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# Authentication Errors
These errors are raised when anything related to authentication has failed,
this can include things from when trying to authenticate to session
challenge errors.
| Name | Code | Hex Code | Deprecated | Versions | Description |
| IncorrectLoginCredentials | 8704 | 0x02200 | No | 1.0 | The given login credentials are incorrect |
| IncorrectTwoFactorAuthenticationCode | 8705 | 0x02201 | No | 1.0 | The given two-factor authentication code is incorrect |
| AuthenticationNotApplicable | 8706 | 0x02202 | No | 1.0 | Raised when the user does not support this method of authentication, see the message for further details |
| SessionNotFound | 8707 | 0x02203 | No | 1.0 | Raised when the requested session was not found in the network |
| NotAuthenticated | 8708 | 0x02204 | No | 1.0 | Raised when the client attempts to invoke a method that requires authentication |
| PrivateAccessTokenRequired | 8709 | 0x02205 | No | 1.0 | Raised when the user/entity uses a Private Access Token to authenticate and the client attempted to authenticate in another way. |
| AuthenticationFailure | 8710 | 0x02206 | No | 1.0 | The authentication process failed for some unexpected reason, see the message for further details. |
| BadSessionChallengeAnswer | 8711 | 0x02207 | No | 1.0 | The given session challenge answer is incorrect or out of sync. |
| TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired | 8712 | 0x02208 | No | 1.0 | Two-Factor Authentication is required, the client must repeat the same request but provide a Two-Factor authentication code as well. |
| AlreadyAuthenticated | 8713 | 0x02209 | No | 1.0 | The client is attempting to authenticate when already authenticated |
| SessionExpired | 8714 | 0x0220a | No | 1.0 | Raised when trying to use a session that has expired |