
86 lines
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from .common import Benchmark
import numpy as np
class LaplaceInplace(Benchmark):
params = ['inplace', 'normal']
param_names = ['update']
def setup(self, update):
N = 150
Niter = 1000
dx = 0.1
dy = 0.1
dx2 = (dx * dx)
dy2 = (dy * dy)
def num_update(u, dx2, dy2):
u[1:(-1), 1:(-1)] = ((((u[2:, 1:(-1)] + u[:(-2), 1:(-1)]) * dy2) +
((u[1:(-1), 2:] + u[1:(-1), :(-2)]) * dx2))
/ (2 * (dx2 + dy2)))
def num_inplace(u, dx2, dy2):
tmp = u[:(-2), 1:(-1)].copy()
np.add(tmp, u[2:, 1:(-1)], out=tmp)
np.multiply(tmp, dy2, out=tmp)
tmp2 = u[1:(-1), 2:].copy()
np.add(tmp2, u[1:(-1), :(-2)], out=tmp2)
np.multiply(tmp2, dx2, out=tmp2)
np.add(tmp, tmp2, out=tmp)
np.multiply(tmp, (1.0 / (2.0 * (dx2 + dy2))),
out=u[1:(-1), 1:(-1)])
def laplace(N, Niter=100, func=num_update, args=()):
u = np.zeros([N, N], order='C')
u[0] = 1
for i in range(Niter):
func(u, *args)
return u
func = {'inplace': num_inplace, 'normal': num_update}[update]
def run():
laplace(N, Niter, func, args=(dx2, dy2)) = run
def time_it(self, update):
class MaxesOfDots(Benchmark):
def setup(self):
nsubj = 5
nfeat = 100
ntime = 200
self.arrays = [np.random.normal(size=(ntime, nfeat))
for i in range(nsubj)]
def maxes_of_dots(self, arrays):
A magical feature score for each feature in each dataset
:ref:`Haxby et al., Neuron (2011) <HGC+11>`.
If arrays are column-wise zscore-d before computation it
results in characterizing each column in each array with
sum of maximal correlations of that column with columns
in other arrays.
Arrays must agree only on the first dimension.
For numpy it a join benchmark of dot products and max()
on a set of arrays.
feature_scores = ([0] * len(arrays))
for (i, sd) in enumerate(arrays):
for (j, sd2) in enumerate(arrays[(i + 1):]):
corr_temp =, sd2)
feature_scores[i] += np.max(corr_temp, axis=1)
feature_scores[((j + i) + 1)] += np.max(corr_temp, axis=0)
return feature_scores
def time_it(self):