
780 lines
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#cython: cdivision=True
#cython: boundscheck=False
#cython: nonecheck=False
#cython: wraparound=False
import math
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as cnp
from libc.math cimport sqrt, sin, cos, floor, ceil, fabs
from .._shared.geometry cimport point_in_polygon
def _coords_inside_image(rr, cc, shape, val=None):
Return the coordinates inside an image of a given shape.
rr, cc : (N,) ndarray of int
Indices of pixels.
shape : tuple
Image shape which is used to determine the maximum extent of output
pixel coordinates. Must be at least length 2. Only the first two values
are used to determine the extent of the input image.
val : (N, D) ndarray of float, optional
Values of pixels at coordinates ``[rr, cc]``.
rr, cc : (M,) array of int
Row and column indices of valid pixels (i.e. those inside `shape`).
val : (M, D) array of float, optional
Values at `rr, cc`. Returned only if `val` is given as input.
mask = (rr >= 0) & (rr < shape[0]) & (cc >= 0) & (cc < shape[1])
if val is None:
return rr[mask], cc[mask]
return rr[mask], cc[mask], val[mask]
def _line(Py_ssize_t r0, Py_ssize_t c0, Py_ssize_t r1, Py_ssize_t c1):
"""Generate line pixel coordinates.
r0, c0 : int
Starting position (row, column).
r1, c1 : int
End position (row, column).
rr, cc : (N,) ndarray of int
Indices of pixels that belong to the line.
May be used to directly index into an array, e.g.
``img[rr, cc] = 1``.
See Also
line_aa : Anti-aliased line generator
cdef char steep = 0
cdef Py_ssize_t r = r0
cdef Py_ssize_t c = c0
cdef Py_ssize_t dr = abs(r1 - r0)
cdef Py_ssize_t dc = abs(c1 - c0)
cdef Py_ssize_t sr, sc, d, i
cdef Py_ssize_t[::1] rr = np.zeros(max(dc, dr) + 1, dtype=np.intp)
cdef Py_ssize_t[::1] cc = np.zeros(max(dc, dr) + 1, dtype=np.intp)
with nogil:
if (c1 - c) > 0:
sc = 1
sc = -1
if (r1 - r) > 0:
sr = 1
sr = -1
if dr > dc:
steep = 1
c, r = r, c
dc, dr = dr, dc
sc, sr = sr, sc
d = (2 * dr) - dc
for i in range(dc):
if steep:
rr[i] = c
cc[i] = r
rr[i] = r
cc[i] = c
while d >= 0:
r = r + sr
d = d - (2 * dc)
c = c + sc
d = d + (2 * dr)
rr[dc] = r1
cc[dc] = c1
return np.asarray(rr), np.asarray(cc)
def _line_aa(Py_ssize_t r0, Py_ssize_t c0, Py_ssize_t r1, Py_ssize_t c1):
"""Generate anti-aliased line pixel coordinates.
r0, c0 : int
Starting position (row, column).
r1, c1 : int
End position (row, column).
rr, cc, val : (N,) ndarray (int, int, float)
Indices of pixels (`rr`, `cc`) and intensity values (`val`).
``img[rr, cc] = val``.
.. [1] A Rasterizing Algorithm for Drawing Curves, A. Zingl, 2012
cdef list rr = list()
cdef list cc = list()
cdef list val = list()
cdef int dc = abs(c0 - c1)
cdef int dc_prime
cdef int dr = abs(r0 - r1)
cdef float err = dc - dr
cdef float err_prime
cdef int c, r, sign_c, sign_r
cdef float ed
if c0 < c1:
sign_c = 1
sign_c = -1
if r0 < r1:
sign_r = 1
sign_r = -1
if dc + dr == 0:
ed = 1
ed = sqrt(dc*dc + dr*dr)
c, r = c0, r0
while True:
val.append(fabs(err - dc + dr) / ed)
err_prime = err
c_prime = c
if (2 * err_prime) >= -dc:
if c == c1:
if (err_prime + dr) < ed:
rr.append(r + sign_r)
val.append(fabs(err_prime + dr) / ed)
err -= dr
c += sign_c
if 2 * err_prime <= dr:
if r == r1:
if (dc - err_prime) < ed:
cc.append(c_prime + sign_c)
val.append(fabs(dc - err_prime) / ed)
err += dc
r += sign_r
return (np.array(rr, dtype=np.intp),
np.array(cc, dtype=np.intp),
1. - np.array(val, dtype=float))
def _polygon(r, c, shape):
"""Generate coordinates of pixels within polygon.
r : (N,) ndarray
Row coordinates of vertices of polygon.
c : (N,) ndarray
Column coordinates of vertices of polygon.
shape : tuple
Image shape which is used to determine the maximum extent of output
pixel coordinates. This is useful for polygons that exceed the image
size. If None, the full extent of the polygon is used.
rr, cc : ndarray of int
Pixel coordinates of polygon.
May be used to directly index into an array, e.g.
``img[rr, cc] = 1``.
r = np.atleast_1d(r)
c = np.atleast_1d(c)
cdef Py_ssize_t nr_verts = c.shape[0]
cdef Py_ssize_t minr = int(max(0, r.min()))
cdef Py_ssize_t maxr = int(ceil(r.max()))
cdef Py_ssize_t minc = int(max(0, c.min()))
cdef Py_ssize_t maxc = int(ceil(c.max()))
# make sure output coordinates do not exceed image size
if shape is not None:
maxr = min(shape[0] - 1, maxr)
maxc = min(shape[1] - 1, maxc)
# make contiguous arrays for r, c coordinates
cdef cnp.float64_t[::1] rptr = np.ascontiguousarray(r, 'float64')
cdef cnp.float64_t[::1] cptr = np.ascontiguousarray(c, 'float64')
cdef cnp.float64_t r_i, c_i
# output coordinate arrays
rr = list()
cc = list()
for r_i in range(minr, maxr+1):
for c_i in range(minc, maxc+1):
if point_in_polygon(cptr, rptr, c_i, r_i):
return np.array(rr, dtype=np.intp), np.array(cc, dtype=np.intp)
def _circle_perimeter(Py_ssize_t r_o, Py_ssize_t c_o, Py_ssize_t radius,
method, shape):
"""Generate circle perimeter coordinates.
r_o, c_o : int
Centre coordinate of circle.
radius : int
Radius of circle.
method : {'bresenham', 'andres'}
bresenham : Bresenham method (default)
andres : Andres method
shape : tuple
Image shape which is used to determine the maximum extent of output pixel
coordinates. This is useful for circles that exceed the image size.
If None, the full extent of the circle is used.
rr, cc : (N,) ndarray of int
Bresenham and Andres' method:
Indices of pixels that belong to the circle perimeter.
May be used to directly index into an array, e.g.
``img[rr, cc] = 1``.
Andres method presents the advantage that concentric
circles create a disc whereas Bresenham can make holes. There
is also less distortions when Andres circles are rotated.
Bresenham method is also known as midpoint circle algorithm.
Anti-aliased circle generator is available with `circle_perimeter_aa`.
.. [1] J.E. Bresenham, "Algorithm for computer control of a digital
plotter", IBM Systems journal, 4 (1965) 25-30.
.. [2] E. Andres, "Discrete circles, rings and spheres", Computers &
Graphics, 18 (1994) 695-706.
cdef list rr = list()
cdef list cc = list()
cdef Py_ssize_t c = 0
cdef Py_ssize_t r = radius
cdef Py_ssize_t d = 0
cdef double dceil = 0
cdef double dceil_prev = 0
cdef char cmethod
if method == 'bresenham':
d = 3 - 2 * radius
cmethod = b'b'
elif method == 'andres':
d = radius - 1
cmethod = b'a'
raise ValueError('Wrong method')
while r >= c:
rr.extend([r, -r, r, -r, c, -c, c, -c])
cc.extend([c, c, -c, -c, r, r, -r, -r])
if cmethod == b'b':
if d < 0:
d += 4 * c + 6
d += 4 * (c - r) + 10
r -= 1
c += 1
elif cmethod == b'a':
if d >= 2 * (c - 1):
d = d - 2 * c
c = c + 1
elif d <= 2 * (radius - r):
d = d + 2 * r - 1
r = r - 1
d = d + 2 * (r - c - 1)
r = r - 1
c = c + 1
if shape is not None:
return _coords_inside_image(np.array(rr, dtype=np.intp) + r_o,
np.array(cc, dtype=np.intp) + c_o,
return (np.array(rr, dtype=np.intp) + r_o,
np.array(cc, dtype=np.intp) + c_o)
def _circle_perimeter_aa(Py_ssize_t r_o, Py_ssize_t c_o,
Py_ssize_t radius, shape):
"""Generate anti-aliased circle perimeter coordinates.
r_o, c_o : int
Centre coordinate of circle.
radius : int
Radius of circle.
shape : tuple
Image shape which is used to determine the maximum extent of output
pixel coordinates. This is useful for circles that exceed the image
size. If None, the full extent of the circle is used.
rr, cc, val : (N,) ndarray (int, int, float)
Indices of pixels (`rr`, `cc`) and intensity values (`val`).
``img[rr, cc] = val``.
Wu's method draws anti-aliased circle. This implementation doesn't use
lookup table optimization.
.. [1] X. Wu, "An efficient antialiasing technique", In ACM SIGGRAPH
Computer Graphics, 25 (1991) 143-152.
cdef Py_ssize_t c = 0
cdef Py_ssize_t r = radius
cdef Py_ssize_t d = 0
cdef double dceil = 0
cdef double dceil_prev = 0
cdef list rr = [r, c, r, c, -r, -c, -r, -c]
cdef list cc = [c, r, -c, -r, c, r, -c, -r]
cdef list val = [1] * 8
while r > c + 1:
c += 1
dceil = sqrt(radius * radius - c * c)
dceil = ceil(dceil) - dceil
if dceil < dceil_prev:
r -= 1
rr.extend([r, r - 1, c, c, r, r - 1, c, c])
cc.extend([c, c, r, r - 1, -c, -c, -r, 1 - r])
rr.extend([-r, 1 - r, -c, -c, -r, 1 - r, -c, -c])
cc.extend([c, c, r, r - 1, -c, -c, -r, 1 - r])
val.extend([1 - dceil, dceil] * 8)
dceil_prev = dceil
if shape is not None:
return _coords_inside_image(np.array(rr, dtype=np.intp) + r_o,
np.array(cc, dtype=np.intp) + c_o,
val=np.array(val, dtype=float))
return (np.array(rr, dtype=np.intp) + r_o,
np.array(cc, dtype=np.intp) + c_o,
np.array(val, dtype=float))
def _ellipse_perimeter(Py_ssize_t r_o, Py_ssize_t c_o, Py_ssize_t r_radius,
Py_ssize_t c_radius, double orientation, shape):
"""Generate ellipse perimeter coordinates.
r_o, c_o : int
Centre coordinate of ellipse.
r_radius, c_radius : int
Minor and major semi-axes. ``(r/r_radius)**2 + (c/c_radius)**2 = 1``.
orientation : double
Major axis orientation in clockwise direction as radians.
shape : tuple
Image shape which is used to determine the maximum extent of output pixel
coordinates. This is useful for ellipses that exceed the image size.
If None, the full extent of the ellipse is used.
rr, cc : (N,) ndarray of int
Indices of pixels that belong to the ellipse perimeter.
May be used to directly index into an array, e.g.
``img[rr, cc] = 1``.
.. [1] A Rasterizing Algorithm for Drawing Curves, A. Zingl, 2012
# If both radii == 0, return the center to avoid infinite loop in 2nd set
if r_radius == 0 and c_radius == 0:
return np.array(r_o), np.array(c_o)
# Pixels
cdef list rr = list()
cdef list cc = list()
# Compute useful values
cdef Py_ssize_t rd = r_radius * r_radius
cdef Py_ssize_t cd = c_radius * c_radius
cdef Py_ssize_t r, c, e2, err
cdef int ir0, ir1, ic0, ic1, ird, icd
cdef double sin_angle, ra, ca, za, a, b
if orientation == 0:
c = -c_radius
r = 0
e2 = rd
err = c * (2 * e2 + c) + e2
while c <= 0:
# Quadrant 1
rr.append(r_o + r)
cc.append(c_o - c)
# Quadrant 2
rr.append(r_o + r)
cc.append(c_o + c)
# Quadrant 3
rr.append(r_o - r)
cc.append(c_o + c)
# Quadrant 4
rr.append(r_o - r)
cc.append(c_o - c)
# Adjust `r` and `c`
e2 = 2 * err
if e2 >= (2 * c + 1) * rd:
c += 1
err += (2 * c + 1) * rd
if e2 <= (2 * r + 1) * cd:
r += 1
err += (2 * r + 1) * cd
while r < r_radius:
r += 1
rr.append(r_o + r)
rr.append(r_o - r)
sin_angle = sin(orientation)
za = (cd - rd) * sin_angle
ca = sqrt(cd - za * sin_angle)
ra = sqrt(rd + za * sin_angle)
a = ca + 0.5
b = ra + 0.5
za = za * a * b / (ca * ra)
ir0 = int(r_o - b)
ic0 = int(c_o - a)
ir1 = int(r_o + b)
ic1 = int(c_o + a)
ca = ic1 - ic0
ra = ir1 - ir0
za = 4 * za * cos(orientation)
w = ca * ra
if w != 0:
w = (w - za) / (w + w)
icd = int(floor(ca * w + 0.5))
ird = int(floor(ra * w + 0.5))
# Draw the 4 quadrants
rr_t, cc_t = _bezier_segment(ir0 + ird, ic0, ir0, ic0, ir0, ic0 + icd, 1-w)
rr_t, cc_t = _bezier_segment(ir0 + ird, ic0, ir1, ic0, ir1, ic1 - icd, w)
rr_t, cc_t = _bezier_segment(ir1 - ird, ic1, ir1, ic1, ir1, ic1 - icd, 1-w)
rr_t, cc_t = _bezier_segment(ir1 - ird, ic1, ir0, ic1, ir0, ic0 + icd, w)
if shape is not None:
return _coords_inside_image(np.array(rr, dtype=np.intp),
np.array(cc, dtype=np.intp), shape)
return np.array(rr, dtype=np.intp), np.array(cc, dtype=np.intp)
def _bezier_segment(Py_ssize_t r0, Py_ssize_t c0,
Py_ssize_t r1, Py_ssize_t c1,
Py_ssize_t r2, Py_ssize_t c2,
double weight):
"""Generate Bezier segment coordinates.
r0, c0 : int
Coordinates of the first control point.
r1, c1 : int
Coordinates of the middle control point.
r2, c2 : int
Coordinates of the last control point.
weight : double
Middle control point weight, it describes the line tension.
rr, cc : (N,) ndarray of int
Indices of pixels that belong to the Bezier curve.
May be used to directly index into an array, e.g.
``img[rr, cc] = 1``.
The algorithm is the rational quadratic algorithm presented in
reference [1]_.
.. [1] A Rasterizing Algorithm for Drawing Curves, A. Zingl, 2012
# Pixels
cdef list cc = list()
cdef list rr = list()
# Steps
cdef double sc = c2 - c1
cdef double sr = r2 - r1
cdef double d2c = c0 - c2
cdef double d2r = r0 - r2
cdef double d1c = c0 - c1
cdef double d1r = r0 - r1
cdef double rc = d1c * sr + d1r * sc
cdef double cur = d1c * sr - d1r * sc
cdef double err
cdef bint test1, test2
# If not a straight line
if cur != 0 and weight > 0:
if (sc * sc + sr * sr > d1c * d1c + d1r * d1r):
# Swap point 0 and point 2
# to start from the longer part
c2 = c0
c0 -= <Py_ssize_t>(d2c)
r2 = r0
r0 -= <Py_ssize_t>(d2r)
cur = -cur
d1c = 2 * (4 * weight * sc * d1c + d2c * d2c)
d1r = 2 * (4 * weight * sr * d1r + d2r * d2r)
# Set steps
if c0 < c2:
sc = 1
sc = -1
if r0 < r2:
sr = 1
sr = -1
rc = -2 * sc * sr * (2 * weight * rc + d2c * d2r)
if cur * sc * sr < 0:
d1c = -d1c
d1r = -d1r
rc = -rc
cur = -cur
d2c = 4 * weight * (c1 - c0) * sr * cur + d1c / 2 + rc
d2r = 4 * weight * (r0 - r1) * sc * cur + d1r / 2 + rc
# Flat ellipse, algo fails
if weight < 0.5 and (d2r > rc or d2c < rc):
cur = (weight + 1) / 2
weight = sqrt(weight)
rc = 1. / (weight + 1)
# Subdivide curve in half
sc = floor((c0 + 2 * weight * c1 + c2) * rc * 0.5 + 0.5)
sr = floor((r0 + 2 * weight * r1 + r2) * rc * 0.5 + 0.5)
d2c = floor((weight * c1 + c0) * rc + 0.5)
d2r = floor((r1 * weight + r0) * rc + 0.5)
return _bezier_segment(r0, c0, <Py_ssize_t>(d2r), <Py_ssize_t>(d2c),
<Py_ssize_t>(sr), <Py_ssize_t>(sc), cur)
err = d2c + d2r - rc
while d2r <= rc and d2c >= rc:
if c0 == c2 and r0 == r2:
# The job is done!
return np.array(rr, dtype=np.intp), np.array(cc, dtype=np.intp)
# Save boolean values
test1 = 2 * err > d2r
test2 = 2 * (err + d1r) < -d2r
# Move (c0, r0) to the next position
if 2 * err < d2c or test2:
r0 += <Py_ssize_t>(sr)
d2r += rc
d2c += d1c
err += d2c
if 2 * err > d2c or test1:
c0 += <Py_ssize_t>(sc)
d2c += rc
d2r += d1r
err += d2r
# Plot line
cc_t, rr_t = _line(c0, r0, c2, r2)
return np.array(rr, dtype=np.intp), np.array(cc, dtype=np.intp)
def _bezier_curve(Py_ssize_t r0, Py_ssize_t c0,
Py_ssize_t r1, Py_ssize_t c1,
Py_ssize_t r2, Py_ssize_t c2,
double weight, shape):
"""Generate Bezier curve coordinates.
r0, c0 : int
Coordinates of the first control point.
r1, c1 : int
Coordinates of the middle control point.
r2, c2 : int
Coordinates of the last control point.
weight : double
Middle control point weight, it describes the line tension.
shape : tuple
Image shape which is used to determine the maximum extent of output
pixel coordinates. This is useful for curves that exceed the image
size. If None, the full extent of the curve is used.
rr, cc : (N,) ndarray of int
Indices of pixels that belong to the Bezier curve.
May be used to directly index into an array, e.g.
``img[rr, cc] = 1``.
The algorithm is the rational quadratic algorithm presented in
reference [1]_.
.. [1] A Rasterizing Algorithm for Drawing Curves, A. Zingl, 2012
# Pixels
cdef list cc = list()
cdef list rr = list()
cdef int vc, vr
cdef double dc, dr, ww, t, q
vc = c0 - 2 * c1 + c2
vr = r0 - 2 * r1 + r2
dc = c0 - c1
dr = r0 - r1
if dc * (c2 - c1) > 0:
if dr * (r2 - r1):
if abs(dc * vr) > abs(dr * vc):
c0 = c2
c2 = <Py_ssize_t>(dc + c1)
r0 = r2
r2 = <Py_ssize_t>(dr + r1)
if (c0 == c2) or (weight == 1.):
t = <double>(c0 - c1) / vc
q = sqrt(4. * weight * weight * (c0 - c1) * (c2 - c1) + (c2 - c0) * floor(c2 - c0))
if (c1 < c0):
q = -q
t = (2. * weight * (c0 - c1) - c0 + c2 + q) / (2. * (1. - weight) * (c2 - c0))
q = 1. / (2. * t * (1. - t) * (weight - 1.) + 1.0)
dc = (t * t * (c0 - 2. * weight * c1 + c2) + 2. * t * (weight * c1 - c0) + c0) * q
dr = (t * t * (r0 - 2. * weight * r1 + r2) + 2. * t * (weight * r1 - r0) + r0) * q
ww = t * (weight - 1.) + 1.
ww *= ww * q
weight = ((1. - t) * (weight - 1.) + 1.) * sqrt(q)
vc = <int>(dc + 0.5)
vr = <int>(dr + 0.5)
dr = (dc - c0) * (r1 - r0) / (c1 - c0) + r0
rr_t, cc_t = _bezier_segment(r0, c0, <int>(dr + 0.5), vc, vr, vc, ww)
dr = (dc - c2) * (r1 - r2) / (c1 - c2) + r2
r1 = <int>(dr + 0.5)
c0 = c1 = vc
r0 = vr
if (r0 - r1) * floor(r2 - r1) > 0:
if (r0 == r2) or (weight == 1):
t = (r0 - r1) / (r0 - 2. * r1 + r2)
q = sqrt(4. * weight * weight * (r0 - r1) * (r2 - r1) + (r2 - r0) * floor(r2 - r0))
if r1 < r0:
q = -q
t = (2. * weight * (r0 - r1) - r0 + r2 + q) / (2. * (1. - weight) * (r2 - r0))
q = 1. / (2. * t * (1. - t) * (weight - 1.) + 1.)
dc = (t * t * (c0 - 2. * weight * c1 + c2) + 2. * t * (weight * c1 - c0) + c0) * q
dr = (t * t * (r0 - 2. * weight * r1 + r2) + 2. * t * (weight * r1 - r0) + r0) * q
ww = t * (weight - 1.) + 1.
ww *= ww * q
weight = ((1. - t) * (weight - 1.) + 1.) * sqrt(q)
vc = <int>(dc + 0.5)
vr = <int>(dr + 0.5)
dc = (c1 - c0) * (dr - r0) / (r1 - r0) + c0
rr_t, cc_t = _bezier_segment(r0, c0, vr, <int>(dc + 0.5), vr, vc, ww)
dc = (c1 - c2) * (dr - r2) / (r1 - r2) + c2
c1 = <int>(dc + 0.5)
c0 = vc
r0 = r1 = vr
rr_t, cc_t = _bezier_segment(r0, c0, r1, c1, r2, c2, weight * weight)
if shape is not None:
return _coords_inside_image(np.array(rr, dtype=np.intp),
np.array(cc, dtype=np.intp), shape)
return np.array(rr, dtype=np.intp), np.array(cc, dtype=np.intp)