
95 lines
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from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from skimage import img_as_float, img_as_uint
from skimage import color, data, filters
from skimage.color.adapt_rgb import adapt_rgb, each_channel, hsv_value
# Down-sample image for quicker testing.
COLOR_IMAGE = data.astronaut()[::5, ::6]
GRAY_IMAGE =[::5, ::5]
smooth = partial(filters.gaussian, sigma=SIGMA)
assert_allclose = partial(np.testing.assert_allclose, atol=1e-8)
def edges_each(image):
return filters.sobel(image)
def smooth_each(image, sigma):
return filters.gaussian(image, sigma)
def mask_each(image, mask):
result = image.copy()
result[mask] = 0
return result
def edges_hsv(image):
return filters.sobel(image)
def smooth_hsv(image, sigma):
return filters.gaussian(image, sigma)
def edges_hsv_uint(image):
return img_as_uint(filters.sobel(image))
def test_gray_scale_image():
# We don't need to test both `hsv_value` and `each_channel` since
# `adapt_rgb` is handling gray-scale inputs.
assert_allclose(edges_each(GRAY_IMAGE), filters.sobel(GRAY_IMAGE))
def test_each_channel():
filtered = edges_each(COLOR_IMAGE)
for i, channel in enumerate(np.rollaxis(filtered, axis=-1)):
expected = img_as_float(filters.sobel(COLOR_IMAGE[:, :, i]))
assert_allclose(channel, expected)
def test_each_channel_with_filter_argument():
filtered = smooth_each(COLOR_IMAGE, SIGMA)
for i, channel in enumerate(np.rollaxis(filtered, axis=-1)):
assert_allclose(channel, smooth(COLOR_IMAGE[:, :, i]))
def test_each_channel_with_asymmetric_kernel():
mask = np.triu(np.ones(COLOR_IMAGE.shape[:2], dtype=bool))
mask_each(COLOR_IMAGE, mask)
def test_hsv_value():
filtered = edges_hsv(COLOR_IMAGE)
value = color.rgb2hsv(COLOR_IMAGE)[:, :, 2]
assert_allclose(color.rgb2hsv(filtered)[:, :, 2], filters.sobel(value))
def test_hsv_value_with_filter_argument():
filtered = smooth_hsv(COLOR_IMAGE, SIGMA)
value = color.rgb2hsv(COLOR_IMAGE)[:, :, 2]
assert_allclose(color.rgb2hsv(filtered)[:, :, 2], smooth(value))
def test_hsv_value_with_non_float_output():
# Since `rgb2hsv` returns a float image and the result of the filtered
# result is inserted into the HSV image, we want to make sure there isn't
# a dtype mismatch.
filtered = edges_hsv_uint(COLOR_IMAGE)
filtered_value = color.rgb2hsv(filtered)[:, :, 2]
value = color.rgb2hsv(COLOR_IMAGE)[:, :, 2]
# Reduce tolerance because dtype conversion.
assert_allclose(filtered_value, filters.sobel(value), rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5)