
1319 lines
45 KiB

// Takes Stanford CoreNLP JSON output (var data = ... in data.js)
// and uses brat to render everything.
//var serverAddress = 'http://localhost:9000';
var serverAddress = '';
// Load Brat libraries
var bratLocation = '';
// External libraries
bratLocation + '/client/lib/jquery.svg.min.js',
bratLocation + '/client/lib/jquery.svgdom.min.js',
// brat helper modules
bratLocation + '/client/src/configuration.js',
bratLocation + '/client/src/util.js',
bratLocation + '/client/src/annotation_log.js',
bratLocation + '/client/lib/webfont.js',
// brat modules
bratLocation + '/client/src/dispatcher.js',
bratLocation + '/client/src/url_monitor.js',
bratLocation + '/client/src/visualizer.js',
// parse viewer
// Uses Dagre ( for constinuency parse
// visualization. It works better than the brat visualization.
var useDagre = true;
var currentQuery = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.';
var currentSentences = '';
var currentText = '';
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Add the startsWith function to the String class
if (typeof String.prototype.startsWith !== 'function') {
// see below for better implementation!
String.prototype.startsWith = function (str){
return this.indexOf(str) === 0;
function isInt(value) {
return !isNaN(value) && (function(x) { return (x | 0) === x; })(parseFloat(value))
* A reverse map of PTB tokens to their original gloss
var tokensMap = {
'-LRB-': '(',
'-RRB-': ')',
'-LSB-': '[',
'-RSB-': ']',
'-LCB-': '{',
'-RCB-': '}',
'``': '"',
'\'\'': '"',
* A mapping from part of speech tag to the associated visualization color
function posColor(posTag) {
if (posTag.startsWith('N')) {
return '#A4BCED';
} else if (posTag.startsWith('V') || posTag.startsWith('M')) {
return '#ADF6A2';
} else if (posTag.startsWith('P')) {
return '#CCDAF6';
} else if (posTag.startsWith('I')) {
return '#FFE8BE';
} else if (posTag.startsWith('R') || posTag.startsWith('W')) {
return '#FFFDA8';
} else if (posTag.startsWith('D') || posTag === 'CD') {
return '#CCADF6';
} else if (posTag.startsWith('J')) {
return '#FFFDA8';
} else if (posTag.startsWith('T')) {
return '#FFE8BE';
} else if (posTag.startsWith('E') || posTag.startsWith('S')) {
return '#E4CBF6';
} else if (posTag.startsWith('CC')) {
return '#FFFFFF';
} else if (posTag === 'LS' || posTag === 'FW') {
return '#FFFFFF';
} else {
return '#E3E3E3';
* A mapping from named entity tag to the associated visualization color
function nerColor(nerTag) {
if (nerTag === 'PERSON') {
return '#FFCCAA';
} else if (nerTag === 'ORGANIZATION') {
return '#8FB2FF';
} else if (nerTag === 'MISC') {
return '#F1F447';
} else if (nerTag === 'LOCATION' || nerTag === 'COUNTRY' || nerTag === 'STATE_OR_PROVINCE' || nerTag === 'CITY') {
return '#95DFFF';
} else if (nerTag === 'DATE' || nerTag === 'TIME' || nerTag === 'DURATION' || nerTag === 'SET') {
return '#9AFFE6';
} else if (nerTag === 'MONEY') {
return '#FFFFFF';
} else if (nerTag === 'PERCENT') {
return '#FFA22B';
} else {
return '#E3E3E3';
var d3_category18 = {
// Just like d3_category20 but no grays!
name: 'd3_category_18',
colors: [
function generateRandomColor() {
return "#" + Math.random().toString(16).slice(2, 8);
function generateNextColor(i, palette) {
if (palette && i < palette.colors.length) {
return palette.colors[i];
} else {
return generateRandomColor();
function getTagColor(tag, colorIndex, colors) {
var ci = colorIndex[tag];
if (ci == null) {
ci = colors.length;
colorIndex[tag] = ci;
colors.push(generateNextColor(ci, d3_category18));
return colors[ci];
* A mapping from coref values to the associated visualization color
var corefColorIndex = {};
var corefColors = [];
function corefColor(corefTag) {
if (corefTag === "MENTION") {
return '#FFE000';
} else {
return getTagColor(corefTag, corefColorIndex, corefColors);
var speakerColorIndex = {};
var speakerColors = [];
function speakerColor(tag) {
return getTagColor(tag, speakerColorIndex, speakerColors);
* A mapping from sentiment value to the associated
* visualization color
function sentimentColor(sentiment) {
if (sentiment === "VERY POSITIVE") {
return '#00FF00';
} else if (sentiment === "POSITIVE") {
return '#7FFF00';
} else if (sentiment === "NEUTRAL") {
return '#FFFF00';
} else if (sentiment === "NEGATIVE") {
return '#FF7F00';
} else if (sentiment === "VERY NEGATIVE") {
return '#FF0000';
} else {
return '#E3E3E3';
* Get a list of annotators, from the annotator option input.
function annotators() {
var annotators = "tokenize,ssplit";
if ($('#language').val() === 'de' | $('#language').val() === 'fr' | $('#language').val() === 'es') {
annotators += ",mwt";
$('#annotators').find('option:selected').each(function () {
annotators += "," + $(this).val();
return annotators;
* Get the input date
function date() {
function f(n) {
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
var date = new Date();
var M = date.getMonth() + 1;
var D = date.getDate();
var Y = date.getFullYear();
var h = date.getHours();
var m = date.getMinutes();
var s = date.getSeconds();
return "" + Y + "-" + f(M) + "-" + f(D) + "T" + f(h) + ':' + f(m) + ':' + f(s);
// Constituency parser
function ConstituencyParseProcessor() {
var parenthesize = function (input, list) {
if (list === undefined) {
return parenthesize(input, []);
} else {
var token = input.shift();
if (token === undefined) {
return list.pop();
} else if (token === "(") {
list.push(parenthesize(input, []));
return parenthesize(input, list);
} else if (token === ")") {
return list;
} else {
return parenthesize(input, list.concat(token));
var toTree = function (list) {
if (list.length === 2 && typeof list[1] === 'string') {
return {label: list[0], text: list[1], isTerminal: true};
} else if (list.length >= 2) {
var label = list.shift();
var node = {label: label};
var rest = (x) {
var t = toTree(x);
if (typeof t === 'object') {
t.parent = node;
return t;
node.children = rest;
return node;
} else {
return list;
var indexTree = function (tree, tokens, index) {
index = index || 0;
if (tree.isTerminal) {
tree.token = tokens[index];
tree.tokenIndex = index;
tree.tokenStart = index;
tree.tokenEnd = index + 1;
return index + 1;
} else if (tree.children) {
tree.tokenStart = index;
for (var i = 0; i < tree.children.length; i++) {
var child = tree.children[i];
index = indexTree(child, tokens, index);
tree.tokenEnd = index;
return index;
var tokenize = function (input) {
return input.split('"')
.map(function (x, i) {
if (i % 2 === 0) { // not in string
return x.replace(/\(/g, ' ( ')
.replace(/\)/g, ' ) ');
} else { // in string
return x.replace(/ /g, "!whitespace!");
.map(function (x) {
return x.replace(/!whitespace!/g, " ");
var convertParseStringToTree = function (input, tokens) {
var p = parenthesize(tokenize(input));
if (Array.isArray(p)) {
var tree = toTree(p);
// Correlate tree with tokens
indexTree(tree, tokens);
return tree;
this.process = function(annotation) {
for (var i = 0; i < annotation.sentences.length; i++) {
var s = annotation.sentences[i];
if (s.parse) {
s.parseTree = convertParseStringToTree(s.parse, s.tokens);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Render a given JSON data structure
function render(data, reverse) {
// Tweak arguments
if (typeof reverse !== 'boolean') {
reverse = false;
// Error checks
if (typeof data.sentences === 'undefined') { return; }
* Register an entity type (a tag) for Brat
var entityTypesSet = {};
var entityTypes = [];
function addEntityType(name, type, coarseType) {
if (typeof coarseType === "undefined") {
coarseType = type;
// Don't add duplicates
if (entityTypesSet[type]) return;
entityTypesSet[type] = true;
// Get the color of the entity type
color = '#ffccaa';
if (name === 'POS') {
color = posColor(type);
} else if (name === 'NER') {
color = nerColor(coarseType);
} else if (name === 'NNER') {
color = nerColor(coarseType);
} else if (name === 'SPEAKER') {
color = speakerColor(coarseType);
} else if (name === 'COREF') {
color = corefColor(coarseType);
} else if (name === 'ENTITY') {
color = posColor('NN');
} else if (name === 'RELATION') {
color = posColor('VB');
} else if (name === 'LEMMA') {
color = '#FFFFFF';
} else if (name === 'SENTIMENT') {
color = sentimentColor(type);
} else if (name === 'LINK') {
color = '#FFFFFF';
} else if (name === 'KBP_ENTITY') {
color = '#FFFFFF';
// Register the type
type: type,
labels : [type],
bgColor: color,
borderColor: 'darken'
* Register a relation type (an arc) for Brat
var relationTypesSet = {};
var relationTypes = [];
function addRelationType(type, symmetricEdge) {
// Prevent adding duplicates
if (relationTypesSet[type]) return;
relationTypesSet[type] = true;
// Default arguments
if (typeof symmetricEdge === 'undefined') { symmetricEdge = false; }
// Add the type
type: type,
labels: [type],
dashArray: (symmetricEdge ? '3,3' : undefined),
arrowHead: (symmetricEdge ? 'none' : undefined),
// Construct text of annotation
currentText = []; // GLOBAL
currentSentences = data.sentences; // GLOBAL
data.sentences.forEach(function(sentence) {
for (var i = 0; i < sentence.tokens.length; ++i) {
var token = sentence.tokens[i];
var word = token.word;
if (!(typeof tokensMap[word] === "undefined")) {
word = tokensMap[word];
if (i > 0) { currentText.push(' '); }
token.characterOffsetBegin = currentText.length;
for (var j = 0; j < word.length; ++j) {
token.characterOffsetEnd = currentText.length;
currentText = currentText.join('');
// Shared variables
// These are what we'll render in BRAT
// (pos)
var posEntities = [];
// (lemma)
var lemmaEntities = [];
// (ner)
var nerEntities = [];
var nerEntitiesNormalized = [];
// (sentiment)
var sentimentEntities = [];
// (entitylinking)
var linkEntities = [];
// (dependencies)
var depsRelations = [];
var deps2Relations = [];
// (openie)
var openieEntities = [];
var openieEntitiesSet = {};
var openieRelations = [];
var openieRelationsSet = {};
// (kbp)
var kbpEntities = [];
var kbpEntitiesSet = [];
var kbpRelations = [];
var kbpRelationsSet = [];
var cparseEntities = [];
var cparseRelations = [];
var speakerEntities = [];
// Loop over sentences.
// This fills in the variables above.
for (var sentI = 0; sentI < data.sentences.length; ++sentI) {
var sentence = data.sentences[sentI];
var index = sentence.index;
var tokens = sentence.tokens;
var deps = sentence['basicDependencies'];
var deps2 = sentence['enhancedPlusPlusDependencies'];
var parseTree = sentence['parseTree'];
// Speakers
if (tokens.length > 0 && typeof tokens[0].speaker !== 'undefined') {
var speaker = tokens[0].speaker;
var speakerId = 'S(' + speaker + ')';
addEntityType('SPEAKER', speakerId);
var begin = parseInt(tokens[0].characterOffsetBegin);
var end = parseInt(tokens[tokens.length-1].characterOffsetEnd);
speakerEntities.push(['sent' + sentI, speakerId, [[begin, end]]]);
// POS tags
* Generate a POS tagged token id
function posID(i) {
return 'POS_' + sentI + '_' + i;
if (tokens.length > 0 && typeof tokens[0].pos !== 'undefined') {
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
var token = tokens[i];
var pos = token.pos;
var begin = parseInt(token.characterOffsetBegin);
var end = parseInt(token.characterOffsetEnd);
addEntityType('POS', pos);
posEntities.push([posID(i), pos, [[begin, end]]]);
// Constituency parse
// Carries the same assumption as NER
if (parseTree && !useDagre) {
var parseEntities = [];
var parseRels = [];
function processParseTree(tree, index) {
tree.visitIndex = index;
if (tree.isTerminal) {
parseEntities[tree.visitIndex] = posEntities[tree.tokenIndex];
return index;
} else if (tree.children) {
addEntityType('PARSENODE', tree.label);
parseEntities[tree.visitIndex] =
['PARSENODE_' + sentI + '_' + tree.visitIndex, tree.label,
[[tokens[tree.tokenStart].characterOffsetBegin, tokens[tree.tokenEnd-1].characterOffsetEnd]]];
var parentEnt = parseEntities[tree.visitIndex];
for (var i = 0; i < tree.children.length; i++) {
var child = tree.children[i];
index = processParseTree(child, index);
var childEnt = parseEntities[child.visitIndex];
parseRels.push(['PARSEEDGE_' + sentI + '_' + parseRels.length, 'pc', [['parent', parentEnt[0]], ['child', childEnt[0]]]]);
return index;
processParseTree(parseTree, 0);
cparseEntities = cparseEntities.concat(cparseEntities, parseEntities);
cparseRelations = cparseRelations.concat(parseRels);
// Dependency parsing
* Process a dependency tree from JSON to Brat relations
function processDeps(name, deps) {
var relations = [];
// Format: [${ID}, ${TYPE}, [[${ARGNAME}, ${TARGET}], [${ARGNAME}, ${TARGET}]]]
for (var i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
var dep = deps[i];
var governor = dep.governor - 1;
var dependent = dep.dependent - 1;
if (governor == -1) continue;
relations.push([name + '_' + sentI + '_' + i, dep.dep, [['governor', posID(governor)], ['dependent', posID(dependent)]]]);
return relations;
// Actually add the dependencies
if (typeof deps !== 'undefined') {
depsRelations = depsRelations.concat(processDeps('dep', deps));
if (typeof deps2 !== 'undefined') {
deps2Relations = deps2Relations.concat(processDeps('dep2', deps2));
// Lemmas
if (tokens.length > 0 && typeof tokens[0].lemma !== 'undefined') {
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
var token = tokens[i];
var lemma = token.lemma;
var begin = parseInt(token.characterOffsetBegin);
var end = parseInt(token.characterOffsetEnd);
addEntityType('LEMMA', lemma);
lemmaEntities.push(['LEMMA_' + sentI + '_' + i, lemma, [[begin, end]]]);
// NER tags
// Assumption: contiguous occurrence of one non-O is a single entity
if (tokens.some(function(token) { return token.ner; })) {
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
var ner = tokens[i].ner || 'O';
var normalizedNER = tokens[i].normalizedNER;
if (typeof normalizedNER === "undefined") {
normalizedNER = ner;
if (ner == 'O') continue;
var j = i;
while (j < tokens.length - 1 && tokens[j+1].ner == ner) j++;
addEntityType('NER', ner, ner);
nerEntities.push(['NER_' + sentI + '_' + i, ner, [[tokens[i].characterOffsetBegin, tokens[j].characterOffsetEnd]]]);
if (ner != normalizedNER) {
addEntityType('NNER', normalizedNER, ner);
nerEntities.push(['NNER_' + sentI + '_' + i, normalizedNER, [[tokens[i].characterOffsetBegin, tokens[j].characterOffsetEnd]]]);
i = j;
// Sentiment
if (typeof sentence.sentiment !== "undefined") {
var sentiment = sentence.sentiment.toUpperCase().replace("VERY", "VERY ");
addEntityType('SENTIMENT', sentiment);
sentimentEntities.push(['SENTIMENT_' + sentI, sentiment,
[[tokens[0].characterOffsetBegin, tokens[tokens.length - 1].characterOffsetEnd]]]);
// Entity Links
// Carries the same assumption as NER
if (tokens.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
var link = tokens[i].entitylink;
if (link == 'O' || typeof link === 'undefined') continue;
var j = i;
while (j < tokens.length - 1 && tokens[j+1].entitylink == link) j++;
addEntityType('LINK', link);
linkEntities.push(['LINK_' + sentI + '_' + i, link, [[tokens[i].characterOffsetBegin, tokens[j].characterOffsetEnd]]]);
i = j;
// Open IE
// Helper Functions
function openieID(span) {
return 'OPENIEENTITY' + '_' + sentI + '_' + span[0] + '_' + span[1];
function addEntity(span, role) {
// Don't add duplicate entities
if (openieEntitiesSet[[sentI, span, role]]) return;
openieEntitiesSet[[sentI, span, role]] = true;
// Add the entity
openieEntities.push([openieID(span), role,
tokens[span[1] - 1].characterOffsetEnd ]] ]);
function addRelation(gov, dep, role) {
// Don't add duplicate relations
if (openieRelationsSet[[sentI, gov, dep, role]]) return;
openieRelationsSet[[sentI, gov, dep, role]] = true;
// Add the relation
openieRelations.push(['OPENIESUBJREL_' + sentI + '_' + gov[0] + '_' + gov[1] + '_' + dep[0] + '_' + dep[1],
[['governor', openieID(gov)],
['dependent', openieID(dep)] ] ]);
// Render OpenIE
if (typeof sentence.openie !== 'undefined') {
// Register the entities + relations we'll need
addEntityType('ENTITY', 'Entity');
addEntityType('RELATION', 'Relation');
// Loop over triples
for (var i = 0; i < sentence.openie.length; ++i) {
var subjectSpan = sentence.openie[i].subjectSpan;
var relationSpan = sentence.openie[i].relationSpan;
var objectSpan = sentence.openie[i].objectSpan;
if (parseInt(relationSpan[0]) < 0 || parseInt(relationSpan[1]) < 0) {
continue; // This is a phantom relation
var begin = parseInt(token.characterOffsetBegin);
// Add the entities
addEntity(subjectSpan, 'Entity');
addEntity(relationSpan, 'Relation');
addEntity(objectSpan, 'Entity');
// Add the relations
addRelation(relationSpan, subjectSpan, 'subject');
addRelation(relationSpan, objectSpan, 'object');
} // End OpenIE block
// KBP
// Helper Functions
function kbpEntity(span) {
return 'KBPENTITY' + '_' + sentI + '_' + span[0] + '_' + span[1];
function addKBPEntity(span, role) {
// Don't add duplicate entities
if (kbpEntitiesSet[[sentI, span, role]]) return;
kbpEntitiesSet[[sentI, span, role]] = true;
// Add the entity
kbpEntities.push([kbpEntity(span), role,
tokens[span[1] - 1].characterOffsetEnd ]] ]);
function addKBPRelation(gov, dep, role) {
// Don't add duplicate relations
if (kbpRelationsSet[[sentI, gov, dep, role]]) return;
kbpRelationsSet[[sentI, gov, dep, role]] = true;
// Add the relation
kbpRelations.push(['KBPRELATION_' + sentI + '_' + gov[0] + '_' + gov[1] + '_' + dep[0] + '_' + dep[1],
[['governor', kbpEntity(gov)],
['dependent', kbpEntity(dep)] ] ]);
if (typeof sentence.kbp !== 'undefined') {
// Register the entities + relations we'll need
// Loop over triples
for (var i = 0; i < sentence.kbp.length; ++i) {
var subjectSpan = sentence.kbp[i].subjectSpan;
var subjectLink = 'Entity';
for (var k = subjectSpan[0]; k < subjectSpan[1]; ++k) {
if (subjectLink == 'Entity' &&
typeof tokens[k] !== 'undefined' &&
tokens[k].entitylink != 'O' &&
typeof tokens[k].entitylink !== 'undefined') {
subjectLink = tokens[k].entitylink
addEntityType('KBP_ENTITY', subjectLink);
var objectSpan = sentence.kbp[i].objectSpan;
var objectLink = 'Entity';
for (var k = objectSpan[0]; k < objectSpan[1]; ++k) {
if (objectLink == 'Entity' &&
typeof tokens[k] !== 'undefined' &&
tokens[k].entitylink != 'O' &&
typeof tokens[k].entitylink !== 'undefined') {
objectLink = tokens[k].entitylink
addEntityType('KBP_ENTITY', objectLink);
var relation = sentence.kbp[i].relation;
var begin = parseInt(token.characterOffsetBegin);
// Add the entities
addKBPEntity(subjectSpan, subjectLink);
addKBPEntity(objectSpan, objectLink);
// Add the relations
addKBPRelation(subjectSpan, objectSpan, relation);
} // End KBP block
} // End sentence loop
// Coreference
var corefEntities = [];
var corefRelations = [];
corefColors = [];
corefColorIndex = {};
speakerColors = [];
speakerColorIndex = {};
if (typeof data.corefs !== 'undefined') {
addRelationType('coref', true);
addEntityType('COREF', 'Mention');
var clusters = Object.keys(data.corefs);
clusters.forEach( function (clusterId) {
var chain = data.corefs[clusterId];
if (chain.length > 1) {
var entityChainId = 'CorefEntity' + clusterId;
addEntityType('COREF', entityChainId);
for (var i = 0; i < chain.length; ++i) {
var mention = chain[i];
var id = 'COREF' +;
var tokens = data.sentences[mention.sentNum - 1].tokens;
corefEntities.push([id, entityChainId,
[[tokens[mention.startIndex - 1].characterOffsetBegin,
tokens[mention.endIndex - 2].characterOffsetEnd ]] ]);
// if (i > 0) {
// var lastId = 'COREF' + chain[i - 1].id;
// corefRelations.push(['COREF' + chain[i-1].id + '_' + chain[i].id,
// 'coref',
// [['governor', lastId],
// ['dependent', id] ] ]);
// }
} // End coreference block
// Actually render the elements
* Helper function to render a given set of entities / relations
* to a Div, if it exists.
function embed(container, entities, relations, reverse) {
var text = currentText;
if (reverse) {
var length = currentText.length;
for (var i = 0; i < entities.length; ++i) {
var offsets = entities[i][2][0];
var tmp = length - offsets[0];
offsets[0] = length - offsets[1];
offsets[1] = tmp;
text = text.split("").reverse().join("");
if ($('#' + container).length > 0) {
{entity_types: entityTypes, relation_types: relationTypes},
{text: text, entities: entities, relations: relations}
// Render each annotation
head.ready(function() {
embed('pos', posEntities);
embed('lemma', lemmaEntities);
embed('ner', nerEntities);
embed('entities', linkEntities);
if (!useDagre) {
embed('parse', cparseEntities, cparseRelations);
embed('deps', posEntities, depsRelations);
embed('deps2', posEntities, deps2Relations);
if (speakerEntities.length) {
embed('speakers', speakerEntities);
embed('coref', corefEntities, corefRelations);
embed('openie', openieEntities, openieRelations);
embed('kbp', kbpEntities, kbpRelations);
embed('sentiment', sentimentEntities);
// Constituency parse
// Uses d3 and dagre-d3 (not brat)
if ($('#parse').length > 0 && useDagre) {
var parseViewer = new ParseViewer({ selector: '#parse' });
$('#parse').addClass('svg').css('display', 'block');
} // End render function
* Render a TokensRegex response
function renderTokensregex(data) {
* Register an entity type (a tag) for Brat
var entityTypesSet = {};
var entityTypes = [];
function addEntityType(type, color) {
// Don't add duplicates
if (entityTypesSet[type]) return;
entityTypesSet[type] = true;
// Set the color
if (typeof color === 'undefined') {
color = '#ADF6A2';
// Register the type
type: type,
labels : [type],
bgColor: color,
borderColor: 'darken'
var entities = [];
for (var sentI = 0; sentI < data.sentences.length; ++sentI) {
var tokens = currentSentences[sentI].tokens;
for (var matchI = 0; matchI < data.sentences[sentI].length; ++matchI) {
var match = data.sentences[sentI][matchI];
// Add groups
for (groupName in match) {
if (groupName.startsWith("$") || isInt(groupName)) {
addEntityType(groupName, '#FFFDA8');
var begin = parseInt(tokens[match[groupName].begin].characterOffsetBegin);
var end = parseInt(tokens[match[groupName].end - 1].characterOffsetEnd);
entities.push(['TOK_' + sentI + '_' + matchI + '_' + groupName,
[[begin, end]]]);
// Add match
addEntityType('match', '#ADF6A2');
var begin = parseInt(tokens[match.begin].characterOffsetBegin);
var end = parseInt(tokens[match.end - 1].characterOffsetEnd);
entities.push(['TOK_' + sentI + '_' + matchI + '_match',
[[begin, end]]]);
{entity_types: entityTypes, relation_types: []},
{text: currentText, entities: entities, relations: []}
} // END renderTokensregex()
* Render a Semgrex response
function renderSemgrex(data) {
* Register an entity type (a tag) for Brat
var entityTypesSet = {};
var entityTypes = [];
function addEntityType(type, color) {
// Don't add duplicates
if (entityTypesSet[type]) return;
entityTypesSet[type] = true;
// Set the color
if (typeof color === 'undefined') {
color = '#ADF6A2';
// Register the type
type: type,
labels : [type],
bgColor: color,
borderColor: 'darken'
relationTypes = [{
type: 'semgrex',
labels: ['-'],
dashArray: '3,3',
arrowHead: 'none',
var entities = [];
var relations = [];
for (var sentI = 0; sentI < data.sentences.length; ++sentI) {
var tokens = currentSentences[sentI].tokens;
for (var matchI = 0; matchI < data.sentences[sentI].length; ++matchI) {
var match = data.sentences[sentI][matchI];
// Add match
addEntityType('match', '#ADF6A2');
var begin = parseInt(tokens[match.begin].characterOffsetBegin);
var end = parseInt(tokens[match.end - 1].characterOffsetEnd);
entities.push(['SEM_' + sentI + '_' + matchI + '_match',
[[begin, end]]]);
// Add groups
for (groupName in match) {
if (groupName.startsWith("$") || isInt(groupName)) {
// (add node)
group = match[groupName];
groupName = groupName.substring(1);
addEntityType(groupName, '#FFFDA8');
var begin = parseInt(tokens[group.begin].characterOffsetBegin);
var end = parseInt(tokens[group.end - 1].characterOffsetEnd);
entities.push(['SEM_' + sentI + '_' + matchI + '_' + groupName,
[[begin, end]]]);
// (add relation)
relations.push(['SEMGREX_' + sentI + '_' + matchI + '_' + groupName,
[['governor', 'SEM_' + sentI + '_' + matchI + '_match'],
['dependent', 'SEM_' + sentI + '_' + matchI + '_' + groupName] ] ]);
{entity_types: entityTypes, relation_types: relationTypes},
{text: currentText, entities: entities, relations: relations}
} // END renderSemgrex
* Render a Tregex response
function renderTregex(data) {
$('#tregex').append('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(data, null, 4) + '</pre>');
} // END renderTregex
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* MAIN()
* The entry point of the page
$(document).ready(function() {
// Some initial styling
$('.chosen-container').css('width', '100%');
// Language-specific changes
$('#language').on('change', function() {
$('#text').attr('dir', '');
if ($('#language').val() === 'ar') {
$('#text').attr('dir', 'rtl');
$('#text').attr('placeholder', 'على سبيل المثال، قفز الثعلب البني السريع فوق الكلب الكسول.');
} else if ($('#language').val() === 'en') {
$('#text').attr('placeholder', 'e.g., The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.');
} else if ($('#language').val() === 'zh') {
$('#text').attr('placeholder', '例如,快速的棕色狐狸跳過了懶惰的狗。');
} else if ($('#language').val() === 'fr') {
$('#text').attr('placeholder', 'Par exemple, le renard brun rapide a sauté sur le chien paresseux.');
} else if ($('#language').val() === 'de') {
$('#text').attr('placeholder', 'Z. B. sprang der schnelle braune Fuchs über den faulen Hund.');
} else if ($('#language').val() === 'es') {
$('#text').attr('placeholder', 'Por ejemplo, el rápido zorro marrón saltó sobre el perro perezoso.');
} else {
$('#text').attr('placeholder', 'Unknown language for placeholder query: ' + $('#language').val());
// Submit on shift-enter
$('#text').keydown(function (event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
event.preventDefault(); // don't register the enter key when pressed
return false;
$('#text').keyup(function (event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
$('#submit').click(); // submit the form when the enter key is released
return false;
// Submit on clicking the 'submit' button
$('#submit').click(function() {
// Get the text to annotate
currentQuery = $('#text').val();
if (currentQuery.trim() == '') {
if ($('#language').val() === 'ar') {
currentQuery = 'قفز الثعلب البني السريع فوق الكلب الكسول.';
} else if ($('#language').val() === 'en') {
currentQuery = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.';
} else if ($('#language').val() === 'zh') {
currentQuery = '快速的棕色狐狸跳过了懒惰的狗';
} else if ($('#language').val() === 'fr') {
currentQuery = 'Le renard brun rapide a sauté sur le chien paresseux.';
} else if ($('#language').val() === 'de') {
currentQuery = 'Sprang der schnelle braune Fuchs über den faulen Hund.';
} else if ($('#language').val() === 'es') {
currentQuery = 'El rápido zorro marrón saltó sobre el perro perezoso.';
} else {
currentQuery = 'Unknown language for default query: ' + $('#language').val();
// Update the UI
$('#submit').prop('disabled', true);
// Run query
type: 'POST',
url: serverAddress + '?properties=' + encodeURIComponent(
'{"annotators": "' + annotators() + '", "date": "' + date() + '"}') +
'&pipelineLanguage=' + encodeURIComponent($('#language').val()),
data: encodeURIComponent(currentQuery), //jQuery doesn't automatically URI encode strings
dataType: 'json',
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8",
success: function(data) {
$('#submit').prop('disabled', false);
if (typeof data === 'undefined' || data.sentences == undefined) {
alert("Failed to reach server!");
} else {
// Process constituency parse
var constituencyParseProcessor = new ConstituencyParseProcessor();
// Empty divs
// Re-render divs
function createAnnotationDiv(id, annotator, selector, label) {
// (make sure we requested that element)
if (annotators().indexOf(annotator) < 0) {
// (make sure the data contains that element)
ok = false;
if (typeof data[selector] !== 'undefined') {
ok = true;
} else if (typeof data.sentences !== 'undefined' && data.sentences.length > 0) {
if (typeof data.sentences[0][selector] !== 'undefined') {
ok = true;
} else if (typeof data.sentences[0].tokens != 'undefined' && data.sentences[0].tokens.length > 0) {
// (make sure the annotator select is in at least one of the tokens of any sentence)
ok = data.sentences.some(function(sentence) {
return sentence.tokens.some(function(token) {
return typeof token[selector] !== 'undefined';
// (render the element)
if (ok) {
$('#annotations').append('<h4 class="red">' + label + ':</h4> <div id="' + id + '"></div>');
// (create the divs)
// div id annotator field_in_data label
createAnnotationDiv('pos', 'pos', 'pos', 'Part-of-Speech' );
createAnnotationDiv('lemma', 'lemma', 'lemma', 'Lemmas' );
createAnnotationDiv('ner', 'ner', 'ner', 'Named Entity Recognition');
createAnnotationDiv('parse', 'parse', 'parseTree', 'Constituency Parse' );
createAnnotationDiv('deps', 'depparse', 'basicDependencies', 'Basic Dependencies' );
createAnnotationDiv('deps2', 'depparse', 'enhancedPlusPlusDependencies', 'Enhanced++ Dependencies' );
createAnnotationDiv('openie', 'openie', 'openie', 'Open IE' );
createAnnotationDiv('speakers', 'coref', 'corefs', 'Speakers' );
createAnnotationDiv('coref', 'coref', 'corefs', 'Coreference' );
createAnnotationDiv('entities', 'entitylink', 'entitylink', 'Wikidict Entities' );
createAnnotationDiv('kbp', 'kbp', 'kbp', 'KBP Relations' );
createAnnotationDiv('sentiment','sentiment', 'sentiment', 'Sentiment' );
// Update UI
$('.corenlp_error').remove(); // Clear error messages
// Render
var reverse = $('#language').val() === 'ar';
render(data, reverse);
// Render patterns
$('#annotations').append('<h4 class="red" style="margin-top: 4ex;">CoreNLP Tools:</h4>'); // TODO(gabor) a strange place to add this header to
error: function(data) {
DATA = data;
var alertDiv = $('<div/>').addClass('alert').addClass('alert-danger').addClass('alert-dismissible').addClass('corenlp_error').attr('role', 'alert')
var button = $('<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>');
var message = $('<span/>').text(data.responseText);
$('#submit').prop('disabled', false);
return false;
// Support passing parameters on page launch, via window.location.hash parameters.
// Example: http://localhost:9000/#text=foo%20bar&annotators=pos,lemma,ner
(function() {
var rawParams = window.location.hash.slice(1).split("&");
var params = {};
rawParams.forEach(function(paramKV) {
paramKV = paramKV.split("=");
if (paramKV.length === 2) {
var key = paramKV[0];
var value = paramKV[1];
params[key] = value;
if (params.text) {
var text = decodeURIComponent(params.text);
if (params.annotators) {
var annotators = params.annotators.split(",");
// De-select everything
$('#annotators').find('option').each(function() {
$(this).prop('selected', false);
// Select the specified ones.
annotators.forEach(function(a) {
$('#annotators').find('option[value="'+a+'"]').prop('selected', true);
// Refresh Chosen
if (params.text || params.annotators) {
// Finally, let's auto-submit.
$('#form_tokensregex').submit( function (e) {
// Don't actually submit the form
// Get text
if ($('#tokensregex_search').val().trim() == '') {
$('#tokensregex_search').val('(?$foxtype [{pos:JJ}]+ ) fox');
var pattern = $('#tokensregex_search').val();
// Remove existing annotation
// Make ajax call
type: 'POST',
url: serverAddress + '/tokensregex?pattern=' + encodeURIComponent(
pattern.replace("&", "\\&").replace('+', '\\+')) +
'&properties=' + encodeURIComponent(
'{"annotators": "' + annotators() + '", "date": "' + date() + '"}') +
'&pipelineLanguage=' + encodeURIComponent($('#language').val()),
data: encodeURIComponent(currentQuery),
success: function(data) {
$('.tokensregex_error').remove(); // Clear error messages
$('<div id="tokensregex" class="pattern_brat"/>').appendTo($('#div_tokensregex'));
error: function(data) {
var alertDiv = $('<div/>').addClass('alert').addClass('alert-danger').addClass('alert-dismissible').addClass('tokensregex_error').attr('role', 'alert')
var button = $('<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>');
var message = $('<span/>').text(data.responseText);
$('#form_semgrex').submit( function (e) {
// Don't actually submit the form
// Get text
if ($('#semgrex_search').val().trim() == '') {
$('#semgrex_search').val('{pos:/VB.*/} >nsubj {}=subject >/nmod:.*/ {}=prep_phrase');
var pattern = $('#semgrex_search').val();
// Remove existing annotation
// Add missing required annotators
var requiredAnnotators = annotators().split(',');
if (requiredAnnotators.indexOf('depparse') < 0) {
// Make ajax call
type: 'POST',
url: serverAddress + '/semgrex?pattern=' + encodeURIComponent(
pattern.replace("&", "\\&").replace('+', '\\+')) +
'&properties=' + encodeURIComponent(
'{"annotators": "' + requiredAnnotators.join(',') + '", "date": "' + date() + '"}') +
'&pipelineLanguage=' + encodeURIComponent($('#language').val()),
data: encodeURIComponent(currentQuery),
success: function(data) {
$('.semgrex_error').remove(); // Clear error messages
$('<div id="semgrex" class="pattern_brat"/>').appendTo($('#div_semgrex'));
error: function(data) {
var alertDiv = $('<div/>').addClass('alert').addClass('alert-danger').addClass('alert-dismissible').addClass('semgrex_error').attr('role', 'alert')
var button = $('<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>');
var message = $('<span/>').text(data.responseText);
$('#form_tregex').submit( function (e) {
// Don't actually submit the form
// Get text
if ($('#tregex_search').val().trim() == '') {
$('#tregex_search').val('NP < NN=animal');
var pattern = $('#tregex_search').val();
// Remove existing annotation
// Add missing required annotators
var requiredAnnotators = annotators().split(',');
if (requiredAnnotators.indexOf('parse') < 0) {
// Make ajax call
type: 'POST',
url: serverAddress + '/tregex?pattern=' + encodeURIComponent(
pattern.replace("&", "\\&").replace('+', '\\+')) +
'&properties=' + encodeURIComponent(
'{"annotators": "' + requiredAnnotators.join(',') + '", "date": "' + date() + '"}') +
'&pipelineLanguage=' + encodeURIComponent($('#language').val()),
data: encodeURIComponent(currentQuery),
success: function(data) {
$('.tregex_error').remove(); // Clear error messages
$('<div id="tregex" class="pattern_brat"/>').appendTo($('#div_tregex'));
error: function(data) {
var alertDiv = $('<div/>').addClass('alert').addClass('alert-danger').addClass('alert-dismissible').addClass('tregex_error').attr('role', 'alert')
var button = $('<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>');
var message = $('<span/>').text(data.responseText);