
209 lines
7.3 KiB

#cython: cdivision=True
#cython: boundscheck=False
#cython: nonecheck=False
#cython: wraparound=False
cimport numpy as cnp
import numpy as np
from libc.math cimport exp, fabs, sqrt
from libc.float cimport DBL_MAX
from .._shared.interpolation cimport get_pixel3d
from .._shared.fused_numerics cimport np_floats
cdef inline Py_ssize_t Py_ssize_t_min(Py_ssize_t value1, Py_ssize_t value2):
if value1 < value2:
return value1
return value2
def _denoise_bilateral(np_floats[:, :, ::1] image, double max_value,
Py_ssize_t win_size, double sigma_color,
double sigma_spatial, Py_ssize_t bins, mode,
double cval, np_floats[::1] color_lut,
np_floats[::1] range_lut, np_floats[::1] empty_dims,
np_floats[:, :, ::1] out):
Py_ssize_t rows = image.shape[0]
Py_ssize_t cols = image.shape[1]
Py_ssize_t dims = image.shape[2]
Py_ssize_t window_ext = (win_size - 1) / 2
Py_ssize_t max_color_lut_bin = bins - 1
Py_ssize_t r, c, d, wr, wc, kr, kc, rr, cc, pixel_addr, color_lut_bin
np_floats value, weight, dist, total_weight, csigma_color, color_weight, \
range_weight, t
np_floats dist_scale
np_floats[:] values
np_floats[:] centres
np_floats[:] total_values
if sigma_color is None:
csigma_color = image.std()
csigma_color = sigma_color
if mode not in ('constant', 'wrap', 'symmetric', 'reflect', 'edge'):
raise ValueError("Invalid mode specified. Please use `constant`, "
"`edge`, `wrap`, `symmetric` or `reflect`.")
cdef char cmode = ord(mode[0].upper())
dist_scale = bins / dims / max_value
values = empty_dims.copy()
centres = empty_dims.copy()
total_values = empty_dims.copy()
for r in range(rows):
for c in range(cols):
total_weight = 0
for d in range(dims):
total_values[d] = 0
centres[d] = image[r, c, d]
for wr in range(-window_ext, window_ext + 1):
rr = wr + r
kr = wr + window_ext
for wc in range(-window_ext, window_ext + 1):
cc = wc + c
kc = wc + window_ext
# save pixel values for all dims and compute euclidean
# distance between centre stack and current position
dist = 0
for d in range(dims):
value = get_pixel3d(&image[0, 0, 0], rows, cols, dims,
rr, cc, d, cmode, cval)
values[d] = value
t = centres[d] - value
dist += t * t
dist = sqrt(dist)
range_weight = range_lut[kr * win_size + kc]
color_lut_bin = Py_ssize_t_min(
<Py_ssize_t>(dist * dist_scale), max_color_lut_bin)
color_weight = color_lut[color_lut_bin]
weight = range_weight * color_weight
for d in range(dims):
total_values[d] += values[d] * weight
total_weight += weight
for d in range(dims):
out[r, c, d] = total_values[d] / total_weight
return np.squeeze(np.asarray(out))
def _denoise_tv_bregman(np_floats[:, :, ::1] image, np_floats weight,
int max_iter, double eps,
char isotropic, np_floats[:, :, ::1] out):
Py_ssize_t rows = image.shape[0]
Py_ssize_t cols = image.shape[1]
Py_ssize_t dims = image.shape[2]
Py_ssize_t rows2 = rows + 2
Py_ssize_t cols2 = cols + 2
Py_ssize_t r, c, k
Py_ssize_t total = rows * cols * dims
shape_ext = (rows2, cols2, dims)
np_floats[:, :, ::1] dx = out.copy()
np_floats[:, :, ::1] dy = out.copy()
np_floats[:, :, ::1] bx = out.copy()
np_floats[:, :, ::1] by = out.copy()
np_floats ux, uy, uprev, unew, bxx, byy, dxx, dyy, s, tx, ty
int i = 0
np_floats lam = 2 * weight
double rmse = DBL_MAX
np_floats norm = (weight + 4 * lam)
Py_ssize_t out_rows, out_cols
out_rows, out_cols = out.shape[:2]
out[1:out_rows-1, 1:out_cols-1] = image
# reflect image
out[0, 1:out_cols-1] = image[1, :]
out[1:out_rows-1, 0] = image[:, 1]
out[out_rows-1, 1:out_cols-1] = image[rows-1, :]
out[1:out_rows-1, out_cols-1] = image[:, cols-1]
while i < max_iter and rmse > eps:
rmse = 0
for r in range(1, rows + 1):
for c in range(1, cols + 1):
for k in range(dims):
uprev = out[r, c, k]
# forward derivatives
ux = out[r, c + 1, k] - uprev
uy = out[r + 1, c, k] - uprev
# Gauss-Seidel method
unew = (
lam * (
+ out[r + 1, c, k]
+ out[r - 1, c, k]
+ out[r, c + 1, k]
+ out[r, c - 1, k]
+ dx[r, c - 1, k]
- dx[r, c, k]
+ dy[r - 1, c, k]
- dy[r, c, k]
- bx[r, c - 1, k]
+ bx[r, c, k]
- by[r - 1, c, k]
+ by[r, c, k]
) + weight * image[r - 1, c - 1, k]
) / norm
out[r, c, k] = unew
# update root mean square error
tx = unew - uprev
rmse += <double>(tx * tx)
bxx = bx[r, c, k]
byy = by[r, c, k]
# d_subproblem after reference [4]
if isotropic:
tx = ux + bxx
ty = uy + byy
s = sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty)
dxx = s * lam * tx / (s * lam + 1)
dyy = s * lam * ty / (s * lam + 1)
s = ux + bxx
if s > 1 / lam:
dxx = s - 1/lam
elif s < -1 / lam:
dxx = s + 1 / lam
dxx = 0
s = uy + byy
if s > 1 / lam:
dyy = s - 1 / lam
elif s < -1 / lam:
dyy = s + 1 / lam
dyy = 0
dx[r, c, k] = dxx
dy[r, c, k] = dyy
bx[r, c, k] += ux - dxx
by[r, c, k] += uy - dyy
rmse = sqrt(rmse / total)
i += 1