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create table if not exists abuse
ip_address varchar(128) not null comment 'The IP address that this record is for'
primary key,
is_public tinyint(1) null comment 'Indicates if the IP address is public or private',
ip_version int(1) null comment 'The version of the IP address',
is_whitelisted tinyint(1) null comment 'Indicates if the IP address has been whitelisted by the provider',
abuse_confidence_score int(3) null comment 'The abuse confidence score, from 0-100
75 and above meaning it''s potentially harmful, anything lower is considered safe but questionable',
isp varchar(256) null comment 'The Internet Service Provider that owns this IP address',
domain varchar(256) null comment 'The domain name applicable to this IP address if applicable',
hostname varchar(526) null comment 'The primary host name of this IP address',
hostnames blob null comment 'ZiProto encoded array of all the hostnames associated with this IP address',
total_reports int null comment 'The amount of reports that this IP address has gotten',
num_distinct_users int null comment 'The number of distinct users that uses this IP address',
last_reported_at int null comment 'The Unix Timestmap for when this IP address was last reported',
last_updated_timestamp int null comment 'The Unix Timestmap for when this record was last updated',
created_timestamp int null comment 'The Unix Timestmap for when this record was first registered into the database',
constraint abuse_ip_address_uindex
unique (ip_address)
comment 'Table for housing abuse checks on hosts from AbuseIPDB';