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"""Tests for color conversion functions.
- the rgb2hsv test was written by Nicolas Pinto, 2009
- other tests written by Ralf Gommers, 2009
:license: modified BSD
import numpy as np
import pytest
from skimage._shared.testing import assert_equal, assert_almost_equal
from skimage._shared.testing import assert_array_almost_equal, fetch
from skimage._shared.testing import TestCase
from skimage.util import img_as_float, img_as_ubyte, img_as_float32
from skimage.color import (rgb2hsv, hsv2rgb,
rgb2xyz, xyz2rgb,
rgb2hed, hed2rgb,
rgb2rgbcie, rgbcie2rgb,
rgb2gray, gray2rgb,
xyz2lab, lab2xyz,
lab2rgb, rgb2lab,
xyz2luv, luv2xyz,
luv2rgb, rgb2luv,
lab2lch, lch2lab,
rgb2yuv, yuv2rgb,
rgb2yiq, yiq2rgb,
rgb2ypbpr, ypbpr2rgb,
rgb2ycbcr, ycbcr2rgb,
rgb2ydbdr, ydbdr2rgb,
rgba2rgb, gray2rgba)
from skimage._shared._warnings import expected_warnings
from skimage import data
import colorsys
class TestColorconv(TestCase):
img_rgb = data.colorwheel()
img_grayscale =
img_rgba = np.array([[[0, 0.5, 1, 0],
[0, 0.5, 1, 1],
[0, 0.5, 1, 0.5]]]).astype(float)
img_stains = img_as_float(img_rgb) * 0.3
colbars = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]]).astype(float)
colbars_array = np.swapaxes(colbars.reshape(3, 4, 2), 0, 2)
colbars_point75 = colbars * 0.75
colbars_point75_array = np.swapaxes(colbars_point75.reshape(3, 4, 2), 0, 2)
xyz_array = np.array([[[0.4124, 0.21260, 0.01930]], # red
[[0, 0, 0]], # black
[[.9505, 1., 1.089]], # white
[[.1805, .0722, .9505]], # blue
[[.07719, .15438, .02573]], # green
lab_array = np.array([[[53.233, 80.109, 67.220]], # red
[[0., 0., 0.]], # black
[[100.0, 0.005, -0.010]], # white
[[32.303, 79.197, -107.864]], # blue
[[46.229, -51.7, 49.898]], # green
luv_array = np.array([[[53.233, 175.053, 37.751]], # red
[[0., 0., 0.]], # black
[[100., 0.001, -0.017]], # white
[[32.303, -9.400, -130.358]], # blue
[[46.228, -43.774, 56.589]], # green
def test_rgba2rgb_conversion(self):
rgba = self.img_rgba
rgb = rgba2rgb(rgba)
expected = np.array([[[1, 1, 1],
[0, 0.5, 1],
[0.5, 0.75, 1]]]).astype(float)
self.assertEqual(rgb.shape, expected.shape)
assert_almost_equal(rgb, expected)
def test_rgba2rgb_error_grayscale(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, rgba2rgb, self.img_grayscale)
def test_rgba2rgb_error_rgb(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, rgba2rgb, self.img_rgb)
def test_rgba2rgb_dtype(self):
rgba = self.img_rgba.astype('float64')
rgba32 = img_as_float32(rgba)
assert rgba2rgb(rgba).dtype == rgba.dtype
assert rgba2rgb(rgba32).dtype == rgba32.dtype
# RGB to HSV
def test_rgb2hsv_conversion(self):
rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)[::16, ::16]
hsv = rgb2hsv(rgb).reshape(-1, 3)
# ground truth from colorsys
gt = np.array([colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2])
for pt in rgb.reshape(-1, 3)]
assert_almost_equal(hsv, gt)
def test_rgb2hsv_error_grayscale(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, rgb2hsv, self.img_grayscale)
def test_rgb2hsv_dtype(self):
rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)
rgb32 = img_as_float32(self.img_rgb)
assert rgb2hsv(rgb).dtype == rgb.dtype
assert rgb2hsv(rgb32).dtype == rgb32.dtype
# HSV to RGB
def test_hsv2rgb_conversion(self):
rgb = self.img_rgb.astype("float32")[::16, ::16]
# create HSV image with colorsys
hsv = np.array([colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2])
for pt in rgb.reshape(-1, 3)]).reshape(rgb.shape)
# convert back to RGB and compare with original.
# relative precision for RGB -> HSV roundtrip is about 1e-6
assert_almost_equal(rgb, hsv2rgb(hsv), decimal=4)
def test_hsv2rgb_error_grayscale(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, hsv2rgb, self.img_grayscale)
def test_hsv2rgb_dtype(self):
rgb = self.img_rgb.astype("float32")[::16, ::16]
# create HSV image with colorsys
hsv = np.array([colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2])
for pt in rgb.reshape(-1, 3)],
hsv32 = hsv.astype('float32')
assert hsv2rgb(hsv).dtype == hsv.dtype
assert hsv2rgb(hsv32).dtype == hsv32.dtype
# RGB to XYZ
def test_rgb2xyz_conversion(self):
gt = np.array([[[0.950456, 1. , 1.088754],
[0.538003, 0.787329, 1.06942 ],
[0.592876, 0.28484 , 0.969561],
[0.180423, 0.072169, 0.950227]],
[[0.770033, 0.927831, 0.138527],
[0.35758 , 0.71516 , 0.119193],
[0.412453, 0.212671, 0.019334],
[0. , 0. , 0. ]]])
assert_almost_equal(rgb2xyz(self.colbars_array), gt)
# stop repeating the "raises" checks for all other functions that are
# implemented with color._convert()
def test_rgb2xyz_error_grayscale(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, rgb2xyz, self.img_grayscale)
def test_rgb2xyz_dtype(self):
img = self.colbars_array
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert rgb2xyz(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert rgb2xyz(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
# XYZ to RGB
def test_xyz2rgb_conversion(self):
def test_xyz2rgb_dtype(self):
img = rgb2xyz(self.colbars_array)
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert xyz2rgb(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert xyz2rgb(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
# RGB<->XYZ roundtrip on another image
def test_xyz_rgb_roundtrip(self):
img_rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)
assert_array_almost_equal(xyz2rgb(rgb2xyz(img_rgb)), img_rgb)
# HED<->RGB roundtrip with ubyte image
def test_hed_rgb_roundtrip(self):
img_in = img_as_ubyte(self.img_stains)
img_out = rgb2hed(hed2rgb(img_in))
assert_equal(img_as_ubyte(img_out), img_in)
# HED<->RGB roundtrip with float image
def test_hed_rgb_float_roundtrip(self):
img_in = self.img_stains
img_out = rgb2hed(hed2rgb(img_in))
assert_array_almost_equal(img_out, img_in)
# BRO<->RGB roundtrip with ubyte image
def test_bro_rgb_roundtrip(self):
from skimage.color.colorconv import bro_from_rgb, rgb_from_bro
img_in = img_as_ubyte(self.img_stains)
img_out = combine_stains(img_in, rgb_from_bro)
img_out = separate_stains(img_out, bro_from_rgb)
assert_equal(img_as_ubyte(img_out), img_in)
# BRO<->RGB roundtrip with float image
def test_bro_rgb_roundtrip_float(self):
from skimage.color.colorconv import bro_from_rgb, rgb_from_bro
img_in = self.img_stains
img_out = combine_stains(img_in, rgb_from_bro)
img_out = separate_stains(img_out, bro_from_rgb)
assert_array_almost_equal(img_out, img_in)
def test_rgb2rgbcie_conversion(self):
gt = np.array([[[ 0.1488856 , 0.18288098, 0.19277574],
[ 0.01163224, 0.16649536, 0.18948516],
[ 0.12259182, 0.03308008, 0.17298223],
[-0.01466154, 0.01669446, 0.16969164]],
[[ 0.16354714, 0.16618652, 0.0230841 ],
[ 0.02629378, 0.1498009 , 0.01979351],
[ 0.13725336, 0.01638562, 0.00329059],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. ]]])
assert_almost_equal(rgb2rgbcie(self.colbars_array), gt)
def test_rgb2rgbcie_dtype(self):
img = self.colbars_array.astype('float64')
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert rgb2rgbcie(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert rgb2rgbcie(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
def test_rgbcie2rgb_conversion(self):
# only roundtrip test, we checked rgb2rgbcie above already
def test_rgbcie2rgb_dtype(self):
img = rgb2rgbcie(self.colbars_array).astype('float64')
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert rgbcie2rgb(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert rgbcie2rgb(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
def test_convert_colorspace(self):
colspaces = ['HSV', 'RGB CIE', 'XYZ', 'YCbCr', 'YPbPr', 'YDbDr']
colfuncs_from = [
hsv2rgb, rgbcie2rgb, xyz2rgb,
ycbcr2rgb, ypbpr2rgb, ydbdr2rgb
colfuncs_to = [
rgb2hsv, rgb2rgbcie, rgb2xyz,
rgb2ycbcr, rgb2ypbpr, rgb2ydbdr
convert_colorspace(self.colbars_array, 'RGB', 'RGB'),
for i, space in enumerate(colspaces):
gt = colfuncs_from[i](self.colbars_array)
convert_colorspace(self.colbars_array, space, 'RGB'), gt)
gt = colfuncs_to[i](self.colbars_array)
convert_colorspace(self.colbars_array, 'RGB', space), gt)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, convert_colorspace,
self.colbars_array, 'nokey', 'XYZ')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, convert_colorspace,
self.colbars_array, 'RGB', 'nokey')
def test_rgb2gray(self):
x = np.array([1, 1, 1]).reshape((1, 1, 3)).astype(float)
g = rgb2gray(x)
assert_array_almost_equal(g, 1)
assert_equal(g.shape, (1, 1))
def test_rgb2gray_contiguous(self):
x = np.random.rand(10, 10, 3)
assert rgb2gray(x).flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]
assert rgb2gray(x[:5, :5]).flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]
def test_rgb2gray_alpha(self):
x = np.random.rand(10, 10, 4)
with expected_warnings(['Non RGB image conversion']):
assert rgb2gray(x).ndim == 2
def test_rgb2gray_on_gray(self):
with expected_warnings(['The behavior of rgb2gray will change']):
rgb2gray(np.random.rand(5, 5))
def test_rgb2gray_dtype(self):
img = np.random.rand(10, 10, 3).astype('float64')
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert rgb2gray(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert rgb2gray(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
# test matrices for xyz2lab and lab2xyz generated using
# Note: easyrgb website displays xyz*100
def test_xyz2lab(self):
self.lab_array, decimal=3)
# Test the conversion with the rest of the illuminants.
for I in ["d50", "d55", "d65", "d75"]:
for obs in ["2", "10"]:
fname = "color/tests/data/lab_array_{0}_{1}.npy".format(I, obs)
lab_array_I_obs = np.load(fetch(fname))
xyz2lab(self.xyz_array, I, obs),
for I in ["a", "e"]:
fname = "color/tests/data/lab_array_{0}_2.npy".format(I)
lab_array_I_obs = np.load(fetch(fname))
xyz2lab(self.xyz_array, I, "2"),
def test_xyz2lab_dtype(self):
img = self.xyz_array.astype('float64')
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert xyz2lab(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert xyz2lab(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
def test_lab2xyz(self):
self.xyz_array, decimal=3)
# Test the conversion with the rest of the illuminants.
for I in ["d50", "d55", "d65", "d75"]:
for obs in ["2", "10"]:
fname = "color/tests/data/lab_array_{0}_{1}.npy".format(I, obs)
lab_array_I_obs = np.load(fetch(fname))
assert_array_almost_equal(lab2xyz(lab_array_I_obs, I, obs),
self.xyz_array, decimal=3)
for I in ["a", "e"]:
fname = "lab_array_{0}_2.npy".format(I, obs)
lab_array_I_obs = np.load(fetch('color/tests/data/' + fname))
assert_array_almost_equal(lab2xyz(lab_array_I_obs, I, "2"),
self.xyz_array, decimal=3)
# And we include a call to test the exception handling in the code.
xs = lab2xyz(lab_array_I_obs, "NaI", "2") # Not an illuminant
except ValueError:
xs = lab2xyz(lab_array_I_obs, "d50", "42") # Not a degree
except ValueError:
def test_lab2xyz_dtype(self):
img = self.lab_array.astype('float64')
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert lab2xyz(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert lab2xyz(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
def test_rgb2lab_brucelindbloom(self):
Test the RGB->Lab conversion by comparing to the calculator on the
authoritative Bruce Lindbloom
# Obtained with D65 white point, sRGB model and gamma
gt_for_colbars = np.array([
[97.1393, -21.5537, 94.4780],
[91.1132, -48.0875, -14.1312],
[87.7347, -86.1827, 83.1793],
[60.3242, 98.2343, -60.8249],
[53.2408, 80.0925, 67.2032],
[32.2970, 79.1875, -107.8602],
gt_array = np.swapaxes(gt_for_colbars.reshape(3, 4, 2), 0, 2)
assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2lab(self.colbars_array), gt_array, decimal=2)
def test_lab_rgb_roundtrip(self):
img_rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)
assert_array_almost_equal(lab2rgb(rgb2lab(img_rgb)), img_rgb)
def test_rgb2lab_dtype(self):
img = self.colbars_array.astype('float64')
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert rgb2lab(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert rgb2lab(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
def test_lab2rgb_dtype(self):
img = self.lab_array.astype('float64')
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert lab2rgb(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert lab2rgb(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
# test matrices for xyz2luv and luv2xyz generated using
# Note: easyrgb website displays xyz*100
def test_xyz2luv(self):
self.luv_array, decimal=3)
# Test the conversion with the rest of the illuminants.
for I in ["d50", "d55", "d65", "d75"]:
for obs in ["2", "10"]:
fname = "color/tests/data/luv_array_{0}_{1}.npy".format(I, obs)
luv_array_I_obs = np.load(fetch(fname))
xyz2luv(self.xyz_array, I, obs),
for I in ["a", "e"]:
fname = "color/tests/data/luv_array_{0}_2.npy".format(I)
luv_array_I_obs = np.load(fetch(fname))
xyz2luv(self.xyz_array, I, "2"),
def test_xyz2luv_dtype(self):
img = self.xyz_array.astype('float64')
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert xyz2luv(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert xyz2luv(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
def test_luv2xyz(self):
self.xyz_array, decimal=3)
# Test the conversion with the rest of the illuminants.
for I in ["d50", "d55", "d65", "d75"]:
for obs in ["2", "10"]:
fname = "color/tests/data/luv_array_{0}_{1}.npy".format(I, obs)
luv_array_I_obs = np.load(fetch(fname))
assert_array_almost_equal(luv2xyz(luv_array_I_obs, I, obs),
self.xyz_array, decimal=3)
for I in ["a", "e"]:
fname = "color/tests/data/luv_array_{0}_2.npy".format(I, obs)
luv_array_I_obs = np.load(fetch(fname))
assert_array_almost_equal(luv2xyz(luv_array_I_obs, I, "2"),
self.xyz_array, decimal=3)
def test_luv2xyz_dtype(self):
img = self.luv_array.astype('float64')
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert luv2xyz(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert luv2xyz(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
def test_rgb2luv_brucelindbloom(self):
Test the RGB->Lab conversion by comparing to the calculator on the
authoritative Bruce Lindbloom
# Obtained with D65 white point, sRGB model and gamma
gt_for_colbars = np.array([
[100, 0, 0],
[97.1393, 7.7056, 106.7866],
[91.1132, -70.4773, -15.2042],
[87.7347, -83.0776, 107.3985],
[60.3242, 84.0714, -108.6834],
[53.2408, 175.0151, 37.7564],
[32.2970, -9.4054, -130.3423],
[0, 0, 0]]).T
gt_array = np.swapaxes(gt_for_colbars.reshape(3, 4, 2), 0, 2)
gt_array, decimal=2)
def test_rgb2luv_dtype(self):
img = self.colbars_array.astype('float64')
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert rgb2luv(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert rgb2luv(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
def test_luv2rgb_dtype(self):
img = self.luv_array.astype('float64')
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert luv2rgb(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert luv2rgb(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
def test_luv_rgb_roundtrip(self):
img_rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)
assert_array_almost_equal(luv2rgb(rgb2luv(img_rgb)), img_rgb)
def test_lab_rgb_outlier(self):
lab_array = np.ones((3, 1, 3))
lab_array[0] = [50, -12, 85]
lab_array[1] = [50, 12, -85]
lab_array[2] = [90, -4, -47]
rgb_array = np.array([[[0.501, 0.481, 0]],
[[0, 0.482, 1.]],
[[0.578, 0.914, 1.]],
assert_almost_equal(lab2rgb(lab_array), rgb_array, decimal=3)
def test_lab_full_gamut(self):
a, b = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-100, 100), np.arange(-100, 100))
L = np.ones(a.shape)
lab = np.dstack((L, a, b))
for value in [0, 10, 20]:
lab[:, :, 0] = value
with expected_warnings(['Color data out of range']):
def test_lab_lch_roundtrip(self):
rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)
lab = rgb2lab(rgb)
lab2 = lch2lab(lab2lch(lab))
assert_array_almost_equal(lab2, lab)
def test_rgb_lch_roundtrip(self):
rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)
lab = rgb2lab(rgb)
lch = lab2lch(lab)
lab2 = lch2lab(lch)
rgb2 = lab2rgb(lab2)
assert_array_almost_equal(rgb, rgb2)
def test_lab_lch_0d(self):
lab0 = self._get_lab0()
lch0 = lab2lch(lab0)
lch2 = lab2lch(lab0[None, None, :])
assert_array_almost_equal(lch0, lch2[0, 0, :])
def test_lab_lch_1d(self):
lab0 = self._get_lab0()
lch0 = lab2lch(lab0)
lch1 = lab2lch(lab0[None, :])
assert_array_almost_equal(lch0, lch1[0, :])
def test_lab_lch_3d(self):
lab0 = self._get_lab0()
lch0 = lab2lch(lab0)
lch3 = lab2lch(lab0[None, None, None, :])
assert_array_almost_equal(lch0, lch3[0, 0, 0, :])
def _get_lab0(self):
rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb[:1, :1, :])
return rgb2lab(rgb)[0, 0, :]
def test_yuv(self):
rgb = np.array([[[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]])
assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2yuv(rgb), np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]]))
assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2yiq(rgb), np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]]))
assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2ypbpr(rgb), np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]]))
assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2ycbcr(rgb), np.array([[[235, 128, 128]]]))
assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2ydbdr(rgb), np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]]))
rgb = np.array([[[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]])
assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2yuv(rgb), np.array([[[0.587, -0.28886916, -0.51496512]]]))
assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2yiq(rgb), np.array([[[0.587, -0.27455667, -0.52273617]]]))
assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2ypbpr(rgb), np.array([[[0.587, -0.331264, -0.418688]]]))
assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2ycbcr(rgb), np.array([[[144.553, 53.797, 34.214]]]))
assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2ydbdr(rgb), np.array([[[0.587, -0.883, 1.116]]]))
def test_yuv_roundtrip(self):
img_rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)[::16, ::16]
assert_array_almost_equal(yuv2rgb(rgb2yuv(img_rgb)), img_rgb)
assert_array_almost_equal(yiq2rgb(rgb2yiq(img_rgb)), img_rgb)
assert_array_almost_equal(ypbpr2rgb(rgb2ypbpr(img_rgb)), img_rgb)
assert_array_almost_equal(ycbcr2rgb(rgb2ycbcr(img_rgb)), img_rgb)
assert_array_almost_equal(ydbdr2rgb(rgb2ydbdr(img_rgb)), img_rgb)
def test_rgb2yuv_dtype(self):
img = self.colbars_array.astype('float64')
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert rgb2yuv(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert rgb2yuv(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
def test_yuv2rgb_dtype(self):
img = rgb2yuv(self.colbars_array).astype('float64')
img32 = img.astype('float32')
assert yuv2rgb(img).dtype == img.dtype
assert yuv2rgb(img32).dtype == img32.dtype
def test_rgb2yiq_conversion(self):
rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)[::16, ::16]
yiq = rgb2yiq(rgb).reshape(-1, 3)
gt = np.array([colorsys.rgb_to_yiq(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2])
for pt in rgb.reshape(-1, 3)]
assert_almost_equal(yiq, gt, decimal=2)
def test_gray2rgb():
x = np.array([0, 0.5, 1])
w = gray2rgb(x)
expected_output = np.array([[ 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, ],
[ 1, 1, 1 ]])
assert_equal(w, expected_output)
x = x.reshape((3, 1))
y = gray2rgb(x)
assert_equal(y.shape, (3, 1, 3))
assert_equal(y.dtype, x.dtype)
assert_equal(y[..., 0], x)
assert_equal(y[0, 0, :], [0, 0, 0])
x = np.array([[0, 128, 255]], dtype=np.uint8)
z = gray2rgb(x)
assert_equal(z.shape, (1, 3, 3))
assert_equal(z[..., 0], x)
assert_equal(z[0, 1, :], [128, 128, 128])
def test_gray2rgb_rgb():
x = np.random.rand(5, 5, 4)
with expected_warnings(['Pass-through of possibly RGB images']):
y = gray2rgb(x)
assert_equal(x, y)
def test_gray2rgb_alpha():
x = np.random.random((5, 5, 4))
with expected_warnings(['Pass-through of possibly RGB images']):
assert_equal(gray2rgb(x, alpha=None).shape, (5, 5, 4))
with expected_warnings(['Pass-through of possibly RGB images',
'alpha argument is deprecated']):
assert_equal(gray2rgb(x, alpha=False).shape, (5, 5, 3))
with expected_warnings(['Pass-through of possibly RGB images',
'alpha argument is deprecated']):
assert_equal(gray2rgb(x, alpha=True).shape, (5, 5, 4))
x = np.random.random((5, 5, 3))
with expected_warnings(['Pass-through of possibly RGB images']):
assert_equal(gray2rgb(x, alpha=None).shape, (5, 5, 3))
with expected_warnings(['Pass-through of possibly RGB images',
'alpha argument is deprecated']):
assert_equal(gray2rgb(x, alpha=False).shape, (5, 5, 3))
with expected_warnings(['Pass-through of possibly RGB images',
'alpha argument is deprecated']):
assert_equal(gray2rgb(x, alpha=True).shape, (5, 5, 4))
with expected_warnings(['alpha argument is deprecated']):
assert_equal(gray2rgb(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4.]]),
alpha=True)[0, 0, 3], 1)
with expected_warnings(['alpha argument is deprecated']):
assert_equal(gray2rgb(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=np.uint8),
alpha=True)[0, 0, 3], 255)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", [(5, 5), (5, 5, 4), (5, 4, 5, 4)])
def test_gray2rgba(shape):
# nD case
img = np.random.random(shape)
rgba = gray2rgba(img)
# Shape check
assert_equal(rgba.shape, shape + (4, ))
# dtype check
assert rgba.dtype == img.dtype
# RGB channels check
for channel in range(3):
assert_equal(rgba[..., channel], img)
# Alpha channel check
assert_equal(rgba[..., 3], 1.0)
def test_gray2rgba_dtype():
img_f64 = np.random.random((5, 5))
img_f32 = img_f64.astype('float32')
img_u8 = img_as_ubyte(img_f64)
img_int = img_u8.astype(int)
for img in [img_f64, img_f32, img_u8, img_int]:
assert gray2rgba(img).dtype == img.dtype
def test_gray2rgba_alpha():
img = np.random.random((5, 5))
img_u8 = img_as_ubyte(img)
# Default
alpha = None
rgba = gray2rgba(img, alpha)
assert_equal(rgba[..., :3], gray2rgb(img))
assert_equal(rgba[..., 3], 1.0)
# Scalar
alpha = 0.5
rgba = gray2rgba(img, alpha)
assert_equal(rgba[..., :3], gray2rgb(img))
assert_equal(rgba[..., 3], alpha)
# Array
alpha = np.random.random((5, 5))
rgba = gray2rgba(img, alpha)
assert_equal(rgba[..., :3], gray2rgb(img))
assert_equal(rgba[..., 3], alpha)
# Warning about alpha cast
alpha = 0.5
with expected_warnings(["alpha can't be safely cast to image dtype"]):
rgba = gray2rgba(img_u8, alpha)
assert_equal(rgba[..., :3], gray2rgb(img_u8))
# Invalid shape
alpha = np.random.random((5, 5, 1))
expected_err_msg = ("could not broadcast input array from shape (5,5,1) "
"into shape (5,5)")
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
rgba = gray2rgba(img, alpha)
assert expected_err_msg == str(err.value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", [rgb2gray, gray2rgb, gray2rgba])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", ([(3, ), (2, 3), (4, 5, 3), (5, 4, 5, 3),
(4, 5, 4, 5, 3)]))
def test_nD_gray_conversion(func, shape):
img = np.random.rand(*shape)
msg_list = []
if img.ndim == 3 and func == gray2rgb:
msg_list.append('Pass-through of possibly RGB images in gray2rgb')
elif img.ndim == 2 and func == rgb2gray:
msg_list.append('The behavior of rgb2gray will change')
with expected_warnings(msg_list):
out = func(img)
common_ndim = min(out.ndim, len(shape))
assert out.shape[:common_ndim] == shape[:common_ndim]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", [rgb2hsv, hsv2rgb,
rgb2xyz, xyz2rgb,
rgb2hed, hed2rgb,
rgb2rgbcie, rgbcie2rgb,
xyz2lab, lab2xyz,
lab2rgb, rgb2lab,
xyz2luv, luv2xyz,
luv2rgb, rgb2luv,
lab2lch, lch2lab,
rgb2yuv, yuv2rgb,
rgb2yiq, yiq2rgb,
rgb2ypbpr, ypbpr2rgb,
rgb2ycbcr, ycbcr2rgb,
rgb2ydbdr, ydbdr2rgb])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", ([(3, ), (2, 3), (4, 5, 3), (5, 4, 5, 3),
(4, 5, 4, 5, 3)]))
def test_nD_color_conversion(func, shape):
img = np.random.rand(*shape)
out = func(img)
assert out.shape == img.shape
@pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", ([(4, ), (2, 4), (4, 5, 4), (5, 4, 5, 4),
(4, 5, 4, 5, 4)]))
def test_rgba2rgb_nD(shape):
img = np.random.rand(*shape)
out = rgba2rgb(img)
expected_shape = shape[:-1] + (3, )
assert out.shape == expected_shape