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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Natural Language Toolkit: Interface to the CRFSuite Tagger
# Copyright (C) 2001-2019 NLTK Project
# Author: Long Duong <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
A module for POS tagging using CRFSuite
import unicodedata
import re
from nltk.tag.api import TaggerI
import pycrfsuite
except ImportError:
class CRFTagger(TaggerI):
A module for POS tagging using CRFSuite
>>> from nltk.tag import CRFTagger
>>> ct = CRFTagger()
>>> train_data = [[('University','Noun'), ('is','Verb'), ('a','Det'), ('good','Adj'), ('place','Noun')],
... [('dog','Noun'),('eat','Verb'),('meat','Noun')]]
>>> ct.train(train_data,'model.crf.tagger')
>>> ct.tag_sents([['dog','is','good'], ['Cat','eat','meat']])
[[('dog', 'Noun'), ('is', 'Verb'), ('good', 'Adj')], [('Cat', 'Noun'), ('eat', 'Verb'), ('meat', 'Noun')]]
>>> gold_sentences = [[('dog','Noun'),('is','Verb'),('good','Adj')] , [('Cat','Noun'),('eat','Verb'), ('meat','Noun')]]
>>> ct.evaluate(gold_sentences)
Setting learned model file
>>> ct = CRFTagger()
>>> ct.set_model_file('model.crf.tagger')
>>> ct.evaluate(gold_sentences)
def __init__(self, feature_func=None, verbose=False, training_opt={}):
Initialize the CRFSuite tagger
:param feature_func: The function that extracts features for each token of a sentence. This function should take
2 parameters: tokens and index which extract features at index position from tokens list. See the build in
_get_features function for more detail.
:param verbose: output the debugging messages during training.
:type verbose: boolean
:param training_opt: python-crfsuite training options
:type training_opt : dictionary
Set of possible training options (using LBFGS training algorithm).
'feature.minfreq' : The minimum frequency of features.
'feature.possible_states' : Force to generate possible state features.
'feature.possible_transitions' : Force to generate possible transition features.
'c1' : Coefficient for L1 regularization.
'c2' : Coefficient for L2 regularization.
'max_iterations' : The maximum number of iterations for L-BFGS optimization.
'num_memories' : The number of limited memories for approximating the inverse hessian matrix.
'epsilon' : Epsilon for testing the convergence of the objective.
'period' : The duration of iterations to test the stopping criterion.
'delta' : The threshold for the stopping criterion; an L-BFGS iteration stops when the
improvement of the log likelihood over the last ${period} iterations is no greater than this threshold.
'linesearch' : The line search algorithm used in L-BFGS updates:
{ 'MoreThuente': More and Thuente's method,
'Backtracking': Backtracking method with regular Wolfe condition,
'StrongBacktracking': Backtracking method with strong Wolfe condition
'max_linesearch' : The maximum number of trials for the line search algorithm.
self._model_file = ""
self._tagger = pycrfsuite.Tagger()
if feature_func is None:
self._feature_func = self._get_features
self._feature_func = feature_func
self._verbose = verbose
self._training_options = training_opt
self._pattern = re.compile(r"\d")
def set_model_file(self, model_file):
self._model_file = model_file
def _get_features(self, tokens, idx):
Extract basic features about this word including
- Current Word
- Is Capitalized ?
- Has Punctuation ?
- Has Number ?
- Suffixes up to length 3
Note that : we might include feature over previous word, next word ect.
:return : a list which contains the features
:rtype : list(str)
token = tokens[idx]
feature_list = []
if not token:
return feature_list
# Capitalization
if token[0].isupper():
# Number
if, token) is not None:
# Punctuation
punc_cat = set(["Pc", "Pd", "Ps", "Pe", "Pi", "Pf", "Po"])
if all(unicodedata.category(x) in punc_cat for x in token):
# Suffix up to length 3
if len(token) > 1:
feature_list.append("SUF_" + token[-1:])
if len(token) > 2:
feature_list.append("SUF_" + token[-2:])
if len(token) > 3:
feature_list.append("SUF_" + token[-3:])
feature_list.append("WORD_" + token)
return feature_list
def tag_sents(self, sents):
Tag a list of sentences. NB before using this function, user should specify the mode_file either by
- Train a new model using ``train'' function
- Use the pre-trained model which is set via ``set_model_file'' function
:params sentences : list of sentences needed to tag.
:type sentences : list(list(str))
:return : list of tagged sentences.
:rtype : list (list (tuple(str,str)))
if self._model_file == "":
raise Exception(
" No model file is found !! Please use train or set_model_file function"
# We need the list of sentences instead of the list generator for matching the input and output
result = []
for tokens in sents:
features = [self._feature_func(tokens, i) for i in range(len(tokens))]
labels = self._tagger.tag(features)
if len(labels) != len(tokens):
raise Exception(" Predicted Length Not Matched, Expect Errors !")
tagged_sent = list(zip(tokens, labels))
return result
def train(self, train_data, model_file):
Train the CRF tagger using CRFSuite
:params train_data : is the list of annotated sentences.
:type train_data : list (list(tuple(str,str)))
:params model_file : the model will be saved to this file.
trainer = pycrfsuite.Trainer(verbose=self._verbose)
for sent in train_data:
tokens, labels = zip(*sent)
features = [self._feature_func(tokens, i) for i in range(len(tokens))]
trainer.append(features, labels)
# Now train the model, the output should be model_file
# Save the model file
def tag(self, tokens):
Tag a sentence using Python CRFSuite Tagger. NB before using this function, user should specify the mode_file either by
- Train a new model using ``train'' function
- Use the pre-trained model which is set via ``set_model_file'' function
:params tokens : list of tokens needed to tag.
:type tokens : list(str)
:return : list of tagged tokens.
:rtype : list (tuple(str,str))
return self.tag_sents([tokens])[0]