
117 lines
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import numpy as np
import pytest
from skimage._shared import testing
from skimage.registration import optical_flow_ilk
from skimage.transform import warp
def _sin_flow_gen(image0, max_motion=4.5, npics=5):
"""Generate a synthetic ground truth optical flow with a sinusoid as
first component.
image0: ndarray
The base image to be warped.
max_motion: float
Maximum flow magnitude.
npics: int
Number of sinusoid pics.
flow, image1 : ndarray
The synthetic ground truth optical flow with a sinusoid as
first component and the corresponding warped image.
grid = np.meshgrid(*[np.arange(n) for n in image0.shape], indexing='ij')
gt_flow = np.zeros_like(grid)
gt_flow[0, ...] = (np.sin(grid[0] / grid[0].max() * npics * np.pi)
* max_motion)
image1 = warp(image0, grid - gt_flow, mode='nearest')
return gt_flow, image1
@pytest.mark.parametrize('gaussian', [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('prefilter', [True, False])
def test_2d_motion(gaussian, prefilter):
# Generate synthetic data
rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
image0 = rnd.normal(size=(256, 256))
gt_flow, image1 = _sin_flow_gen(image0)
# Estimate the flow
flow = optical_flow_ilk(image0, image1,
gaussian=gaussian, prefilter=prefilter)
# Assert that the average absolute error is less then half a pixel
assert abs(flow - gt_flow).mean() < 0.5
@pytest.mark.parametrize('gaussian', [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('prefilter', [True, False])
def test_3d_motion(gaussian, prefilter):
# Generate synthetic data
rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
image0 = rnd.normal(size=(50, 55, 60))
gt_flow, image1 = _sin_flow_gen(image0, npics=3)
# Estimate the flow
flow = optical_flow_ilk(image0, image1, radius=5,
gaussian=gaussian, prefilter=prefilter)
# Assert that the average absolute error is less then half a pixel
assert abs(flow - gt_flow).mean() < 0.5
def test_no_motion_2d():
rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
img = rnd.normal(size=(256, 256))
flow = optical_flow_ilk(img, img)
assert np.all(flow == 0)
def test_no_motion_3d():
rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
img = rnd.normal(size=(64, 64, 64))
flow = optical_flow_ilk(img, img)
assert np.all(flow == 0)
def test_optical_flow_dtype():
# Generate synthetic data
rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
image0 = rnd.normal(size=(256, 256))
gt_flow, image1 = _sin_flow_gen(image0)
# Estimate the flow at double precision
flow_f64 = optical_flow_ilk(image0, image1, dtype='float64')
assert flow_f64.dtype == 'float64'
# Estimate the flow at single precision
flow_f32 = optical_flow_ilk(image0, image1, dtype='float32')
assert flow_f32.dtype == 'float32'
# Assert that floating point precision does not affect the quality
# of the estimated flow
assert abs(flow_f64 - flow_f32).mean() < 1e-3
def test_incompatible_shapes():
rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
I0 = rnd.normal(size=(256, 256))
I1 = rnd.normal(size=(255, 256))
with testing.raises(ValueError):
u, v = optical_flow_ilk(I0, I1)
def test_wrong_dtype():
rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
img = rnd.normal(size=(256, 256))
with testing.raises(ValueError):
u, v = optical_flow_ilk(img, img, dtype='int')