
111 lines
3.6 KiB

Scan the directory of nep files and extract their metadata. The
metadata is passed to Jinja for filling out `index.rst.tmpl`.
import os
import jinja2
import glob
import re
def render(tpl_path, context):
path, filename = os.path.split(tpl_path)
return jinja2.Environment(
loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(path or './')
def nep_metadata():
ignore = ('nep-template.rst')
sources = sorted(glob.glob(r'nep-*.rst'))
sources = [s for s in sources if not s in ignore]
meta_re = r':([a-zA-Z\-]*): (.*)'
neps = {}
print('Loading metadata for:')
for source in sources:
print(f' - {source}')
nr = int(re.match(r'nep-([0-9]{4}).*\.rst', source).group(1))
with open(source) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
tags = [re.match(meta_re, line) for line in lines]
tags = [match.groups() for match in tags if match is not None]
tags = {tag[0]: tag[1] for tag in tags}
# The title should be the first line after a line containing only
# * or = signs.
for i, line in enumerate(lines[:-1]):
chars = set(line.rstrip())
if len(chars) == 1 and ("=" in chars or "*" in chars):
raise RuntimeError("Unable to find NEP title.")
tags['Title'] = lines[i+1].strip()
tags['Filename'] = source
if not tags['Title'].startswith(f'NEP {nr}'):
raise RuntimeError(
f'Title for NEP {nr} does not start with "NEP {nr}" '
'(note that — here is a special, enlongated dash). Got: '
f' {tags["Title"]!r}')
if tags['Status'] in ('Accepted', 'Rejected', 'Withdrawn'):
if not 'Resolution' in tags:
raise RuntimeError(
f'NEP {nr} is Accepted/Rejected/Withdrawn but '
'has no Resolution tag'
neps[nr] = tags
# Now that we have all of the NEP metadata, do some global consistency
# checks
for nr, tags in neps.items():
if tags['Status'] == 'Superseded':
if not 'Replaced-By' in tags:
raise RuntimeError(
f'NEP {nr} has been Superseded, but has no Replaced-By tag'
replaced_by = int(tags['Replaced-By'])
replacement_nep = neps[replaced_by]
if not 'Replaces' in replacement_nep:
raise RuntimeError(
f'NEP {nr} is superseded by {replaced_by}, but that NEP has '
f"no Replaces tag."
if not int(replacement_nep['Replaces']) == nr:
raise RuntimeError(
f'NEP {nr} is superseded by {replaced_by}, but that NEP has a '
f"Replaces tag of `{replacement_nep['Replaces']}`."
if 'Replaces' in tags:
replaced_nep = int(tags['Replaces'])
replaced_nep_tags = neps[replaced_nep]
if not replaced_nep_tags['Status'] == 'Superseded':
raise RuntimeError(
f'NEP {nr} replaces {replaced_nep}, but that NEP has not '
f'been set to Superseded'
return {'neps': neps}
infile = 'index.rst.tmpl'
outfile = 'index.rst'
meta = nep_metadata()
print(f'Compiling {infile} -> {outfile}')
index = render(infile, meta)
with open(outfile, 'w') as f: