
23 lines
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create table if not exists user_warning
id varchar(64) not null comment 'A unique ID index hash'
primary key,
chat_id varchar(126) null comment 'The Chat ID associated with the user that is issued warnings',
user_id int null comment 'The User ID that is issued the warning',
warnings blob null comment 'ZiProto encoded blob of warnings issued to the user',
last_updated_timestamp int null comment 'The Unix Timestamp for when this record was last updated',
created_timestamp int null comment 'Unix timestamp for when this record was first created',
constraint user_warning_chat_id_user_id_uindex
unique (chat_id, user_id),
constraint user_warning_id_uindex
unique (id)
comment 'A table used for storing user warnings';
create index user_warning_chat_id_index
on user_warning (chat_id);
create index user_warning_user_id_index
on user_warning (user_id);