
85 lines
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# See "Writing benchmarks" in the asv docs for more information.
import numpy as np
from skimage import data, filters
class FiltersSuite:
"""Benchmark for filter routines in scikit-image."""
def setup(self):
self.image = np.random.random((4000, 4000))
self.image[:2000, :2000] += 1
self.image[3000:, 3000] += 0.5
def time_sobel(self):
class FiltersSobel3D:
"""Benchmark for 3d sobel filters."""
def setup(self):
filters.sobel(np.ones((8, 8, 8)))
except ValueError:
raise NotImplementedError("3d sobel unavailable")
self.image3d = data.binary_blobs(length=256, n_dim=3).astype(float)
def time_sobel_3d(self):
_ = filters.sobel(self.image3d)
class MultiOtsu(object):
"""Benchmarks for MultiOtsu threshold."""
param_names = ['classes']
params = [3, 4, 5]
def setup(self, *args):
from skimage.filters import threshold_multiotsu
except ImportError:
raise NotImplementedError("threshold_multiotsu unavailable")
self.image =
def time_threshold_multiotsu(self, classes):
filters.threshold_multiotsu(self.image, classes=classes)
def peakmem_reference(self, *args):
"""Provide reference for memory measurement with empty benchmark.
Peakmem benchmarks measure the maximum amount of RAM used by a
function. However, this maximum also includes the memory used
during the setup routine (as of asv 0.2.1; see [1]_).
Measuring an empty peakmem function might allow us to disambiguate
between the memory used by setup and the memory used by target (see
other ``peakmem_`` functions below).
.. [1]:
def peakmem_threshold_multiotsu(self, classes):
filters.threshold_multiotsu(self.image, classes=classes)
class ThresholdSauvolaSuite:
"""Benchmark for transform routines in scikit-image."""
def setup(self):
self.image = np.zeros((2000, 2000), dtype=np.uint8)
self.image3D = np.zeros((30, 300, 300), dtype=np.uint8)
idx = np.arange(500, 700)
idx3D = np.arange(10, 200)
self.image[idx[::-1], idx] = 255
self.image[idx, idx] = 255
self.image3D[:, idx3D[::-1], idx3D] = 255
self.image3D[:, idx3D, idx3D] = 255
def time_sauvola(self):
result = filters.threshold_sauvola(self.image, window_size=51)
def time_sauvola_3d(self):
result = filters.threshold_sauvola(self.image3D, window_size=51)