
288 lines
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from .common import Benchmark
import numpy as np
class Histogram1D(Benchmark):
def setup(self):
self.d = np.linspace(0, 100, 100000)
def time_full_coverage(self):
np.histogram(self.d, 200, (0, 100))
def time_small_coverage(self):
np.histogram(self.d, 200, (50, 51))
def time_fine_binning(self):
np.histogram(self.d, 10000, (0, 100))
class Histogram2D(Benchmark):
def setup(self):
self.d = np.linspace(0, 100, 200000).reshape((-1,2))
def time_full_coverage(self):
np.histogramdd(self.d, (200, 200), ((0, 100), (0, 100)))
def time_small_coverage(self):
np.histogramdd(self.d, (200, 200), ((50, 51), (50, 51)))
def time_fine_binning(self):
np.histogramdd(self.d, (10000, 10000), ((0, 100), (0, 100)))
class Bincount(Benchmark):
def setup(self):
self.d = np.arange(80000, dtype=np.intp)
self.e = self.d.astype(np.float64)
def time_bincount(self):
def time_weights(self):
np.bincount(self.d, weights=self.e)
class Median(Benchmark):
def setup(self):
self.e = np.arange(10000, dtype=np.float32)
self.o = np.arange(10001, dtype=np.float32)
def time_even(self):
def time_odd(self):
def time_even_inplace(self):
np.median(self.e, overwrite_input=True)
def time_odd_inplace(self):
np.median(self.o, overwrite_input=True)
def time_even_small(self):
np.median(self.e[:500], overwrite_input=True)
def time_odd_small(self):
np.median(self.o[:500], overwrite_input=True)
class Percentile(Benchmark):
def setup(self):
self.e = np.arange(10000, dtype=np.float32)
self.o = np.arange(10001, dtype=np.float32)
def time_quartile(self):
np.percentile(self.e, [25, 75])
def time_percentile(self):
np.percentile(self.e, [25, 35, 55, 65, 75])
class Select(Benchmark):
def setup(self):
self.d = np.arange(20000)
self.e = self.d.copy()
self.cond = [(self.d > 4), (self.d < 2)]
self.cond_large = [(self.d > 4), (self.d < 2)] * 10
def time_select(self):, [self.d, self.e])
def time_select_larger(self):, ([self.d, self.e] * 10))
def memoize(f):
_memoized = {}
def wrapped(*args):
if args not in _memoized:
_memoized[args] = f(*args)
return _memoized[args].copy()
return f
class SortGenerator:
# The size of the unsorted area in the "random unsorted area"
# benchmarks
# The size of the "partially ordered" sub-arrays
def random(size, dtype):
Returns a randomly-shuffled array.
arr = np.arange(size, dtype=dtype)
return arr
def ordered(size, dtype):
Returns an ordered array.
return np.arange(size, dtype=dtype)
def reversed(size, dtype):
Returns an array that's in descending order.
return np.arange(size-1, -1, -1, dtype=dtype)
def uniform(size, dtype):
Returns an array that has the same value everywhere.
return np.ones(size, dtype=dtype)
def swapped_pair(size, dtype, swap_frac):
Returns an ordered array, but one that has ``swap_frac * size``
pairs swapped.
a = np.arange(size, dtype=dtype)
for _ in range(int(size * swap_frac)):
x, y = np.random.randint(0, size, 2)
a[x], a[y] = a[y], a[x]
return a
def sorted_block(size, dtype, block_size):
Returns an array with blocks that are all sorted.
a = np.arange(size, dtype=dtype)
b = []
if size < block_size:
return a
block_num = size // block_size
for i in range(block_num):
return np.array(b)
def random_unsorted_area(cls, size, dtype, frac, area_size=None):
This type of array has random unsorted areas such that they
compose the fraction ``frac`` of the original array.
if area_size is None:
area_size = cls.AREA_SIZE
area_num = int(size * frac / area_size)
a = np.arange(size, dtype=dtype)
for _ in range(area_num):
start = np.random.randint(size-area_size)
end = start + area_size
return a
def random_bubble(cls, size, dtype, bubble_num, bubble_size=None):
This type of array has ``bubble_num`` random unsorted areas.
if bubble_size is None:
bubble_size = cls.BUBBLE_SIZE
frac = bubble_size * bubble_num / size
return cls.random_unsorted_area(size, dtype, frac, bubble_size)
class Sort(Benchmark):
This benchmark tests sorting performance with several
different types of arrays that are likely to appear in
real-world applications.
params = [
# In NumPy 1.17 and newer, 'merge' can be one of several
# stable sorts, it isn't necessarily merge sort.
['quick', 'merge', 'heap'],
['float64', 'int64', 'int16'],
('sorted_block', 10),
('sorted_block', 100),
('sorted_block', 1000),
# ('swapped_pair', 0.01),
# ('swapped_pair', 0.1),
# ('swapped_pair', 0.5),
# ('random_unsorted_area', 0.5),
# ('random_unsorted_area', 0.1),
# ('random_unsorted_area', 0.01),
# ('random_bubble', 1),
# ('random_bubble', 5),
# ('random_bubble', 10),
param_names = ['kind', 'dtype', 'array_type']
# The size of the benchmarked arrays.
ARRAY_SIZE = 10000
def setup(self, kind, dtype, array_type):
array_class = array_type[0]
self.arr = getattr(SortGenerator, array_class)(self.ARRAY_SIZE, dtype, *array_type[1:])
def time_sort(self, kind, dtype, array_type):
# Using np.sort(...) instead of arr.sort(...) because it makes a copy.
# This is important because the data is prepared once per benchmark, but
# used across multiple runs.
np.sort(self.arr, kind=kind)
def time_argsort(self, kind, dtype, array_type):
np.argsort(self.arr, kind=kind)
class SortWorst(Benchmark):
def setup(self):
# quicksort median of 3 worst case
self.worst = np.arange(1000000)
x = self.worst
while x.size > 3:
mid = x.size // 2
x[mid], x[-2] = x[-2], x[mid]
x = x[:-2]
def time_sort_worst(self):
# Retain old benchmark name for backward compatibility
time_sort_worst.benchmark_name = "bench_function_base.Sort.time_sort_worst"
class Where(Benchmark):
def setup(self):
self.d = np.arange(20000)
self.e = self.d.copy()
self.cond = (self.d > 5000)
def time_1(self):
def time_2(self):
np.where(self.cond, self.d, self.e)
def time_2_broadcast(self):
np.where(self.cond, self.d, 0)