
559 lines
19 KiB

import numpy as np
from skimage import transform
from skimage import data
from skimage.feature import canny
from skimage.draw import line, circle_perimeter, ellipse_perimeter
from skimage._shared import testing
from skimage._shared.testing import (assert_almost_equal, assert_equal,
def test_hough_line():
# Generate a test image
img = np.zeros((100, 150), dtype=int)
rr, cc = line(60, 130, 80, 10)
img[rr, cc] = 1
out, angles, d = transform.hough_line(img)
y, x = np.where(out == out.max())
dist = d[y[0]]
theta = angles[x[0]]
assert_almost_equal(dist, 80.723, 1)
assert_almost_equal(theta, 1.41, 1)
def test_hough_line_angles():
img = np.zeros((10, 10))
img[0, 0] = 1
out, angles, d = transform.hough_line(img, np.linspace(0, 360, 10))
assert_equal(len(angles), 10)
def test_hough_line_bad_input():
img = np.zeros(100)
img[10] = 1
# Expected error, img must be 2D
with testing.raises(ValueError):
transform.hough_line(img, np.linspace(0, 360, 10))
def test_probabilistic_hough():
# Generate a test image
img = np.zeros((100, 100), dtype=int)
for i in range(25, 75):
img[100 - i, i] = 100
img[i, i] = 100
# decrease default theta sampling because similar orientations may confuse
# as mentioned in article of Galambos et al
theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 45)
lines = transform.probabilistic_hough_line(
img, threshold=10, line_length=10, line_gap=1, theta=theta)
# sort the lines according to the x-axis
sorted_lines = []
for line in lines:
line = list(line)
line.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
assert([(25, 75), (74, 26)] in sorted_lines)
assert([(25, 25), (74, 74)] in sorted_lines)
# Execute with default theta
transform.probabilistic_hough_line(img, line_length=10, line_gap=3)
def test_probabilistic_hough_seed():
# Load image that is likely to give a randomly varying number of lines
image = data.checkerboard()
# Use constant seed to ensure a deterministic output
lines = transform.probabilistic_hough_line(image, threshold=50,
line_length=50, line_gap=1,
assert len(lines) == 65
def test_probabilistic_hough_bad_input():
img = np.zeros(100)
img[10] = 1
# Expected error, img must be 2D
with testing.raises(ValueError):
def test_hough_line_peaks():
img = np.zeros((100, 150), dtype=int)
rr, cc = line(60, 130, 80, 10)
img[rr, cc] = 1
out, angles, d = transform.hough_line(img)
out, theta, dist = transform.hough_line_peaks(out, angles, d)
assert_equal(len(dist), 1)
assert_almost_equal(dist[0], 80.723, 1)
assert_almost_equal(theta[0], 1.41, 1)
def test_hough_line_peaks_ordered():
# Regression test per PR #1421
testim = np.zeros((256, 64), dtype=bool)
testim[50:100, 20] = True
testim[85:200, 25] = True
testim[15:35, 50] = True
testim[1:-1, 58] = True
hough_space, angles, dists = transform.hough_line(testim)
hspace, _, _ = transform.hough_line_peaks(hough_space, angles, dists)
assert hspace[0] > hspace[1]
def test_hough_line_peaks_dist():
img = np.zeros((100, 100), dtype=bool)
img[:, 30] = True
img[:, 40] = True
hspace, angles, dists = transform.hough_line(img)
assert len(transform.hough_line_peaks(hspace, angles, dists,
min_distance=5)[0]) == 2
assert len(transform.hough_line_peaks(hspace, angles, dists,
min_distance=15)[0]) == 1
def test_hough_line_peaks_angle():
def check_hough_line_peaks_angle():
img = np.zeros((100, 100), dtype=bool)
img[:, 0] = True
img[0, :] = True
hspace, angles, dists = transform.hough_line(img)
assert len(transform.hough_line_peaks(hspace, angles, dists,
min_angle=45)[0]) == 2
assert len(transform.hough_line_peaks(hspace, angles, dists,
min_angle=90)[0]) == 1
theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)
hspace, angles, dists = transform.hough_line(img, theta)
assert len(transform.hough_line_peaks(hspace, angles, dists,
min_angle=45)[0]) == 2
assert len(transform.hough_line_peaks(hspace, angles, dists,
min_angle=90)[0]) == 1
theta = np.linspace(np.pi / 3, 4. / 3 * np.pi, 100)
hspace, angles, dists = transform.hough_line(img, theta)
assert len(transform.hough_line_peaks(hspace, angles, dists,
min_angle=45)[0]) == 2
assert len(transform.hough_line_peaks(hspace, angles, dists,
min_angle=90)[0]) == 1
def test_hough_line_peaks_num():
img = np.zeros((100, 100), dtype=bool)
img[:, 30] = True
img[:, 40] = True
hspace, angles, dists = transform.hough_line(img)
assert len(transform.hough_line_peaks(hspace, angles, dists,
min_distance=0, min_angle=0,
num_peaks=1)[0]) == 1
def test_hough_line_peaks_zero_input():
# Test to make sure empty input doesn't cause a failure
img = np.zeros((100, 100), dtype='uint8')
theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)
hspace, angles, dists = transform.hough_line(img, theta)
h, a, d = transform.hough_line_peaks(hspace, angles, dists)
assert_equal(a, np.array([]))
def test_hough_line_peaks_single_angle():
# Regression test for gh-4814
# This code snippet used to raise an IndexError
img = np.random.random((100, 100))
tested_angles = np.array([np.pi / 2])
h, theta, d = transform.hough_line(img, theta=tested_angles)
accum, angles, dists = transform.hough_line_peaks(h, theta, d, threshold=2)
def test_hough_circle():
# Prepare picture
img = np.zeros((120, 100), dtype=int)
radius = 20
x_0, y_0 = (99, 50)
y, x = circle_perimeter(y_0, x_0, radius)
img[x, y] = 1
out1 = transform.hough_circle(img, radius)
out2 = transform.hough_circle(img, [radius])
assert_equal(out1, out2)
out = transform.hough_circle(img, np.array([radius], dtype=np.intp))
assert_equal(out, out1)
x, y = np.where(out[0] == out[0].max())
assert_equal(x[0], x_0)
assert_equal(y[0], y_0)
def test_hough_circle_extended():
# Prepare picture
# The circle center is outside the image
img = np.zeros((100, 100), dtype=int)
radius = 20
x_0, y_0 = (-5, 50)
y, x = circle_perimeter(y_0, x_0, radius)
img[x[np.where(x > 0)], y[np.where(x > 0)]] = 1
out = transform.hough_circle(img, np.array([radius], dtype=np.intp),
x, y = np.where(out[0] == out[0].max())
# Offset for x_0, y_0
assert_equal(x[0], x_0 + radius)
assert_equal(y[0], y_0 + radius)
def test_hough_circle_peaks():
x_0, y_0, rad_0 = (99, 50, 20)
img = np.zeros((120, 100), dtype=int)
y, x = circle_perimeter(y_0, x_0, rad_0)
img[x, y] = 1
x_1, y_1, rad_1 = (49, 60, 30)
y, x = circle_perimeter(y_1, x_1, rad_1)
img[x, y] = 1
radii = [rad_0, rad_1]
hspaces = transform.hough_circle(img, radii)
out = transform.hough_circle_peaks(hspaces, radii, min_xdistance=1,
min_ydistance=1, threshold=None,
s = np.argsort(out[3]) # sort by radii
assert_equal(out[1][s], np.array([y_0, y_1]))
assert_equal(out[2][s], np.array([x_0, x_1]))
assert_equal(out[3][s], np.array([rad_0, rad_1]))
def test_hough_circle_peaks_total_peak():
img = np.zeros((120, 100), dtype=int)
x_0, y_0, rad_0 = (99, 50, 20)
y, x = circle_perimeter(y_0, x_0, rad_0)
img[x, y] = 1
x_1, y_1, rad_1 = (49, 60, 30)
y, x = circle_perimeter(y_1, x_1, rad_1)
img[x, y] = 1
radii = [rad_0, rad_1]
hspaces = transform.hough_circle(img, radii)
out = transform.hough_circle_peaks(hspaces, radii, min_xdistance=1,
min_ydistance=1, threshold=None,
num_peaks=np.inf, total_num_peaks=1)
assert_equal(out[1][0], np.array([y_1, ]))
assert_equal(out[2][0], np.array([x_1, ]))
assert_equal(out[3][0], np.array([rad_1, ]))
def test_hough_circle_peaks_min_distance():
x_0, y_0, rad_0 = (50, 50, 20)
img = np.zeros((120, 100), dtype=int)
y, x = circle_perimeter(y_0, x_0, rad_0)
img[x, y] = 1
x_1, y_1, rad_1 = (60, 60, 30)
y, x = circle_perimeter(y_1, x_1, rad_1)
# Add noise and create an imperfect circle to lower the peak in Hough space
y[::2] += 1
x[::2] += 1
img[x, y] = 1
x_2, y_2, rad_2 = (70, 70, 20)
y, x = circle_perimeter(y_2, x_2, rad_2)
# Add noise and create an imperfect circle to lower the peak in Hough space
y[::2] += 1
x[::2] += 1
img[x, y] = 1
radii = [rad_0, rad_1, rad_2]
hspaces = transform.hough_circle(img, radii)
out = transform.hough_circle_peaks(hspaces, radii, min_xdistance=15,
min_ydistance=15, threshold=None,
# The second circle is too close to the first one
# and has a weaker peak in Hough space due to imperfectness.
# Therefore it got removed.
assert_equal(out[1], np.array([y_0, y_2]))
assert_equal(out[2], np.array([x_0, x_2]))
assert_equal(out[3], np.array([rad_0, rad_2]))
def test_hough_circle_peaks_total_peak_and_min_distance():
img = np.zeros((120, 120), dtype=int)
cx = cy = [40, 50, 60, 70, 80]
radii = range(20, 30, 2)
for i in range(len(cx)):
y, x = circle_perimeter(cy[i], cx[i], radii[i])
img[x, y] = 1
hspaces = transform.hough_circle(img, radii)
out = transform.hough_circle_peaks(hspaces, radii, min_xdistance=15,
min_ydistance=15, threshold=None,
# 2nd (4th) circle is removed as it is close to 1st (3rd) oneself.
# 5th is removed as total_num_peaks = 2
assert_equal(out[1], np.array(cy[:4:2]))
assert_equal(out[2], np.array(cx[:4:2]))
assert_equal(out[3], np.array(radii[:4:2]))
def test_hough_circle_peaks_normalize():
x_0, y_0, rad_0 = (50, 50, 20)
img = np.zeros((120, 100), dtype=int)
y, x = circle_perimeter(y_0, x_0, rad_0)
img[x, y] = 1
x_1, y_1, rad_1 = (60, 60, 30)
y, x = circle_perimeter(y_1, x_1, rad_1)
img[x, y] = 1
radii = [rad_0, rad_1]
hspaces = transform.hough_circle(img, radii)
out = transform.hough_circle_peaks(hspaces, radii, min_xdistance=15,
min_ydistance=15, threshold=None,
# Two perfect circles are close but the second one is bigger.
# Therefore, it is picked due to its high peak.
assert_equal(out[1], np.array([y_1]))
assert_equal(out[2], np.array([x_1]))
assert_equal(out[3], np.array([rad_1]))
def test_hough_ellipse_zero_angle():
img = np.zeros((25, 25), dtype=int)
rx = 6
ry = 8
x0 = 12
y0 = 15
angle = 0
rr, cc = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, ry, rx)
img[rr, cc] = 1
result = transform.hough_ellipse(img, threshold=9)
best = result[-1]
assert_equal(best[1], y0)
assert_equal(best[2], x0)
assert_almost_equal(best[3], ry, decimal=1)
assert_almost_equal(best[4], rx, decimal=1)
assert_equal(best[5], angle)
# Check if I re-draw the ellipse, points are the same!
# ie check API compatibility between hough_ellipse and ellipse_perimeter
rr2, cc2 = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, int(best[3]), int(best[4]),
assert_equal(rr, rr2)
assert_equal(cc, cc2)
def test_hough_ellipse_non_zero_posangle1():
# ry > rx, angle in [0:pi/2]
img = np.zeros((30, 24), dtype=int)
rx = 6
ry = 12
x0 = 10
y0 = 15
angle = np.pi / 1.35
rr, cc = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, ry, rx, orientation=angle)
img[rr, cc] = 1
result = transform.hough_ellipse(img, threshold=15, accuracy=3)
best = result[-1]
assert_almost_equal(best[1] / 100., y0 / 100., decimal=1)
assert_almost_equal(best[2] / 100., x0 / 100., decimal=1)
assert_almost_equal(best[3] / 10., ry / 10., decimal=1)
assert_almost_equal(best[4] / 100., rx / 100., decimal=1)
assert_almost_equal(best[5], angle, decimal=1)
# Check if I re-draw the ellipse, points are the same!
# ie check API compatibility between hough_ellipse and ellipse_perimeter
rr2, cc2 = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, int(best[3]), int(best[4]),
assert_equal(rr, rr2)
assert_equal(cc, cc2)
def test_hough_ellipse_non_zero_posangle2():
# ry < rx, angle in [0:pi/2]
img = np.zeros((30, 24), dtype=int)
rx = 12
ry = 6
x0 = 10
y0 = 15
angle = np.pi / 1.35
rr, cc = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, ry, rx, orientation=angle)
img[rr, cc] = 1
result = transform.hough_ellipse(img, threshold=15, accuracy=3)
best = result[-1]
assert_almost_equal(best[1] / 100., y0 / 100., decimal=1)
assert_almost_equal(best[2] / 100., x0 / 100., decimal=1)
assert_almost_equal(best[3] / 10., ry / 10., decimal=1)
assert_almost_equal(best[4] / 100., rx / 100., decimal=1)
assert_almost_equal(best[5], angle, decimal=1)
# Check if I re-draw the ellipse, points are the same!
# ie check API compatibility between hough_ellipse and ellipse_perimeter
rr2, cc2 = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, int(best[3]), int(best[4]),
assert_equal(rr, rr2)
assert_equal(cc, cc2)
def test_hough_ellipse_non_zero_posangle3():
# ry < rx, angle in [pi/2:pi]
img = np.zeros((30, 24), dtype=int)
rx = 12
ry = 6
x0 = 10
y0 = 15
angle = np.pi / 1.35 + np.pi / 2.
rr, cc = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, ry, rx, orientation=angle)
img[rr, cc] = 1
result = transform.hough_ellipse(img, threshold=15, accuracy=3)
best = result[-1]
# Check if I re-draw the ellipse, points are the same!
# ie check API compatibility between hough_ellipse and ellipse_perimeter
rr2, cc2 = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, int(best[3]), int(best[4]),
assert_equal(rr, rr2)
assert_equal(cc, cc2)
def test_hough_ellipse_non_zero_posangle4():
# ry < rx, angle in [pi:3pi/4]
img = np.zeros((30, 24), dtype=int)
rx = 12
ry = 6
x0 = 10
y0 = 15
angle = np.pi / 1.35 + np.pi
rr, cc = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, ry, rx, orientation=angle)
img[rr, cc] = 1
result = transform.hough_ellipse(img, threshold=15, accuracy=3)
best = result[-1]
# Check if I re-draw the ellipse, points are the same!
# ie check API compatibility between hough_ellipse and ellipse_perimeter
rr2, cc2 = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, int(best[3]), int(best[4]),
assert_equal(rr, rr2)
assert_equal(cc, cc2)
def test_hough_ellipse_non_zero_negangle1():
# ry > rx, angle in [0:-pi/2]
img = np.zeros((30, 24), dtype=int)
rx = 6
ry = 12
x0 = 10
y0 = 15
angle = - np.pi / 1.35
rr, cc = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, ry, rx, orientation=angle)
img[rr, cc] = 1
result = transform.hough_ellipse(img, threshold=15, accuracy=3)
best = result[-1]
# Check if I re-draw the ellipse, points are the same!
# ie check API compatibility between hough_ellipse and ellipse_perimeter
rr2, cc2 = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, int(best[3]), int(best[4]),
assert_equal(rr, rr2)
assert_equal(cc, cc2)
def test_hough_ellipse_non_zero_negangle2():
# ry < rx, angle in [0:-pi/2]
img = np.zeros((30, 24), dtype=int)
rx = 12
ry = 6
x0 = 10
y0 = 15
angle = - np.pi / 1.35
rr, cc = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, ry, rx, orientation=angle)
img[rr, cc] = 1
result = transform.hough_ellipse(img, threshold=15, accuracy=3)
best = result[-1]
# Check if I re-draw the ellipse, points are the same!
# ie check API compatibility between hough_ellipse and ellipse_perimeter
rr2, cc2 = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, int(best[3]), int(best[4]),
assert_equal(rr, rr2)
assert_equal(cc, cc2)
def test_hough_ellipse_non_zero_negangle3():
# ry < rx, angle in [-pi/2:-pi]
img = np.zeros((30, 24), dtype=int)
rx = 12
ry = 6
x0 = 10
y0 = 15
angle = - np.pi / 1.35 - np.pi / 2.
rr, cc = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, ry, rx, orientation=angle)
img[rr, cc] = 1
result = transform.hough_ellipse(img, threshold=15, accuracy=3)
best = result[-1]
# Check if I re-draw the ellipse, points are the same!
# ie check API compatibility between hough_ellipse and ellipse_perimeter
rr2, cc2 = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, int(best[3]), int(best[4]),
assert_equal(rr, rr2)
assert_equal(cc, cc2)
def test_hough_ellipse_non_zero_negangle4():
# ry < rx, angle in [-pi:-3pi/4]
img = np.zeros((30, 24), dtype=int)
rx = 12
ry = 6
x0 = 10
y0 = 15
angle = - np.pi / 1.35 - np.pi
rr, cc = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, ry, rx, orientation=angle)
img[rr, cc] = 1
result = transform.hough_ellipse(img, threshold=15, accuracy=3)
best = result[-1]
# Check if I re-draw the ellipse, points are the same!
# ie check API compatibility between hough_ellipse and ellipse_perimeter
rr2, cc2 = ellipse_perimeter(y0, x0, int(best[3]), int(best[4]),
assert_equal(rr, rr2)
assert_equal(cc, cc2)
def test_hough_ellipse_all_black_img():
assert(transform.hough_ellipse(np.zeros((100, 100))).shape == (0, 6))