
255 lines
8.1 KiB

/** @noinspection PhpMissingFieldTypeInspection */
namespace KimchiAPI;
use Exception;
use khm\Exceptions\DatabaseException;
use KimchiAPI\Abstracts\Method;
use KimchiAPI\Classes\API;
use KimchiAPI\Exceptions\IOException;
use KimchiAPI\Exceptions\MissingComponentsException;
use KimchiAPI\Utilities\Converter;
use ppm\Exceptions\AutoloaderException;
use ppm\Exceptions\InvalidComponentException;
use ppm\Exceptions\InvalidPackageLockException;
use ppm\Exceptions\PackageNotFoundException;
use ppm\Exceptions\VersionNotFoundException;
use ppm\ppm;
use RuntimeException;
// Define server information for response headers
if(defined("KIMCHI_API_SERVER") == false)
if(file_exists(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "package.json") == false)
throw new MissingComponentsException("The 'package.json' file was not found in the distribution");
$package = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "package.json"), true);
if($package == false)
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot decode 'package.json', package components may be corrupted");
define("KIMCHI_API_SERVER_VERSION", $package["package"]["version"]);
define("KIMCHI_API_SERVER_ORGANIZATION", $package["package"]["organization"]);
define("KIMCHI_API_SERVER_AUTHOR", $package["package"]["author"]);
define("KIMCHI_API_SERVER", true);
class KimchiAPI
* @var array
private $commands_paths;
* @var array
private $command_classes;
* Server constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->commands_paths = [];
$this->command_classes = [];
* Return the list of commands paths
* @return array
public function getCommandsPaths(): array
return $this->commands_paths;
* Return the list of command classes
* @return array
public function getCommandClasses(): array
return $this->command_classes;
* Add a single custom commands path
* @param string $path Custom commands' path to add
* @param bool $before If the path should be prepended or appended to the list
* @throws IOException
public function addCommandsPath(string $path, bool $before=true)
if (!is_dir($path))
throw new IOException('Method path "' . $path . '" does not exist.');
elseif (!in_array($path, $this->commands_paths, true))
if ($before)
array_unshift($this->commands_paths, $path);
$this->commands_paths[] = $path;
* Add multiple custom commands paths
* @param array $paths Custom commands paths to add
* @param bool $before If the paths should be prepended or appended to the list
* @throws IOException
public function addCommandsPaths(array $paths, bool $before=true)
foreach ($paths as $path)
$this->addCommandsPath($path, $before);
* Get an object instance of the passed command
* @param string $command
* @param string $filepath
* @return Method|null
public function getCommandObject(string $command, string $filepath = ''): ?Method
if (isset($this->commands_objects[$command]))
return $this->commands_objects[$command];
$which = [Method::AUTH_SYSTEM];
$which[] = Method::AUTH_USER;
foreach ($which as $auth)
$command_class = $this->getCommandClassName($auth, $command, $filepath);
if ($command_class)
return new $command_class();
return null;
* Get classname of predefined commands
* @see command_classes
* @param string $auth Auth of command
* @param string $command Command name
* @param string $filepath Path to the command file
* @return string|null
public function getCommandClassName(string $auth, string $command, string $filepath = ''): ?string
$command = mb_strtolower($command);
$auth = Converter::ucFirstUnicode($auth);
// First, check for directly assigned command class.
if ($command_class = $this->command_classes[$auth][$command] ?? null)
return $command_class;
// Start with default namespace.
$command_namespace = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Methods\\' . $auth . 'Methods';
// Check if we can get the namespace from the file (if passed).
if ($filepath && !($command_namespace = Converter::getFileNamespace($filepath)))
return null;
$command_class = $command_namespace . '\\' . Converter::ucFirstUnicode($command) . 'Method';
if (class_exists($command_class))
return $command_class;
return null;
* @param string $package
* @param bool $import_dependencies
* @param bool $throw_error
* @throws AutoloaderException
* @throws Exceptions\ApiException
* @throws Exceptions\ConnectionBlockedException
* @throws Exceptions\InternalServerException
* @throws IOException
* @throws InvalidComponentException
* @throws InvalidPackageLockException
* @throws PackageNotFoundException
* @throws VersionNotFoundException
* @throws DatabaseException
public static function exec(string $package, bool $import_dependencies=true, bool $throw_error=true)
$decoded = explode('==', $package);
if($decoded[1] == 'latest')
$decoded[1] = ppm::getPackageLock()->getPackage($decoded[0])->getLatestVersion();
$path = ppm::getPackageLock()->getPackage($decoded[0])->getPackagePath($decoded[1]); // Find the package path
ppm::import($decoded[0], $decoded[1], $import_dependencies, $throw_error); // Import dependencies
$API = new API($path);
* Handles the request to the API
* @param API $API
* @param string|null $requestUrl
* @param string|null $requestMethod
* @return void
public static function handleRequest(API $API, ?string $requestUrl=null, string $requestMethod = null)
$match = $API->getRouter()->match($requestUrl, $requestMethod);
// call closure or throw 404 status
if(is_array($match) && is_callable($match['target']))
call_user_func_array($match['target'], array_values($match['params']));
catch(Exception $e)