
158 lines
5.5 KiB

# cython: cdivision=True
# cython: boundscheck=False
# cython: wraparound=False
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as cnp
cdef float cell_hog(double[:, ::1] magnitude,
double[:, ::1] orientation,
float orientation_start, float orientation_end,
int cell_columns, int cell_rows,
int column_index, int row_index,
int size_columns, int size_rows,
int range_rows_start, int range_rows_stop,
int range_columns_start, int range_columns_stop) nogil:
"""Calculation of the cell's HOG value
magnitude : ndarray
The gradient magnitudes of the pixels.
orientation : ndarray
Lookup table for orientations.
orientation_start : float
Orientation range start.
orientation_end : float
Orientation range end.
cell_columns : int
Pixels per cell (rows).
cell_rows : int
Pixels per cell (columns).
column_index : int
Block column index.
row_index : int
Block row index.
size_columns : int
Number of columns.
size_rows : int
Number of rows.
range_rows_start : int
Start row of cell.
range_rows_stop : int
Stop row of cell.
range_columns_start : int
Start column of cell.
range_columns_stop : int
Stop column of cell
total : float
The total HOG value.
cdef int cell_column, cell_row, cell_row_index, cell_column_index
cdef float total = 0.
for cell_row in range(range_rows_start, range_rows_stop):
cell_row_index = row_index + cell_row
if (cell_row_index < 0 or cell_row_index >= size_rows):
for cell_column in range(range_columns_start, range_columns_stop):
cell_column_index = column_index + cell_column
if (cell_column_index < 0 or cell_column_index >= size_columns
or orientation[cell_row_index, cell_column_index]
>= orientation_start
or orientation[cell_row_index, cell_column_index]
< orientation_end):
total += magnitude[cell_row_index, cell_column_index]
return total / (cell_rows * cell_columns)
def hog_histograms(double[:, ::1] gradient_columns,
double[:, ::1] gradient_rows,
int cell_columns, int cell_rows,
int size_columns, int size_rows,
int number_of_cells_columns, int number_of_cells_rows,
int number_of_orientations,
cnp.float64_t[:, :, :] orientation_histogram):
"""Extract Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) for a given image.
gradient_columns : ndarray
First order image gradients (rows).
gradient_rows : ndarray
First order image gradients (columns).
cell_columns : int
Pixels per cell (rows).
cell_rows : int
Pixels per cell (columns).
size_columns : int
Number of columns.
size_rows : int
Number of rows.
number_of_cells_columns : int
Number of cells (rows).
number_of_cells_rows : int
Number of cells (columns).
number_of_orientations : int
Number of orientation bins.
orientation_histogram : ndarray
The histogram array which is modified in place.
cdef double[:, ::1] magnitude = np.hypot(gradient_columns,
cdef double[:, ::1] orientation = \
np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(gradient_rows, gradient_columns)) % 180
cdef int i, c, r, o, r_i, c_i, cc, cr, c_0, r_0, \
range_rows_start, range_rows_stop, \
range_columns_start, range_columns_stop
cdef float orientation_start, orientation_end, \
r_0 = cell_rows / 2
c_0 = cell_columns / 2
cc = cell_rows * number_of_cells_rows
cr = cell_columns * number_of_cells_columns
range_rows_stop = cell_rows / 2
range_rows_start = -range_rows_stop
range_columns_stop = cell_columns / 2
range_columns_start = -range_columns_stop
number_of_orientations_per_180 = 180. / number_of_orientations
with nogil:
# compute orientations integral images
for i in range(number_of_orientations):
# isolate orientations in this range
orientation_start = number_of_orientations_per_180 * (i + 1)
orientation_end = number_of_orientations_per_180 * i
c = c_0
r = r_0
r_i = 0
c_i = 0
while r < cc:
c_i = 0
c = c_0
while c < cr:
orientation_histogram[r_i, c_i, i] = \
cell_hog(magnitude, orientation,
orientation_start, orientation_end,
cell_columns, cell_rows, c, r,
size_columns, size_rows,
range_rows_start, range_rows_stop,
range_columns_start, range_columns_stop)
c_i += 1
c += cell_columns
r_i += 1
r += cell_rows