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#cython: cdivision=True
#cython: nonecheck=False
"""Cython implementation of Dijkstra's minimum cost path algorithm,
for use with data on a n-dimensional lattice.
Original author: Zachary Pincus
Inspired by code from Almar Klein
Later modifications by Almar Klein (Dec 2013)
License: BSD
Copyright 2009 Zachary Pincus
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
import cython
import numpy as np
from . import heap
from .._shared.utils import warn
cimport numpy as cnp
from . cimport heap
OFFSET_D = np.int8
OFFSETS_INDEX_D = np.int16
EDGE_D = np.int8
INDEX_D = np.intp
FLOAT_D = np.float64
def _get_edge_map(shape):
"""Return an array with edge points/lines/planes/hyperplanes marked.
Given a shape (of length n), return an edge_map array with a shape of
original_shape + (n,), where, for each dimension, edge_map[...,dim] will
have zeros at indices not along an edge in that dimension, -1s at indices
along the lower boundary, and +1s on the upper boundary.
This allows one to, given an nd index, calculate not only if the index is
at the edge of the array, but if so, which edge(s) it lies along.
d = len(shape)
edges = np.zeros(shape+(d,), order='F', dtype=EDGE_D)
for i in range(d):
slices = [slice(None)] * (d+1)
slices[d] = i
slices[i] = 0
edges[tuple(slices)] = -1
slices[i] = -1
edges[tuple(slices)] = 1
return edges
def _offset_edge_map(shape, offsets):
"""Return an array with positions marked where offsets will step
out of bounds.
Given a shape (of length n) and a list of n-d offsets, return a two arrays
of (n,) + shape: pos_edge_map and neg_edge_map.
For each dimension xxx_edge_map[dim, ...] has zeros at indices at which
none of the given offsets (in that dimension) of the given sign (positive
or negative, respectively) will step out of bounds. If the value is
nonzero, it gives the largest offset (in terms of absolute value) that
will step out of bounds in that direction.
An example will be explanatory:
>>> offsets = [[-2,0], [1,1], [0,2]]
>>> pos_edge_map, neg_edge_map = _offset_edge_map((4,4), offsets)
>>> neg_edge_map[0]
array([[-1, -1, -1, -1],
[-2, -2, -2, -2],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=int8)
>>> pos_edge_map[1]
array([[0, 0, 2, 1],
[0, 0, 2, 1],
[0, 0, 2, 1],
[0, 0, 2, 1]], dtype=int8)
indices = np.indices(shape) # indices.shape = (n,)+shape
#get the distance from each index to the upper or lower edge in each dim
pos_edges = (shape - indices.T).T
neg_edges = -1 - indices
# now set the distances to zero if none of the given offsets could reach
offsets = np.asarray(offsets)
maxes = offsets.max(axis=0)
mins = offsets.min(axis=0)
for pos, neg, mx, mn in zip(pos_edges, neg_edges, maxes, mins):
pos[pos > mx] = 0
neg[neg < mn] = 0
return pos_edges.astype(EDGE_D), neg_edges.astype(EDGE_D)
def make_offsets(d, fully_connected):
"""Make a list of offsets from a center point defining a n-dim
d : int
dimension of the offsets to produce
fully_connected : bool
whether the neighborhood should be singly- of fully-connected
offsets : list of tuples of length `d`
The singly-connected 2-d neighborhood is four offsets:
>>> make_offsets(2, False)
[(-1,0), (1,0), (0,-1), (0,1)]
While the fully-connected 2-d neighborhood is the full cartesian product
of {-1, 0, 1} (less the origin (0,0)).
if fully_connected:
mask = np.ones([3]*d, dtype=np.uint8)
mask[tuple([1]*d)] = 0
mask = np.zeros([3]*d, dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range(d):
indices = [1]*d
indices[i] = (0, -1)
mask[tuple(indices)] = 1
offsets = []
for indices, value in np.ndenumerate(mask):
if value == 1:
indices = np.array(indices) - 1
return offsets
def _unravel_index_fortran(flat_indices, shape):
"""_unravel_index_fortran(flat_indices, shape)
Given a flat index into an n-d fortran-strided array, return an
index tuple.
strides = np.multiply.accumulate([1] + list(shape[:-1]))
indices = [tuple((idx // strides) % shape) for idx in flat_indices]
return indices
def _ravel_index_fortran(indices, shape):
"""_ravel_index_fortran(flat_indices, shape)
Given an index tuple into an n-d fortran-strided array, return a
flat index.
strides = np.multiply.accumulate([1] + list(shape[:-1]))
flat_indices = [np.sum(strides * idx) for idx in indices]
return flat_indices
def _normalize_indices(indices, shape):
"""_normalize_indices(indices, shape)
Make all indices positive. If an index is out-of-bounds, return None.
new_indices = []
for index in indices:
if len(index) != len(shape):
return None
new_index = []
for i, s in zip(index, shape):
i = int(i)
if i < 0:
i = s + i
if not (0 <= i < s):
return None
return new_indices
def _reverse(arr):
"""Reverse index an array safely, with bounds/wraparound checks on.
return arr[::-1]
cdef class MCP:
"""MCP(costs, offsets=None, fully_connected=True, sampling=None)
A class for finding the minimum cost path through a given n-d costs array.
Given an n-d costs array, this class can be used to find the minimum-cost
path through that array from any set of points to any other set of points.
Basic usage is to initialize the class and call find_costs() with a one
or more starting indices (and an optional list of end indices). After
that, call traceback() one or more times to find the path from any given
end-position to the closest starting index. New paths through the same
costs array can be found by calling find_costs() repeatedly.
The cost of a path is calculated simply as the sum of the values of the
`costs` array at each point on the path. The class MCP_Geometric, on the
other hand, accounts for the fact that diagonal vs. axial moves are of
different lengths, and weights the path cost accordingly.
Array elements with infinite or negative costs will simply be ignored, as
will paths whose cumulative cost overflows to infinite.
costs : ndarray
offsets : iterable, optional
A list of offset tuples: each offset specifies a valid move from a
given n-d position.
If not provided, offsets corresponding to a singly- or fully-connected
n-d neighborhood will be constructed with make_offsets(), using the
`fully_connected` parameter value.
fully_connected : bool, optional
If no `offsets` are provided, this determines the connectivity of the
generated neighborhood. If true, the path may go along diagonals
between elements of the `costs` array; otherwise only axial moves are
sampling : tuple, optional
For each dimension, specifies the distance between two cells/voxels.
If not given or None, the distance is assumed unit.
offsets : ndarray
Equivalent to the `offsets` provided to the constructor, or if none
were so provided, the offsets created for the requested n-d
neighborhood. These are useful for interpreting the `traceback` array
returned by the find_costs() method.
def __init__(self, costs, offsets=None, fully_connected=True,
"""__init__(costs, offsets=None, fully_connected=True, sampling=None)
See class documentation.
costs = np.asarray(costs)
if not np.can_cast(costs.dtype, FLOAT_D):
raise TypeError('cannot cast costs array to ' + str(FLOAT_D))
# Check sampling
if sampling is None:
sampling = np.array([1.0 for s in costs.shape], FLOAT_D)
elif isinstance(sampling, (list, tuple)):
sampling = np.array(sampling, FLOAT_D)
if sampling.ndim != 1 or len(sampling) != costs.ndim:
raise ValueError('Need one sampling element per dimension.')
raise ValueError('Invalid type for sampling: %r.' % type(sampling))
# We use flat, fortran-style indexing here (could use C-style,
# but this is my code and I like fortran-style! Also, it's
# faster when working with image arrays, which are often
# already fortran-strided.)
self.flat_costs = costs.astype(FLOAT_D, copy=False).ravel('F')
except TypeError:
self.flat_costs = costs.astype(FLOAT_D).flatten('F')
warn('Upgrading NumPy should decrease memory usage and increase'
' speed.')
size = self.flat_costs.shape[0]
self.flat_cumulative_costs = np.empty(size, dtype=FLOAT_D)
self.dim = len(costs.shape)
self.costs_shape = costs.shape
self.costs_heap = heap.FastUpdateBinaryHeap(initial_capacity=128,
# This array stores, for each point, the index into the offset
# array (see below) that leads to that point from the
# predecessor point.
self.traceback_offsets = np.empty(size, dtype=OFFSETS_INDEX_D)
# The offsets are a list of relative offsets from a central
# point to each point in the relevant neighborhood. (e.g. (-1,
# 0) might be a 2d offset).
# These offsets are raveled to provide flat, 1d offsets that can be
# used in the same way for flat indices to move to neighboring points.
if offsets is None:
offsets = make_offsets(self.dim, fully_connected)
self.offsets = np.array(offsets, dtype=OFFSET_D)
self.flat_offsets = np.array(
_ravel_index_fortran(self.offsets, self.costs_shape),
# Instead of unraveling each index during the pathfinding algorithm, we
# will use a pre-computed "edge map" that specifies for each dimension
# whether a given index is on a lower or upper boundary (or none at
# all). Flatten this map to get something that can be indexed as by the
# same flat indices as elsewhere.
# The edge map stores more than a boolean "on some edge" flag so as to
# allow us to examine the non-out-of-bounds neighbors for a given edge
# point while excluding the neighbors which are outside the array.
pos, neg = _offset_edge_map(costs.shape, self.offsets)
self.flat_pos_edge_map = pos.reshape((self.dim, size), order='F')
self.flat_neg_edge_map = neg.reshape((self.dim, size), order='F')
# The offset lengths are the distances traveled along each offset
self.offset_lengths = np.sqrt(np.sum((sampling * self.offsets)**2,
self.dirty = 0
self.use_start_cost = 1
def _reset(self):
Clears paths found by find_costs().
cdef INDEX_T start
self.traceback_offsets[...] = -2 # -2 is not reached, -1 is start
self.flat_cumulative_costs[...] = np.inf
self.dirty = 0
# Get starts and ends
# We do not pass them in as arguments for backwards compat
starts, ends = self._starts, self._ends
# push each start point into the heap. Note that we use flat indexing!
for start in _ravel_index_fortran(starts, self.costs_shape):
self.traceback_offsets[start] = -1
if self.use_start_cost:
self.costs_heap.push_fast(self.flat_costs[start], start)
self.costs_heap.push_fast(0, start)
cdef FLOAT_T _travel_cost(self, FLOAT_T old_cost,
FLOAT_T new_cost, FLOAT_T offset_length):
""" float _travel_cost(float old_cost, float new_cost,
float offset_length)
The travel cost for going from the current node to the next.
Default is simply the cost of the next node.
return new_cost
cpdef int goal_reached(self, INDEX_T index, FLOAT_T cumcost):
""" int goal_reached(int index, float cumcost)
This method is called each iteration after popping an index
from the heap, before examining the neighbours.
This method can be overloaded to modify the behavior of the MCP
algorithm. An example might be to stop the algorithm when a
certain cumulative cost is reached, or when the front is a
certain distance away from the seed point.
This method should return 1 if the algorithm should not check
the current point's neighbours and 2 if the algorithm is now
return 0
cdef void _examine_neighbor(self, INDEX_T index, INDEX_T new_index,
FLOAT_T offset_length):
""" _examine_neighbor(int index, int new_index, float offset_length)
This method is called once for every pair of neighboring nodes,
as soon as both nodes become frozen.
cdef void _update_node(self, INDEX_T index, INDEX_T new_index,
FLOAT_T offset_length):
""" _update_node(int index, int new_index, float offset_length)
This method is called when a node is updated.
def find_costs(self, starts, ends=None, find_all_ends=True,
max_coverage=1.0, max_cumulative_cost=None, max_cost=None):
Find the minimum-cost path from the given starting points.
This method finds the minimum-cost path to the specified ending
indices from any one of the specified starting indices. If no end
positions are given, then the minimum-cost path to every position in
the costs array will be found.
starts : iterable
A list of n-d starting indices (where n is the dimension of the
`costs` array). The minimum cost path to the closest/cheapest
starting point will be found.
ends : iterable, optional
A list of n-d ending indices.
find_all_ends : bool, optional
If 'True' (default), the minimum-cost-path to every specified
end-position will be found; otherwise the algorithm will stop when
a a path is found to any end-position. (If no `ends` were
specified, then this parameter has no effect.)
cumulative_costs : ndarray
Same shape as the `costs` array; this array records the minimum
cost path from the nearest/cheapest starting index to each index
considered. (If `ends` were specified, not all elements in the
array will necessarily be considered: positions not evaluated will
have a cumulative cost of inf. If `find_all_ends` is 'False', only
one of the specified end-positions will have a finite cumulative
traceback : ndarray
Same shape as the `costs` array; this array contains the offset to
any given index from its predecessor index. The offset indices
index into the `offsets` attribute, which is a array of n-d
offsets. In the 2-d case, if offsets[traceback[x, y]] is (-1, -1),
that means that the predecessor of [x, y] in the minimum cost path
to some start position is [x+1, y+1]. Note that if the
offset_index is -1, then the given index was not considered.
# basic variables to use for end-finding; also fix up the start and end
# lists
cdef BOOL_T use_ends = 0
cdef INDEX_T num_ends
cdef BOOL_T all_ends = find_all_ends
cdef INDEX_T[:] flat_ends
starts = _normalize_indices(starts, self.costs_shape)
if starts is None:
raise ValueError('start points must all be within the costs array')
elif not starts:
raise ValueError('no valid start points to start front' +
if ends is not None:
ends = _normalize_indices(ends, self.costs_shape)
if ends is None:
raise ValueError('end points must all be within '
'the costs array')
use_ends = 1
num_ends = len(ends)
flat_ends = np.array(_ravel_index_fortran(
ends, self.costs_shape), dtype=INDEX_D)
# Always perform a reset to (re)initialize our arrays and start
# positions
self._starts, self._ends = starts, ends
# Get shorter names for arrays
cdef FLOAT_T[:] flat_costs = self.flat_costs
cdef FLOAT_T[:] flat_cumulative_costs = self.flat_cumulative_costs
cdef OFFSETS_INDEX_T[:] traceback_offsets = self.traceback_offsets
cdef EDGE_T[:, :] flat_pos_edge_map = self.flat_pos_edge_map
cdef EDGE_T[:, :] flat_neg_edge_map = self.flat_neg_edge_map
cdef OFFSET_T[:, :] offsets = self.offsets
cdef INDEX_T[:] flat_offsets = self.flat_offsets
cdef FLOAT_T[:] offset_lengths = self.offset_lengths
# Short names for other attributes
cdef heap.FastUpdateBinaryHeap costs_heap = self.costs_heap
cdef DIM_T dim = self.dim
cdef int num_offsets = len(flat_offsets)
# Variables used during front propagation
cdef FLOAT_T cost, new_cost, cumcost, new_cumcost, offset_length
cdef INDEX_T index, new_index
cdef BOOL_T is_at_edge, use_offset
cdef INDEX_T d, i, iter
cdef OFFSET_T offset
cdef EDGE_T pos_edge_val, neg_edge_val
cdef int num_ends_found = 0
cdef FLOAT_T inf = np.inf
cdef int goal_reached
cdef INDEX_T maxiter = int(max_coverage * flat_costs.size)
for iter in range(maxiter):
# This is rather like a while loop, except we are guaranteed to
# exit, which is nice during developing to prevent eternal loops.
# Find the point with the minimum cost in the heap. Once
# popped, this point's minimum cost path has been found.
if costs_heap.count == 0:
# nothing in the heap: we've found paths to every
# point in the array
# Get current cumulative cost and index from the heap
cumcost = costs_heap.pop_fast()
index = costs_heap._popped_ref
# Record the cost we found to this point
flat_cumulative_costs[index] = cumcost
# Check if goal is reached
goal_reached = self.goal_reached(index, cumcost)
if goal_reached > 0:
if goal_reached == 1:
continue # Skip neighbours
break # Done completely
if use_ends:
# If we're only tracing out a path to one or more
# endpoints, check to see if this is an endpoint, and
# if so, if we're done pathfinding.
for i in range(num_ends):
if index == flat_ends[i]:
num_ends_found += 1
if (num_ends_found and not all_ends) or \
num_ends_found == num_ends:
# if we've found one or all of the end points (as
# requested), stop searching
# Look into the edge map to see if this point is at an
# edge along any axis
is_at_edge = 0
for d in range(dim):
if (flat_pos_edge_map[d, index] != 0 or
flat_neg_edge_map[d, index] != 0):
is_at_edge = 1
# Now examine the points neighboring the given point
for i in range(num_offsets):
# First, if we're at some edge, scrutinize the offset
# to ensure that it won't put us out-of-bounds. If,
# for example, the edge_map at (x, y) is (-1, 0) --
# though of course we use flat indexing below -- that
# means that (x, y) is along the lower edge of the
# array; thus offsets with -1 or more negative in the
# x-dimension should not be used!
use_offset = 1
if is_at_edge:
for d in range(dim):
offset = offsets[i, d]
pos_edge_val = flat_pos_edge_map[d, index]
neg_edge_val = flat_neg_edge_map[d, index]
if (pos_edge_val > 0 and offset >= pos_edge_val) or \
(neg_edge_val < 0 and offset <= neg_edge_val):
# the offset puts us out of bounds...
use_offset = 0
# If not at an edge, or the specific offset doesn't
# push over the edge, then we go on.
if not use_offset:
# using the flat offsets, calculate the new flat index
new_index = index + flat_offsets[i]
# Get offset length
offset_length = offset_lengths[i]
# If we have already found the best path here then
# ignore this point
if flat_cumulative_costs[new_index] != inf:
# Give subclass the opportunity to examine these two nodes
# Note that only when both nodes are "frozen" their
# cumulative cost is set. By doing the check here, each
# pair of nodes is checked exactly once.
self._examine_neighbor(index, new_index, offset_length)
# Get cost and new cost
cost = flat_costs[index]
new_cost = flat_costs[new_index]
# If the cost at this point is negative or infinite, ignore it
if new_cost < 0 or new_cost == inf:
# Calculate new cumulative cost
new_cumcost = cumcost + self._travel_cost(cost, new_cost,
# Now we ask the heap to append or update the cost to
# this new point, but only if that point isn't already
# in the heap, or it is but the new cost is lower.
# don't push infs into the heap though!
if new_cumcost != inf:
costs_heap.push_if_lower_fast(new_cumcost, new_index)
# If we did perform an append or update, we should
# record the offset from the predecessor to this new
# point
if costs_heap._pushed:
traceback_offsets[new_index] = i
self._update_node(index, new_index, offset_length)
# Un-flatten the costs and traceback arrays for human consumption.
cumulative_costs = np.asarray(flat_cumulative_costs)
cumulative_costs = cumulative_costs.reshape(self.costs_shape,
traceback = np.asarray(traceback_offsets)
traceback = traceback.reshape(self.costs_shape, order='F')
self.dirty = 1
return cumulative_costs, traceback
def traceback(self, end):
Trace a minimum cost path through the pre-calculated traceback array.
This convenience function reconstructs the the minimum cost path to a
given end position from one of the starting indices provided to
find_costs(), which must have been called previously. This function
can be called as many times as desired after find_costs() has been
end : iterable
An n-d index into the `costs` array.
traceback : list of n-d tuples
A list of indices into the `costs` array, starting with one of
the start positions passed to find_costs(), and ending with the
given `end` index. These indices specify the minimum-cost path
from any given start index to the `end` index. (The total cost
of that path can be read out from the `cumulative_costs` array
returned by find_costs().)
if not self.dirty:
raise Exception('find_costs() must be run before traceback()')
ends = _normalize_indices([end], self.costs_shape)
if ends is None:
raise ValueError('the specified end point must be '
'within the costs array')
traceback = [tuple(ends[0])]
cdef INDEX_T flat_position =\
_ravel_index_fortran(ends, self.costs_shape)[0]
if self.flat_cumulative_costs[flat_position] == np.inf:
raise ValueError('no minimum-cost path was found '
'to the specified end point')
# Short names for arrays
cdef OFFSETS_INDEX_T [:] traceback_offsets = self.traceback_offsets
cdef OFFSET_T [:,:] offsets = self.offsets
cdef INDEX_T [:] flat_offsets = self.flat_offsets
# New array
cdef INDEX_T [:] position = np.array(ends[0], dtype=INDEX_D)
cdef OFFSETS_INDEX_T offset
cdef DIM_T d
cdef DIM_T dim = self.dim
while 1:
offset = traceback_offsets[flat_position]
if offset == -1:
# At a point where we can go no further: probably a start point
flat_position -= flat_offsets[offset]
for d in range(dim):
position[d] -= offsets[offset, d]
return _reverse(traceback)
cdef class MCP_Geometric(MCP):
"""MCP_Geometric(costs, offsets=None, fully_connected=True)
Find distance-weighted minimum cost paths through an n-d costs array.
See the documentation for MCP for full details. This class differs from
MCP in that the cost of a path is not simply the sum of the costs along
that path.
This class instead assumes that the costs array contains at each position
the "cost" of a unit distance of travel through that position. For
example, a move (in 2-d) from (1, 1) to (1, 2) is assumed to originate in
the center of the pixel (1, 1) and terminate in the center of (1, 2). The
entire move is of distance 1, half through (1, 1) and half through (1, 2);
thus the cost of that move is `(1/2)*costs[1,1] + (1/2)*costs[1,2]`.
On the other hand, a move from (1, 1) to (2, 2) is along the diagonal and
is sqrt(2) in length. Half of this move is within the pixel (1, 1) and the
other half in (2, 2), so the cost of this move is calculated as
`(sqrt(2)/2)*costs[1,1] + (sqrt(2)/2)*costs[2,2]`.
These calculations don't make a lot of sense with offsets of magnitude
greater than 1. Use the `sampling` argument in order to deal with
anisotropic data.
def __init__(self, costs, offsets=None, fully_connected=True,
"""__init__(costs, offsets=None, fully_connected=True, sampling=None)
See class documentation.
MCP.__init__(self, costs, offsets, fully_connected, sampling)
if np.absolute(self.offsets).max() > 1:
raise ValueError('all offset components must be 0, 1, or -1')
self.use_start_cost = 0
cdef FLOAT_T _travel_cost(self, FLOAT_T old_cost, FLOAT_T new_cost,
FLOAT_T offset_length):
return offset_length * 0.5 * (old_cost + new_cost)
cdef class MCP_Connect(MCP):
"""MCP_Connect(costs, offsets=None, fully_connected=True)
Connect source points using the distance-weighted minimum cost function.
A front is grown from each seed point simultaneously, while the
origin of the front is tracked as well. When two fronts meet,
create_connection() is called. This method must be overloaded to
deal with the found edges in a way that is appropriate for the
cdef INDEX_T [:] flat_idmap
def __init__(self, costs, offsets=None, fully_connected=True,
MCP.__init__(self, costs, offsets, fully_connected, sampling)
# Create id map to keep track of origin of nodes
self.flat_idmap = np.zeros(self.costs_shape, INDEX_D).ravel('F')
def _reset(self):
""" Reset the id map.
cdef INDEX_T start
starts, ends = self._starts, self._ends
# Reset idmap
self.flat_idmap[...] = -1
id = 0
for start in _ravel_index_fortran(starts, self.costs_shape):
self.flat_idmap[start] = id
id += 1
cdef FLOAT_T _travel_cost(self, FLOAT_T old_cost, FLOAT_T new_cost,
FLOAT_T offset_length):
""" Equivalent to MCP_Geometric.
return offset_length * 0.5 * (old_cost + new_cost)
cdef void _examine_neighbor(self, INDEX_T index, INDEX_T new_index,
FLOAT_T offset_length):
""" Check whether two fronts are meeting. If so, the flat_traceback
is obtained and a connection is created.
# Short names
cdef INDEX_T [:] flat_idmap = self.flat_idmap
cdef FLOAT_T [:] flat_cumulative_costs = self.flat_cumulative_costs
# Get ids
cdef INDEX_T id1 = flat_idmap[index]
cdef INDEX_T id2 = flat_idmap[new_index]
if id2 < 0 or id1 < 0:
elif id2 != id1:
# We reached the 'front' of another seed point!
# Get position/coordinates
pos1, pos2 = _unravel_index_fortran([index, new_index],
# Also get the costs, so we can keep the path with the least cost
cost1 = flat_cumulative_costs[index]
cost2 = flat_cumulative_costs[new_index]
# Create connection
self.create_connection(id1, id2, pos1, pos2, cost1, cost2)
def create_connection(self, id1, id2, tb1, tb2, cost1, cost2):
""" create_connection id1, id2, pos1, pos2, cost1, cost2)
Overload this method to keep track of the connections that are
found during MCP processing. Note that a connection with the
same ids can be found multiple times (but with different
positions and costs).
At the time that this method is called, both points are "frozen"
and will not be visited again by the MCP algorithm.
id1 : int
The seed point id where the first neighbor originated from.
id2 : int
The seed point id where the second neighbor originated from.
pos1 : tuple
The index of of the first neighbour in the connection.
pos2 : tuple
The index of of the second neighbour in the connection.
cost1 : float
The cumulative cost at `pos1`.
cost2 : float
The cumulative costs at `pos2`.
cdef void _update_node(self, INDEX_T index, INDEX_T new_index,
FLOAT_T offset_length):
""" Keep track of the id map so that we know which seed point
a certain front originates from.
self.flat_idmap[new_index] = self.flat_idmap[index]
cdef class MCP_Flexible(MCP):
"""MCP_Flexible(costs, offsets=None, fully_connected=True)
Find minimum cost paths through an N-d costs array.
See the documentation for MCP for full details. This class differs from
MCP in that several methods can be overloaded (from pure Python) to
modify the behavior of the algorithm and/or create custom algorithms
based on MCP. Note that goal_reached can also be overloaded in the
MCP class.
def travel_cost(self, FLOAT_T old_cost, FLOAT_T new_cost,
FLOAT_T offset_length):
""" travel_cost(old_cost, new_cost, offset_length)
This method calculates the travel cost for going from the
current node to the next. The default implementation returns
new_cost. Overload this method to adapt the behaviour of the
return new_cost
def examine_neighbor(self, INDEX_T index, INDEX_T new_index,
FLOAT_T offset_length):
""" examine_neighbor(index, new_index, offset_length)
This method is called once for every pair of neighboring nodes,
as soon as both nodes are frozen.
This method can be overloaded to obtain information about
neightboring nodes, and/or to modify the behavior of the MCP
algorithm. One example is the MCP_Connect class, which checks
for meeting fronts using this hook.
def update_node(self, INDEX_T index, INDEX_T new_index,
FLOAT_T offset_length):
""" update_node(index, new_index, offset_length)
This method is called when a node is updated, right after
new_index is pushed onto the heap and the traceback map is
This method can be overloaded to keep track of other arrays
that are used by a specific implementation of the algorithm.
For instance the MCP_Connect class uses it to update an id map.
cdef FLOAT_T _travel_cost(self, FLOAT_T old_cost, FLOAT_T new_cost,
FLOAT_T offset_length):
return self.travel_cost(old_cost, new_cost, offset_length)
cdef void _examine_neighbor(self, INDEX_T index, INDEX_T new_index,
FLOAT_T offset_length):
self.examine_neighbor(index, new_index, offset_length)
cdef void _update_node(self, INDEX_T index, INDEX_T new_index,
FLOAT_T offset_length):
self.update_node(index, new_index, offset_length)