
38 lines
1.6 KiB

package handlers
import (
func getHelp(u *gotgbot.User) string {
msg := mdparser.GetBold("Hai ").AppendMention(u.FirstName, u.Id).AppendBold(", welcome!").AppendNormal("\n\n")
msg = msg.AppendNormal("I am a bot, with the primary purpose of adding more overhead on @SpamProtectionBot.").AppendNormal("\n")
msg = msg.AppendNormal("Due to this, I function quite similarly to it, I might look like a clone of it.").AppendNormalThis("\n\n")
msg = msg.AppendBold("Here are the commands I currently accept").AppendNormal(":\n")
msg = msg.AppendNormal("- ").AppendMono(StartCmd).AppendNormal(": starts me, as usual\n")
msg = msg.AppendNormal("- ").AppendMono(HelpCmd).AppendNormal(": makes me send THIS message\n")
msg = msg.AppendNormal("- ").AppendMono(FetchCmd).AppendNormalThis(": fetch a user on the API")
return msg.ToString()
func helpHandler(b *gotgbot.Bot, ctx *ext.Context) error {
m := ctx.EffectiveMessage
if m.Chat.Type != "private" {
_, err := m.Reply(b, "Contact me in PM", &gotgbot.SendMessageOpts{ReplyMarkup: gotgbot.InlineKeyboardMarkup{InlineKeyboard: [][]gotgbot.InlineKeyboardButton{{
{Text: "Click me for help!", Url: fmt.Sprintf("", b.Username)},
if err != nil {
return helpers.SendError(err, ctx, b)
} else {
_, err := b.SendMessage(m.Chat.Id, getHelp(m.From), &gotgbot.SendMessageOpts{ParseMode: "markdownv2"})
return err
return nil