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# NimVM - A stack-based bytecode virtual machine written in Nim
2021-07-12 18:29:11 +02:00
A basic programming language written in Nim
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## Project structure
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The project is split into several directories and submodules:
- `build.py` -> The build script (TODO, not pushed yet)
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- `docs` -> Contains markdown files with the various specifications for NimVM (bytecode, grammar, etc)
- `src` -> Contains source files
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- `src/backend` -> Contains the backend of the language such as the parser, compiler and optimizer
- `src/meta` -> Contains meta-structures used during compilation and parsing
- `src/frontend` -> Contains the runtime environment of NimVM
- `src/frontend/types` -> Contains the type system
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- `src/memory` -> Contains NimVM's allocator and memory manager
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2021-07-18 16:21:07 +02:00
## Language design
NimVM is a generic stack-based bytecode VM implementation, meaning that source files are compiled into an
imaginary instruction set for which all required operations are implemented in a virtual machine. NimVM
uses a triple-pass compiler where the input is first tokenized and parsed into an AST, then optimized and
eventually translated to bytecode. Note that each module (but NOT its submodules like `ast.nim` for the parser
or `token.nim` for the tokenizer) is entirely independent: NimVM has been designed to be entirely modular and
the only module relying on others is the one that will be running the REPL/execute files.
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The compilation toolchain has been designed as follows:
- First, the input is tokenized. This process aims to break down the source input into a sequence of easier to
process tokens for the next step. The lexer (or tokenizer) detects basic syntax errors like unterminated
string literals, invalid usage of unknown tokens (for example UTF-8 runes) and incorrect number literals
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- Then, the tokens are fed into a parser. The parser recursively traverses the list of tokens coming from the lexer
and builds a higher-level structure called an Abstract Syntax Tree-- or AST for short-- and also catches the rest of
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static or syntax errors such as illegal expressions, precedence or context errors (return outside functions, await outside
coroutines, break/continue outside loops, etc.) and many others
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- After the AST has been built, it goes trough the optimizer. As the name suggests, this step aims to perform a few optimizations,
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- constant folding (meaning the expression 1 + 2 will be replaced with 3 instead of producing 2 constant opcodes and 1 addition opcode)
- name resolution checks. This is possible because NimVM's syntax only allows for names to be defined in a way that
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is statically inferrable (sorta), so (most) "name error" exceptions can be caught before any code is ran or even compiled.
Note that this only applies to names defined as static (which means all of them unless they are explicitly marked as `dynamic`).
This is a tradeoff to avoid enforcing block scoping while still retaining the performance of static name resolution (yes, even
globally) most of the time
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- throw warnings for things like unreachable code after return statements (optional).
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The optimization step is entirely optional and enabled by default
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- Once the optimizater is done, the compiler takes the AST and compiles it to bytecode for it to be later interpreted
by the virtual machine. To be more specific, the compiler writes a file with some metadata and the produced bytecode
to disk, and then the tool orchestrating compilation and execution will deserialize it and pass everything to the VM.
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## Language syntax
NimVM uses a syntax mostly inspired from C and Java, although some influences come from Python as well.
## Credits
NimVM was inspired by Bob Nystrom's amazing [Crafting Interpreters](https://craftinginterpreters.com) book