
26 lines
1005 B

package handlers
import (
func startHandler(b *gotgbot.Bot, ctx *ext.Context) error {
args := ctx.Args()
m := ctx.EffectiveMessage
if len(args) > 1 && args[1] == "help" {
_, err := b.SendMessage(m.Chat.Id, getHelp(m.From), &gotgbot.SendMessageOpts{ParseMode: "markdownv2"})
return err
txt := mdparser.GetBold("Hi, I'm " + b.FirstName).AppendNormal("\n\n")
txt = txt.AppendNormal(`I'm a mirror of @SpamProtectionBot, this means`)
txt = txt.AppendNormal(` I enforce all bans made through that bot and also provide user information related to it`)
_, err := b.SendMessage(ctx.Message.Chat.Id, txt.ToString(), &gotgbot.SendMessageOpts{ParseMode: "markdownv2",
ReplyMarkup: gotgbot.InlineKeyboardMarkup{InlineKeyboard: [][]gotgbot.InlineKeyboardButton{{
{Text: "Click me for help!", Url: fmt.Sprintf("", b.Username)},
return err