
185 lines
6.3 KiB

#cython: cdivision=True
#cython: boundscheck=False
#cython: nonecheck=False
#cython: wraparound=False
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as cnp
from .._shared.interpolation cimport (nearest_neighbour_interpolation,
from .._shared.fused_numerics cimport np_floats
cdef inline void _transform_metric(np_floats x, np_floats y, np_floats* H,
np_floats *x_, np_floats *y_) nogil:
"""Apply a metric transformation to a coordinate.
x, y : np_floats
Input coordinate.
H : (3,3) *np_floats
Transformation matrix.
x_, y_ : *np_floats
Output coordinate.
x_[0] = H[0] * x + H[2]
y_[0] = H[4] * y + H[5]
cdef inline void _transform_affine(np_floats x, np_floats y, np_floats* H,
np_floats *x_, np_floats *y_) nogil:
"""Apply an affine transformation to a coordinate.
x, y : np_floats
Input coordinate.
H : (3,3) *np_floats
Transformation matrix.
x_, y_ : *np_floats
Output coordinate.
x_[0] = H[0] * x + H[1] * y + H[2]
y_[0] = H[3] * x + H[4] * y + H[5]
cdef inline void _transform_projective(np_floats x, np_floats y, np_floats* H,
np_floats *x_, np_floats *y_) nogil:
"""Apply a homography to a coordinate.
x, y : np_floats
Input coordinate.
H : (3,3) *np_floats
Transformation matrix.
x_, y_ : *np_floats
Output coordinate.
cdef np_floats z_
z_ = H[6] * x + H[7] * y + H[8]
x_[0] = (H[0] * x + H[1] * y + H[2]) / z_
y_[0] = (H[3] * x + H[4] * y + H[5]) / z_
def _warp_fast(np_floats[:, :] image, np_floats[:, :] H, output_shape=None,
int order=1, mode='constant', np_floats cval=0):
"""Projective transformation (homography).
Perform a projective transformation (homography) of a floating
point image (single or double precision), using interpolation.
For each pixel, given its homogeneous coordinate :math:`\mathbf{x}
= [x, y, 1]^T`, its target position is calculated by multiplying
with the given matrix, :math:`H`, to give :math:`H \mathbf{x}`.
E.g., to rotate by theta degrees clockwise, the matrix should be::
[[cos(theta) -sin(theta) 0]
[sin(theta) cos(theta) 0]
[0 0 1]]
or, to translate x by 10 and y by 20::
[[1 0 10]
[0 1 20]
[0 0 1 ]].
image : 2-D array
Input image.
H : array of shape ``(3, 3)``
Transformation matrix H that defines the homography.
output_shape : tuple (rows, cols), optional
Shape of the output image generated (default None).
order : {0, 1, 2, 3}, optional
Order of interpolation::
* 0: Nearest-neighbor
* 1: Bi-linear (default)
* 2: Bi-quadratic
* 3: Bi-cubic
mode : {'constant', 'edge', 'symmetric', 'reflect', 'wrap'}, optional
Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according
to the given mode. Modes match the behaviour of `numpy.pad`.
cval : string, optional (default 0)
Used in conjunction with mode 'C' (constant), the value
outside the image boundaries.
Modes 'reflect' and 'symmetric' are similar, but differ in whether the edge
pixels are duplicated during the reflection. As an example, if an array
has values [0, 1, 2] and was padded to the right by four values using
symmetric, the result would be [0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0], while for reflect it
would be [0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2].
cdef np_floats[:, ::1] img = np.ascontiguousarray(image)
cdef np_floats[:, ::1] M = np.ascontiguousarray(H)
if np_floats is cnp.float32_t:
dtype = np.float32
dtype = np.float64
if mode not in ('constant', 'wrap', 'symmetric', 'reflect', 'edge'):
raise ValueError("Invalid mode specified. Please use `constant`, "
"`edge`, `wrap`, `reflect` or `symmetric`.")
cdef char mode_c = ord(mode[0].upper())
cdef Py_ssize_t out_r, out_c
if output_shape is None:
out_r = int(img.shape[0])
out_c = int(img.shape[1])
out_r = int(output_shape[0])
out_c = int(output_shape[1])
cdef np_floats[:, ::1] out = np.zeros((out_r, out_c), dtype=dtype)
cdef Py_ssize_t tfr, tfc
cdef np_floats r, c
cdef Py_ssize_t rows = img.shape[0]
cdef Py_ssize_t cols = img.shape[1]
cdef void (*transform_func)(np_floats, np_floats, np_floats*,
np_floats*, np_floats*) nogil
if M[2, 0] == 0 and M[2, 1] == 0 and M[2, 2] == 1:
if M[0, 1] == 0 and M[1, 0] == 0:
transform_func = _transform_metric
transform_func = _transform_affine
transform_func = _transform_projective
cdef void (*interp_func)(np_floats*, Py_ssize_t , Py_ssize_t ,
np_floats, np_floats, char, np_floats,
np_floats*) nogil
if order == 0:
interp_func = nearest_neighbour_interpolation[np_floats, np_floats,
elif order == 1:
interp_func = bilinear_interpolation[np_floats, np_floats, np_floats]
elif order == 2:
interp_func = biquadratic_interpolation[np_floats, np_floats, np_floats]
elif order == 3:
interp_func = bicubic_interpolation[np_floats, np_floats, np_floats]
raise ValueError("Unsupported interpolation order", order)
with nogil:
for tfr in range(out_r):
for tfc in range(out_c):
transform_func(tfc, tfr, &M[0, 0], &c, &r)
interp_func(&img[0, 0], rows, cols, r, c,
mode_c, cval, &out[tfr, tfc])
return np.asarray(out)