
136 lines
2.4 KiB

// -*- c++ -*-
%module Array
#include "Array1.h"
#include "Array2.h"
#include "ArrayZ.h"
// Get the NumPy typemaps
%include "../numpy.i"
// Get the STL typemaps
%include "stl.i"
// Handle standard exceptions
%include "exception.i"
catch (const std::invalid_argument& e)
SWIG_exception(SWIG_ValueError, e.what());
catch (const std::out_of_range& e)
SWIG_exception(SWIG_IndexError, e.what());
%init %{
// Global ignores
%ignore *::operator=;
%ignore *::operator[];
// Apply the 1D NumPy typemaps
%apply (int DIM1 , long* INPLACE_ARRAY1)
{(int length, long* data )};
%apply (long** ARGOUTVIEW_ARRAY1, int* DIM1 )
{(long** data , int* length)};
// Apply the 2D NumPy typemaps
%apply (int DIM1 , int DIM2 , long* INPLACE_ARRAY2)
{(int nrows, int ncols, long* data )};
%apply (int* DIM1 , int* DIM2 , long** ARGOUTVIEW_ARRAY2)
{(int* nrows, int* ncols, long** data )};
// Apply the 1D NumPy typemaps
%apply (int DIM1 , std::complex<double>* INPLACE_ARRAY1)
{(int length, std::complex<double>* data )};
%apply (std::complex<double>** ARGOUTVIEW_ARRAY1, int* DIM1 )
{(std::complex<double>** data , int* length)};
// Array1 support
%include "Array1.h"
%extend Array1
void __setitem__(int i, long v)
self->operator[](i) = v;
long __getitem__(int i)
return self->operator[](i);
int __len__()
return self->length();
std::string __str__()
return self->asString();
// Array2 support
%include "Array2.h"
%extend Array2
void __setitem__(int i, Array1 & v)
self->operator[](i) = v;
Array1 & __getitem__(int i)
return self->operator[](i);
int __len__()
return self->nrows() * self->ncols();
std::string __str__()
return self->asString();
// ArrayZ support
%include "ArrayZ.h"
%extend ArrayZ
void __setitem__(int i, std::complex<double> v)
self->operator[](i) = v;
std::complex<double> __getitem__(int i)
return self->operator[](i);
int __len__()
return self->length();
std::string __str__()
return self->asString();