit 1b4e8d6fab
2 changed files with 312 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -29,13 +29,10 @@ type
## node types, sorted by ## node types, sorted by
## precedence ## precedence
program = 0u8,
# Declarations # Declarations
structDecl, classDecl = 0u8,
funDecl, funDecl,
varDecl, varDecl,
# An expression followed by a semicolon
# Statements # Statements
forStmt, forStmt,
ifStmt, ifStmt,
@ -44,12 +41,28 @@ type
continueStmt, continueStmt,
whileStmt, whileStmt,
blockStmt, blockStmt,
# An expression followed by a semicolon
# Expressions # Expressions
assignExpr, assignExpr,
setExpr, # Set expressions like a.b = "c"
binaryExpr, binaryExpr,
unaryExpr, unaryExpr,
callExpr, callExpr,
primaryExpr getExpr, # Get expressions like a.b
# Primary expressions
groupingExpr, # Parenthesized expressions such as (true)
identExpr, # Identifier
ASTNode* = ref object ASTNode* = ref object
@ -74,4 +87,12 @@ proc newASTNode*(token: Token, kind: NodeKind, children: seq[ASTNode] = @[]): AS
result.children = children result.children = children
proc `$`*(self: ASTNode): string = &"ASTNode(token={self.token}, kind={self.kind}, children=[{self.children.join(\", \")}])" proc `$`*(self: ASTNode): string =
result &= "ASTNode("
if self.token.kind != TokenType.EndOfFile:
result &= &"token={self.token}, "
result &= &"kind={self.kind}"
if self.children.len() > 0:
result &= &", children=[{self.children.join(\", \")}]"
result &= ")"

View File

@ -13,13 +13,15 @@
# Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material # Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
# is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained # is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained
# from Mattia Giambirtone # from Mattia Giambirtone
import strformat
import meta/token import meta/token
import meta/ast import meta/ast
export `$` export token, ast
export ast
type Parser* = ref object type Parser* = ref object
@ -30,3 +32,284 @@ type Parser* = ref object
errored*: bool errored*: bool
errorMessage*: string errorMessage*: string
tokens: seq[Token] tokens: seq[Token]
proc initParser*(self: Parser = nil): Parser =
## Initializes a new Parser object
## or resets an already existing one
if self != nil:
result = self
result.current = 0
result.file = ""
result.errored = false
result.errorMessage = ""
result.tokens = @[]
template endOfFile: Token = Token(kind: TokenType.EndOfFile, lexeme: "EOF", line: -1)
proc peek(self: Parser, distance: int = 0): Token =
## Peeks at the token at the given distance.
## If the distance is out of bounds, an EOF
## token is returned. A negative distance may
## be used to retrieve previously consumed
## tokens
if self.tokens.high() == -1 or self.current + distance > self.tokens.high():
result = endOfFile
result = self.tokens[self.current + distance]
proc done(self: Parser): bool =
## Returns true if we're at the
## end of the file. Note that the
## parser expects an explicit
## EOF token to signal the end
## of the file (unless the token
## list is empty)
result = self.peek().kind == TokenType.EndOfFile
proc step(self: Parser, n: int = 1): Token =
## Steps n tokens into the input,
## returning the last consumed one
if self.done():
result = self.peek()
result = self.tokens[self.current]
self.current += 1
proc error(self: Parser, message: string) =
## Sets the appropriate error fields
## in the parser. If an error already
## occurred, this function is a no-op
if self.errored:
self.errored = true
self.errorMessage = &"A fatal error occurred while parsing '{self.file}', line {self.peek().line} at '{self.peek().lexeme}' -> {message}"
proc check(self: Parser, kind: TokenType, distance: int = 0): bool =
## Checks if the given token at the given distance
## matches the expected kind and returns a boolean.
## The distance parameter is passed directly to
## self.peek()
self.peek(distance).kind == kind
proc check(self: Parser, kind: openarray[TokenType]): bool =
## Calls self.check() in a loop with each entry of
## the given openarray of token kinds and returns
## at the first match. Note that this assumes
## that only one token may exist at a given
## position
for k in kind:
if self.check(k):
return true
return false
proc match(self: Parser, kind: TokenType, distance: int = 0): bool =
## Behaves like self.check(), except that when a token
## matches it is consumed
if self.check(kind, distance):
discard self.step()
result = true
result = false
proc match(self: Parser, kind: openarray[TokenType]): bool =
## Calls self.match() in a loop with each entry of
## the given openarray of token kinds and returns
## at the first match. Note that this assumes
## that only one token may exist at a given
## position
for k in kind:
if self.match(k):
return true
result = false
proc expect(self: Parser, kind: TokenType, message: string = ""): bool =
## Behaves like self.match(), except that
## when a token doesn't match an error
## is "raised". If no error message is
## given, a default one is used
if self.match(kind):
result = true
result = false
if message.len() == 0:
self.error(&"Expecting token of kind {kind}, found {self.peek().kind} instead")
# Forward declaration
proc expression(self: Parser): ASTNode
proc primary(self: Parser): ASTNode =
## Parses primary expressions such
## as integer literals and keywords
## that map to types (true, false, etc)
case self.peek().kind:
of TokenType.True:
result = newASTNode(self.step(), NodeKind.trueExpr)
of TokenType.False:
result = newASTNode(self.step(), NodeKind.falseExpr)
of TokenType.NaN:
result = newASTNode(self.step(), NodeKind.nanExpr)
of TokenType.Nil:
result = newASTNode(self.step(), NodeKind.nilExpr)
of TokenType.Float:
result = newASTNode(self.step(), NodeKind.floatExpr)
of TokenType.Integer:
result = newASTNode(self.step(), NodeKind.intExpr)
of TokenType.Identifier:
result = newASTNode(self.step(), NodeKind.identExpr)
of TokenType.LeftParen:
discard self.step()
var expression = self.expression()
if self.expect(TokenType.RightParen, "Unmatched '('"):
result = newASTNode(self.peek(-1), NodeKind.groupingExpr, @[expression])
self.error("Invalid syntax")
proc make_call(self: Parser, callee: ASTNode): ASTNode =
## Utility function called iteratively by
## to parse a function-like call
var arguments: seq[ASTNode] = @[]
if not self.check(TokenType.RightParen):
while true:
if len(arguments) >= 255:
self.error("Cannot have more than 255 arguments")
if not self.match(TokenType.Comma):
if self.expect(TokenType.RightParen):
result = newASTNode(self.peek(-1), NodeKind.callExpr, arguments)
proc call(self: Parser): ASTNode =
## Parses call expressions and object
## accessing ("dot syntax")
var expression = self.primary()
while true:
if self.match(TokenType.LeftParen):
expression = self.make_call(expression)
elif self.match(TokenType.Dot):
if self.expect(TokenType.Identifier, "Expecting attribute name after '.'"):
expression = newASTNode(self.peek(-2), NodeKind.getExpr, @[newAstNode(self.peek(-1), NodeKind.identExpr, @[expression])])
result = expression
proc unary(self: Parser): ASTNode =
## Parses unary expressions
if self.match([TokenType.Minus, TokenType.Tilde]):
result = newASTNode(self.peek(-1), NodeKind.unaryExpr, @[self.unary()])
result =
proc pow(self: Parser): ASTNode =
## Parses exponentiation expressions
result = self.unary()
var operator: Token
var right: ASTNode
while self.match(TokenType.DoubleAsterisk):
operator = self.peek(-1)
right = self.unary()
result = newASTNode(operator, NodeKind.binaryExpr, @[result, right])
proc mul(self: Parser): ASTNode =
## Parses multiplication and division expressions
result = self.pow()
var operator: Token
var right: ASTNode
while self.match([TokenType.Slash, TokenType.Percentage, TokenType.FloorDiv]):
operator = self.peek(-1)
right = self.pow()
result = newASTNode(operator, NodeKind.binaryExpr, @[result, right])
proc add(self: Parser): ASTNode =
## Parses addition and subtraction expressions
result = self.mul()
var operator: Token
var right: ASTNode
while self.match([TokenType.Plus, TokenType.Minus]):
operator = self.peek(-1)
right = self.mul()
result = newASTNode(operator, NodeKind.binaryExpr, @[result, right])
proc comparison(self: Parser): ASTNode =
## Parses comparison expressions
result = self.add()
var operator: Token
var right: ASTNode
while self.match([TokenType.LessThan, TokenType.GreaterThan, TokenType.LessOrEqual, TokenType.GreaterOrEqual]):
operator = self.peek(-1)
right = self.add()
result = newASTNode(operator, NodeKind.binaryExpr, @[result, right])
proc equality(self: Parser): ASTNode =
## Parses equality expressions
result = self.comparison()
var operator: Token
var right: ASTNode
while self.match([TokenType.DoubleEqual, TokenType.NotEqual]):
operator = self.peek(-1)
right = self.comparison()
result = newASTNode(operator, NodeKind.binaryExpr, @[result, right])
proc logical_and(self: Parser): ASTNode =
## Parses logical AND expressions
result = self.equality()
var operator: Token
var right: ASTNode
while self.match(TokenType.LogicalAnd):
operator = self.peek(-1)
right = self.equality()
result = newASTNode(operator, NodeKind.binaryExpr, @[result, right])
proc logical_or(self: Parser): ASTNode =
## Parses logical OR expressions
result = self.logical_and()
var operator: Token
var right: ASTNode
while self.match(TokenType.LogicalOr):
operator = self.peek(-1)
right = self.logical_and()
result = newASTNode(operator, NodeKind.binaryExpr, @[result, right])
proc expression(self: Parser): ASTNode = self.logical_or()
proc parse*(self: Parser, tokens: seq[Token], file: string): seq[ASTNode] =
## Parses a series of tokens into an AST node
discard self.initParser()
self.tokens = tokens
self.file = file
var program: seq[ASTNode] = @[]
while not self.done():
if self.errored:
program = @[]
result = program