
179 lines
6.3 KiB

"validation": {
"8448": {
"_": "InvalidUsername",
"description": "The given username is invalid and does not meet the specification"
"8449": {
"_": "InvalidPassword",
"description": "The given password is insecure, see the message for further details"
"8450": {
"_": "InvalidFirstName",
"description": "The First Name provided contains invalid characters and or is too long, see the message for further details"
"8451": {
"_": "InvalidLastName",
"description": "The Last Name provided contains invalid characters and or is too long, see the message for further details "
"8452": {
"_": "InvalidBiography",
"description": "The Biography is too long or contains invalid characters, see the message for further details"
"8453": {
"_": "UsernameAlreadyExists",
"description": "The username is already registered in the network and cannot be used "
"8454": {
"_": "InvalidPeerInput",
"description": "The client provided an invalid peer identification as input"
"8455": {
"_": "InvalidPostText",
"description": "The post contains invalid characters or is too long, see the message for further details"
"8456": {
"_": "InvalidClientPublicHash",
"description": "The client's public hash is invalid and cannot be identified as a sha256"
"8457": {
"_": "InvalidClientPrivateHash",
"description": "The client's private hash is invalid and cannot be identified as a sha256"
"8458": {
"_": "InvalidPlatform",
"description": "The platform name contains invalid characters or is too long, see the message for further details"
"8459": {
"_": "InvalidVersion",
"description": "The version is invalid or is too long, see the message for further details"
"8460": {
"_": "InvalidClientName",
"description": "The client name contains invalid characters or is too long, see the message for further details"
"8461": {
"_": "InvalidSessionIdentification",
"description": "The session identification object is invalid, see the message for further details"
"8462": {
"_": "InvalidFileForProfilePicture",
"description": "The given file is invalid for a profile picture"
"8463": {
"_": "FileTooLarge",
"description": "The given file is too large to be processed"
"8464": {
"_": "InvalidHelpDocumentId",
"description": "The given Help Document ID is invalid"
"8465": {
"_": "AgreementRequired",
"description": "The client/user must agree to the condition to invoke the method"
"8468": {
"_": "InvalidUrlValue",
"description": "The given URL input is invalid"
"server": {
"16384": {
"_": "InternalServerError",
"description": "Raised when there was an unexpected error while trying to process your request"
"16385": {
"_": "DocumentUpload",
"description": "Raised when there was an error while trying to process the document upload"
"network": {
"12544": {
"_": "PeerNotFound",
"description": "The requested user entity was not found in the network"
"12545": {
"_": "PostNotFound",
"description": "Raised when the client requested a post that isn't found"
"12546": {
"_": "PostDeleted",
"description": "Raised when the client requested a post that was deleted"
"12547": {
"_": "AlreadyReposted",
"description": "Raised when the client attempts to repost a post that has already been reposted"
"12548": {
"_": "FileUploadError",
"description": "Raised when there was an error while trying to upload one or more files to the network"
"12549": {
"_": "DocumentNotFound",
"description": "The requested Document ID was not found on the server"
"12550": {
"_": "AccessDenied",
"description": "The authenticated peer does not have sufficient permissions to access the requested resource or to invoke a restricted method"
"12551": {
"_": "BlockedByPeer",
"description": "Blocked by the peer which attempted to interact with"
"12552": {
"_": "BlockedPeer",
"description": "Attempted to interact with a blocked peer"
"12553": {
"_": "SelfInteractionNotPermitted",
"description": "Cannot interact with self"
"authentication": {
"8704": {
"_": "IncorrectLoginCredentials",
"description": "The given login credentials are incorrect"
"8705": {
"_": "IncorrectTwoFactorAuthenticationCode",
"description": "The given two-factor authentication code is incorrect"
"8706": {
"_": "AuthenticationNotApplicable",
"description": "Raised when the user does not support this method of authentication, see the message for further details"
"8707": {
"_": "SessionNotFound",
"description": "Raised when the requested session was not found in the network"
"8708": {
"_": "NotAuthenticated",
"description": "Raised when the client attempts to invoke a method that requires authentication"
"8709": {
"_": "PrivateAccessTokenRequired",
"description": "Raised when the user/entity uses a Private Access Token to authenticate and the client attempted to authenticate in another way"
"8710": {
"_": "AuthenticationFailure",
"description": "The authentication process failed for some unexpected reason, see the message for further details"
"8711": {
"_": "BadSessionChallengeAnswer",
"description": "The given session challenge answer is incorrect or out of sync"
"8712": {
"_": "TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired",
"description": "Two-Factor Authentication is required, the client must repeat the same request but provide a Two-Factor authentication code as well"
"8713": {
"_": "AlreadyAuthenticated",
"description": "The client is attempting to authenticate when already authenticated"
"8714": {
"_": "SessionExpired",
"description": "Raised when trying to use a session that has expired"