update bootstrap script + onboarding docs

This commit is contained in:
Andrei Jiroh Eugenio Halili 2021-09-29 18:12:51 +08:00
parent 7d3cf39eb8
commit b6d41ada49
2 changed files with 47 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -129,21 +129,32 @@ cloneRepo() {
git -C "$HOME/.dotfiles" pull origin
sleep 5
if [[ $GITLAB_TOKEN == "" ]] && [[ $GITLAB_LOGIN == "" ]] && [ ! -d "$HOME/.dotfiles/secrets" ]; then
# Decouple secrets repo cloning process from the main
cloneSecretsRepo() {
# Since I also have an GitHub mirror of that private repo, maybe we can set an variable for that
if [[ $USE_GH_SECRETS_MIRROR != "" ]]; then
true # just an bypass command to avoid these steps below
elif [[ $GITLAB_TOKEN == "" ]] && [[ $GITLAB_LOGIN == "" ]] && [ ! -d "$HOME/.dotfiles/secrets" ]; then
error "GitLab login and token can't be blank!" && exit 1
# Probably change my GitLab SaaS username with yours
elif [[ $GITLAB_LOGIN != "ajhalili2006" ]] && [ ! -d "$HOME/.dotfiles/secrets" ]; then
error "Only Andrei Jiroh can do this!" && exit 1
elif [[ $GITLAB_LOGIN == "ajhalili2006" ]] && [[ $GITLAB_TOKEN == "" ]] && [ ! -d "$HOME/.dotfiles/secrets" ]; then
error "Missing GitLab SaaS PAT! Check your Bitwarden vault for that key." && exit 1
error "Missing GitLab SaaS PAT! Check your Bitwarden vault for that key or use GitHub mirror instead." && exit 1
if [ ! -d "$HOME/.dotfiles/secrets" ]; then
echoStageName "Cloning secrets repo"
git clone https://$GITLAB_LOGIN:$GITLAB_TOKEN@gitlab.com/ajhalili2006/dotfiles-secrets $HOME/.dotfiles/secrets
[ $? != "0" ] && echo "error: That kinda sus, but either only Andrei Jiroh can proceed or maybe the PAT you used is invalid." && exit 1
if [[ $USE_GH_SECRETS_MIRROR != "" ]]; then
gh repo clone ajhalili2006/dotfiles-secrets
elif ! git clone https://$GITLAB_LOGIN:$GITLAB_TOKEN@gitlab.com/ajhalili2006/dotfiles-secrets $HOME/.dotfiles/secrets; then
echo "error: That kinda sus, but either only Andrei Jiroh can proceed or maybe the PAT you used is invalid." && exit 1
chmod 760 $HOME/.dotfiles/secrets
git -C "$HOME/.dotfiles/secrets" remote set-url origin git@gitlab.com:ajhalili2006/dotfiles-secrets
chmod 760 $HOME/.dotfiles/secrets
git -C "$HOME/.dotfiles/secrets" fetch --all
@ -152,6 +163,15 @@ cloneRepo() {
sleep 5
# Install GitHub CLI if we're gonna use that GitHub mirror
ghCli() {
if [[ $DOTFILES_OS_NAME == "debian-ubuntu" ]] && [[ "$(command -v gh)" == "" ]]; then
curl -fsSL https://cli.github.com/packages/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg] https://cli.github.com/packages stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/github-cli.list > /dev/null
sudo apt update && sudo apt install gh
cleanup() {
echoStageName "Bootstrapper successfully ran, cleaning up to ensure no secrets are leaked on env vars..."
# just add chaos to these secrets to avoid leaks
@ -237,12 +257,15 @@ copyNanoConfig() {
installShellCheck() {
echoStageName "Installing Shellcheck"
if [[ $SKIP_DEPENDENCY_INSTALL == "" ]]; then
scversion="stable" # or "v0.4.7", or "latest"
SHELLCHECK_ARCHIVE_URL="https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/releases/download/${scversion?}/shellcheck-${scversion?}.linux.x86_64.tar.xz" # TODO: Also detect other arches, especially on i386
if [[ $SKIP_DEPENDENCY_INSTALL == "" ]]; then
current_shellcheck_path=$(command -v shellcheck)
isOwnedByUser="$(find $PREFIX/bin -user $USER -file shellcheck)"
isOwnedByUser="$(find $PREFIX/bin -user $USER -name shellcheck)"
current_path_dir="$(dirname $current_shellcheck_path)"
wget -qO- "https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/releases/download/${scversion?}/shellcheck-${scversion?}.linux.x86_64.tar.xz" | tar -xJv -C "$HOME"
wget -qO- "$SHELLCHECK_ARCHIVE_URL" | tar -xJv -C "$HOME"
if [[ $current_shellcheck_path == "" ]]; then
cp "$HOME/shellcheck-${scversion}/shellcheck" "$PREFIX/bin"
elif [[ $current_shellcheck_path == "$PREFIX/bin/shellcheck" ]]; then
@ -371,6 +394,10 @@ main() {
# step 2: install needed tools and create ~/.local/bin
[[ $USE_GH_SECRETS_MIRROR != "" ]] && ghCli
# Possibly interactively sign in to the CLI if GITHUB_TOKEN isn't provided
[[ $GITHUB_TOKEN == "" && $USE_GH_SECRETS_MIRROR == "" ]] && gh auth login
# step 3.1: then clone the repo
@ -387,6 +414,7 @@ main() {
# step 5: copy and symlink files
cloneSecretsRepo # Run this before we even copy the ssh keys!

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ This onboarding page documents how do I bootstrap stuff for an new Linux machine
## Prerequisites
* Access to my Bitwarden vault for GitLab PAT on an Vaultwarden instance at Railway. Once email has been fixed, probably my phone with 2FA number used for Google OR Authy app and Telegram client of choice.
* An working browser, preferrly Chrome or Firefox.
* An working browser, preferrly Firefox.
* An desktop environment preinstalled, in case of Alpine/Arch/Gentoo-based distros, proceed with Xfce4. Unless has atleast 4 GBs of memory on an amd64 machine, install GNOME or KDE instead.
### Pre-flight Check
@ -15,14 +15,22 @@ This onboarding page documents how do I bootstrap stuff for an new Linux machine
* Check if Bash and/or Git is preinstalled while in live environment.
* Remember to note down the root password! You may also need to take down notes of your regular account password too, if sudo is configured.
* If you're trying an new distro (Arch, Gentoo, RHEL) or got an ChromeOS preinstalled and enabled devmode and Linux stuff, please install the tools one by one and note it down here in this document.
* Check if that distro either has GitHub CLI from the official package repos (or atleast community maintained ones). Otherwise, maybe opt to building from source or use prebuilt binaries from GitHub Releases.
## Termux
> **:warning: Termux is only available for Android 7 to 9 on F-roid due to compatibility reasons!** Things start to blur once you upgrade to Android 10 or above, as more restrictions have been implemented, see ISSUE-TODO-LINK.
## Debian, Ubuntu and friends
Bash, GNU coreutils and curl/wget is pre-installed, but you may need to manually upgrade to their latest versions from the backports, especially if they're too far from the latest release.
As an final check before proceeding, install gnupg and friends before running the bootstrap script:
# they'll be also installed if you don't do this
sudo apt install gnupg gnupg-agent dirmgr --yes
## Alpine Linux
@ -48,11 +56,7 @@ http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community
Now, run `apk update` followed by `apk upgrade` to update all packages to their latest versions in the `edge` branch.
Finally, follow the bootstrapping process of the dotfiles in the root README, which, as usual:
* export both the GitLab SaaS username and password with `export GITLAB_LOGIN=ajhalili2006 GITLAB_TOKEN=pat-from-bw-vault`
* run the main script with `curl -fsSL https://ajhalili2006.gitlab.io/linux-bootstrap.sh | bash -`
* optionally run the post-setup script to add my package signing key for Alpine, GPG keys, and probably my KeexPass stuff with `./tools/post-setup/alpine.sh`
Finally, follow the bootstrapping process of the dotfiles as mentioned in the root README.
## Gitpod?