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2021-01-14 08:07:24 +01:00
#cython: initializedcheck=False
#cython: wraparound=False
#cython: boundscheck=False
#cython: cdivision=True
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as cnp
from .._shared.fused_numerics cimport np_floats
from .._shared.fast_exp cimport _fast_exp
cdef inline np_floats patch_distance_2d(np_floats [:, :, :] p1,
np_floats [:, :, :] p2,
np_floats [:, ::] w,
Py_ssize_t s, np_floats var,
Py_ssize_t n_channels) nogil:
Compute a Gaussian distance between two image patches.
p1 : 3-D array_like
First patch, 2D image with last dimension corresponding to channels.
p2 : 3-D array_like
Second patch, 2D image with last dimension corresponding to channels.
w : 2-D array_like
Array of weights for the different pixels of the patches.
s : Py_ssize_t
Linear size of the patches.
var_diff : np_floats
The double of the expected noise variance.
n_channels : Py_ssize_t
The number of channels.
distance : np_floats
Gaussian distance between the two patches
The returned distance is given by
.. math:: \exp( -w ((p1 - p2)^2 - 2*var))
cdef Py_ssize_t i, j, channel
cdef np_floats DISTANCE_CUTOFF = 5.0
cdef np_floats tmp_diff = 0
cdef np_floats distance = 0
for i in range(s):
# exp of large negative numbers will be 0, so we'd better stop
if distance > DISTANCE_CUTOFF:
return 0.
for j in range(s):
for channel in range(n_channels):
tmp_diff = p1[i, j, channel] - p2[i, j, channel]
distance += w[i, j] * (tmp_diff * tmp_diff - var)
return _fast_exp(-max(0.0, distance))
cdef inline np_floats patch_distance_3d(np_floats [:, :, :] p1,
np_floats [:, :, :] p2,
np_floats [:, :, ::] w,
Py_ssize_t s, np_floats var) nogil:
Compute a Gaussian distance between two image patches.
p1 : 3-D array_like
First patch.
p2 : 3-D array_like
Second patch.
w : 3-D array_like
Array of weights for the different pixels of the patches.
s : Py_ssize_t
Linear size of the patches.
var_diff : np_floats
The double of the expected noise variance.
distance : np_floats
Gaussian distance between the two patches
The returned distance is given by
.. math:: \exp( -w ((p1 - p2)^2 - 2*var))
cdef Py_ssize_t i, j, k
cdef np_floats DISTANCE_CUTOFF = 5.0
cdef np_floats distance = 0
cdef np_floats tmp_diff
for i in range(s):
# exp of large negative numbers will be 0, so we'd better stop
if distance > DISTANCE_CUTOFF:
return 0.
for j in range(s):
for k in range(s):
tmp_diff = p1[i, j, k] - p2[i, j, k]
distance += w[i, j, k] * (tmp_diff * tmp_diff - var)
return _fast_exp(-max(0.0, distance))
def _nl_means_denoising_2d(cnp.ndarray[np_floats, ndim=3] image, Py_ssize_t s,
Py_ssize_t d, double h, double var):
Perform non-local means denoising on 2-D RGB image
image : ndarray
Input RGB image to be denoised
s : Py_ssize_t, optional
Size of patches used for denoising
d : Py_ssize_t, optional
Maximal distance in pixels where to search patches used for denoising
h : np_floats, optional
Cut-off distance (in gray levels). The higher h, the more permissive
one is in accepting patches.
var : np_floats
Expected noise variance. If non-zero, this is used to reduce the
apparent patch distances by the expected distance due to the noise.
This function operates on 2D grayscale and multichannel images. For
2D grayscale images, the input should be 3D with size 1 along the last
axis. The code is compatible with an arbitrary number of channels.
result : ndarray
Denoised image, of same shape as input image.
if s % 2 == 0:
s += 1 # odd value for symmetric patch
if np_floats is cnp.float32_t:
dtype = np.float32
dtype = np.float64
cdef Py_ssize_t n_row, n_col, n_channels
n_row, n_col, n_channels = image.shape[0], image.shape[1], image.shape[2]
cdef Py_ssize_t offset = s / 2
cdef Py_ssize_t row, col, i, j, channel, i_start, i_end, j_start, j_end
cdef np_floats[::1] new_values = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=dtype)
cdef np_floats[:, :, ::1] padded = np.ascontiguousarray(
np.pad(image, ((offset, offset), (offset, offset), (0, 0)),
cdef np_floats [:, :, ::1] result = np.empty_like(image)
cdef np_floats new_value
cdef np_floats weight_sum, weight
cdef np_floats A = ((s - 1.) / 4.)
cdef np_floats [::1] range_vals = np.arange(-offset, offset + 1,
xg_row, xg_col = np.meshgrid(range_vals, range_vals, indexing='ij')
cdef np_floats [:, ::1] w = np.ascontiguousarray(
np.exp(-(xg_row * xg_row + xg_col * xg_col) / (2 * A * A)))
w *= 1. / (n_channels * np.sum(w) * h * h)
cdef np_floats [:, :, :] central_patch
var *= 2
# Iterate over rows, taking padding into account
with nogil:
for row in range(n_row):
# Iterate over columns, taking padding into account
i_start = row - min(d, row)
i_end = row + min(d + 1, n_row - row)
for col in range(n_col):
# Initialize per-channel bins
new_values[:] = 0
# Reset weights for each local region
weight_sum = 0
central_patch = padded[row:row+s, col:col+s, :]
j_start = col - min(d, col)
j_end = col + min(d + 1, n_col - col)
# Iterate over local 2d patch for each pixel
for i in range(i_start, i_end):
for j in range(j_start, j_end):
weight = patch_distance_2d[np_floats](
padded[i:i+s, j:j+s, :],
w, s, var, n_channels)
# Collect results in weight sum
weight_sum += weight
# Apply to each channel multiplicatively
for channel in range(n_channels):
new_values[channel] += weight * padded[i+offset,
# Normalize the result
for channel in range(n_channels):
result[row, col, channel] = new_values[channel] / weight_sum
return np.squeeze(np.asarray(result))
def _nl_means_denoising_3d(cnp.ndarray[np_floats, ndim=3] image,
Py_ssize_t s, Py_ssize_t d,
double h, double var):
Perform non-local means denoising on 3-D array
image : ndarray
Input data to be denoised.
s : int, optional
Size of patches used for denoising.
d : Py_ssize_t, optional
Maximal distance in pixels where to search patches used for denoising.
h : np_floats, optional
Cut-off distance (in gray levels).
var : np_floats
Expected noise variance. If non-zero, this is used to reduce the
apparent patch distances by the expected distance due to the noise.
result : ndarray
Denoised image, of same shape as input image.
if s % 2 == 0:
s += 1 # odd value for symmetric patch
if np_floats is cnp.float32_t:
dtype = np.float32
dtype = np.float64
cdef Py_ssize_t n_pln, n_row, n_col
n_pln, n_row, n_col = image.shape[0], image.shape[1], image.shape[2]
cdef Py_ssize_t i_start, i_end, j_start, j_end, k_start, k_end
cdef Py_ssize_t pln, row, col, i, j, k
cdef Py_ssize_t offset = s / 2
# padd the image so that boundaries are denoised as well
cdef np_floats [:, :, ::1] padded = np.ascontiguousarray(
np.pad(image, offset, mode='reflect'))
cdef np_floats [:, :, ::1] result = np.empty_like(image)
cdef np_floats new_value
cdef np_floats weight_sum, weight
cdef np_floats A = ((s - 1.) / 4.)
cdef np_floats [::] range_vals = np.arange(-offset, offset + 1,
xg_pln, xg_row, xg_col = np.meshgrid(range_vals, range_vals, range_vals,
cdef np_floats [:, :, ::1] w = np.ascontiguousarray(
np.exp(-(xg_pln * xg_pln + xg_row * xg_row + xg_col * xg_col) /
(2 * A * A)))
w *= 1. / (np.sum(w) * h * h)
cdef np_floats [:, :, :] central_patch
var *= 2
# Iterate over planes, taking padding into account
with nogil:
for pln in range(n_pln):
i_start = pln - min(d, pln)
i_end = pln + min(d + 1, n_pln - pln)
# Iterate over rows, taking padding into account
for row in range(n_row):
j_start = row - min(d, row)
j_end = row + min(d + 1, n_row - row)
# Iterate over columns, taking padding into account
for col in range(n_col):
k_start = col - min(d, col)
k_end = col + min(d + 1, n_col - col)
central_patch = padded[pln:pln+s, row:row+s, col:col+s]
new_value = 0
weight_sum = 0
# Iterate over local 3d patch for each pixel
for i in range(i_start, i_end):
for j in range(j_start, j_end):
for k in range(k_start, k_end):
weight = patch_distance_3d[np_floats](
padded[i:i+s, j:j+s, k:k+s],
w, s, var)
# Collect results in weight sum
weight_sum += weight
new_value += weight * padded[i+offset,
# Normalize the result
result[pln, row, col] = new_value / weight_sum
return np.asarray(result)
#-------------- Accelerated algorithm of Froment 2015 ------------------
cdef inline double _integral_to_distance_2d(double [:, ::] integral,
Py_ssize_t row, Py_ssize_t col,
Py_ssize_t offset,
double h2s2) nogil:
J. Darbon, A. Cunha, T.F. Chan, S. Osher, and G.J. Jensen, Fast
nonlocal filtering applied to electron cryomicroscopy, in 5th IEEE
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro,
2008, pp. 1331-1334.
Jacques Froment. Parameter-Free Fast Pixelwise Non-Local Means
Denoising. Image Processing On Line, 2014, vol. 4, p. 300-326.
Used in _fast_nl_means_denoising_2d
cdef double distance = (integral[row + offset, col + offset] +
integral[row - offset, col - offset] -
integral[row - offset, col + offset] -
integral[row + offset, col - offset])
return max(distance, 0.0) / h2s2
cdef inline double _integral_to_distance_3d(double[:, :, ::] integral,
Py_ssize_t pln, Py_ssize_t row,
Py_ssize_t col, Py_ssize_t offset,
double s_cube_h_square) nogil:
J. Darbon, A. Cunha, T.F. Chan, S. Osher, and G.J. Jensen, Fast
nonlocal filtering applied to electron cryomicroscopy, in 5th IEEE
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro,
2008, pp. 1331-1334.
Jacques Froment. Parameter-Free Fast Pixelwise Non-Local Means
Denoising. Image Processing On Line, 2014, vol. 4, p. 300-326.
Used in _fast_nl_means_denoising_3d
cdef double distance= (
integral[pln + offset, row + offset, col + offset] -
integral[pln - offset, row - offset, col - offset] +
integral[pln - offset, row - offset, col + offset] +
integral[pln - offset, row + offset, col - offset] +
integral[pln + offset, row - offset, col - offset] -
integral[pln - offset, row + offset, col + offset] -
integral[pln + offset, row - offset, col + offset] -
integral[pln + offset, row + offset, col - offset])
return max(distance, 0.0) / (s_cube_h_square)
cdef inline void _integral_image_2d(double [:, :, ::] padded,
double [:, ::] integral,
Py_ssize_t t_row, Py_ssize_t t_col,
Py_ssize_t n_row, Py_ssize_t n_col,
Py_ssize_t n_channels,
double var_diff) nogil:
Computes the integral of the squared difference between an image ``padded``
and the same image shifted by ``(t_row, t_col)``.
padded : ndarray of shape (n_row, n_col, n_channels)
Image of interest.
integral : ndarray
Output of the function. The array is filled with integral values.
``integral`` should have the same shape as ``padded``.
t_row : Py_ssize_t
Shift along the row axis.
t_col : Py_ssize_t
Shift along the column axis (positive).
n_row : Py_ssize_t
n_col : Py_ssize_t
n_channels : Py_ssize_t
var_diff : double
The double of the expected noise variance. If non-zero, this
is used to reduce the apparent patch distances by the expected
distance due to the noise.
The integral computation could be performed using
``transform.integral_image``, but this helper function saves memory
by avoiding copies of ``padded``.
cdef Py_ssize_t row, col, channel
cdef Py_ssize_t row_start = max(1, -t_row)
cdef Py_ssize_t row_end = min(n_row, n_row - t_row)
cdef double t, distance
for row in range(row_start, row_end):
for col in range(1, n_col - t_col):
distance = 0
for channel in range(n_channels):
t = (padded[row, col, channel] -
padded[row + t_row, col + t_col, channel])
distance += t * t
distance -= n_channels * var_diff
integral[row, col] = (distance +
integral[row - 1, col] +
integral[row, col - 1] -
integral[row - 1, col - 1])
cdef inline void _integral_image_3d(double [:, :, ::] padded,
double [:, :, ::] integral,
Py_ssize_t t_pln, Py_ssize_t t_row,
Py_ssize_t t_col, Py_ssize_t n_pln,
Py_ssize_t n_row, Py_ssize_t n_col,
double var_diff) nogil:
Computes the integral of the squared difference between an image ``padded``
and the same image shifted by ``(t_pln, t_row, t_col)``.
padded : ndarray of shape (n_pln, n_row, n_col)
Image of interest.
integral : ndarray
Output of the function. The array is filled with integral values.
``integral`` should have the same shape as ``padded``.
t_pln : Py_ssize_t
Shift along the plane axis.
t_row : Py_ssize_t
Shift along the row axis.
t_col : Py_ssize_t
Shift along the column axis (positive).
n_pln : Py_ssize_t
n_row : Py_ssize_t
n_col : Py_ssize_t
var_diff : np_floats
The double of the expected noise variance. If non-zero, this
is used to reduce the apparent patch distances by the expected
distance due to the noise.
The integral computation could be performed using
``transform.integral_image``, but this helper function saves memory
by avoiding copies of ``padded``.
cdef Py_ssize_t pln, row, col
cdef Py_ssize_t pln_start = max(1, -t_pln)
cdef Py_ssize_t pln_end = min(n_pln, n_pln - t_pln)
cdef Py_ssize_t row_start = max(1, -t_row)
cdef Py_ssize_t row_end = min(n_row, n_row - t_row)
cdef double distance
for pln in range(pln_start, pln_end):
for row in range(row_start, row_end):
for col in range(1, n_col - t_col):
distance = (padded[pln, row, col] -
padded[pln + t_pln, row + t_row, col + t_col])
distance *= distance
distance -= var_diff
integral[pln, row, col] = (
distance +
integral[pln - 1, row, col] +
integral[pln, row - 1, col] +
integral[pln, row, col - 1] +
integral[pln - 1, row - 1, col - 1] -
integral[pln - 1, row - 1, col] -
integral[pln, row - 1, col - 1] -
integral[pln - 1, row, col - 1])
def _fast_nl_means_denoising_2d(cnp.ndarray[np_floats, ndim=3] image,
Py_ssize_t s, Py_ssize_t d,
double h, double var):
Perform fast non-local means denoising on 2-D array, with the outer
loop on patch shifts in order to reduce the number of operations.
image : ndarray
2-D input data to be denoised, grayscale or RGB.
s : Py_ssize_t, optional
Size of patches used for denoising.
d : Py_ssize_t, optional
Maximal distance in pixels where to search patches used for denoising.
h : double, optional
Cut-off distance (in gray levels). The higher h, the more permissive
one is in accepting patches.
var : double
Expected noise variance. If non-zero, this is used to reduce the
apparent patch distances by the expected distance due to the noise.
result : ndarray
Denoised image, of same shape as input image.
J. Darbon, A. Cunha, T.F. Chan, S. Osher, and G.J. Jensen, Fast
nonlocal filtering applied to electron cryomicroscopy, in 5th IEEE
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro,
2008, pp. 1331-1334.
Jacques Froment. Parameter-Free Fast Pixelwise Non-Local Means
Denoising. Image Processing On Line, 2014, vol. 4, p. 300-326.
cdef double DISTANCE_CUTOFF = 5.0
if s % 2 == 0:
s += 1 # odd value for symmetric patch
if np_floats is cnp.float32_t:
dtype = np.float32
dtype = np.float64
# Image padding: we need to account for patch size, possible shift,
# + 1 for the boundary effects in finite differences
cdef Py_ssize_t n_row, n_col, t_row, t_col, row, col, n_channels, channel
cdef Py_ssize_t row_start, row_end, row_shift, col_shift
cdef Py_ssize_t offset = s / 2
cdef Py_ssize_t pad_size = offset + d + 1
cdef double [:, :, ::1] padded = np.ascontiguousarray(
np.pad(image, ((pad_size, pad_size), (pad_size, pad_size), (0, 0)),
cdef double [:, ::1] weights = np.zeros_like(padded[..., 0])
cdef double [:, ::1] integral = np.zeros_like(weights)
cdef double [:, :, ::1] result = np.zeros_like(padded)
cdef double distance, h2s2, weight, alpha
n_row, n_col, n_channels = padded.shape[0], padded.shape[1], padded.shape[2]
h2s2 = n_channels * h * h * s * s
var *= 2
with nogil:
# Outer loops on patch shifts
# With t2 >= 0, reference patch is always on the left of test patch
# Iterate over shifts along the row axis
for t_row in range(-d, d + 1):
# alpha is to account for patches on the same column
# distance is computed twice in this case
if t_row != 0:
alpha = 0.5
alpha = 1.0
row_start = max(offset, offset - t_row)
row_end = min(n_row - offset, n_row - offset - t_row)
# Iterate over shifts along the column axis
for t_col in range(0, d + 1):
# Compute integral image of the squared difference between
# padded and the same image shifted by (t_row, t_col)
_integral_image_2d(padded, integral, t_row, t_col,
n_row, n_col, n_channels, var)
# Inner loops on pixel coordinates
# Iterate over rows, taking offset and shift into account
for row in range(row_start, row_end):
row_shift = row + t_row
# Iterate over columns, taking offset and shift into account
for col in range(offset, n_col - offset - t_col):
# Compute squared distance between shifted patches
distance = _integral_to_distance_2d(
integral, row, col, offset, h2s2)
# exp of large negative numbers is close to zero
if distance > DISTANCE_CUTOFF:
col_shift = col + t_col
weight = alpha * _fast_exp(-distance)
# Accumulate weights corresponding to different shifts
weights[row, col] += weight
weights[row_shift, col_shift] += weight
# Iterate over channels
for channel in range(n_channels):
result[row, col, channel] += weight * \
padded[row_shift, col_shift, channel]
result[row_shift, col_shift, channel] += \
weight * padded[row, col, channel]
alpha = 1
# Normalize pixel values using sum of weights of contributing patches
for row in range(pad_size, n_row - pad_size):
for col in range(pad_size, n_col - pad_size):
for channel in range(n_channels):
# No risk of division by zero, since the contribution
# of a null shift is strictly positive
result[row, col, channel] /= weights[row, col]
# Return cropped result, undoing padding
return np.squeeze(np.asarray(result[pad_size: -pad_size,
pad_size: -pad_size, :]).astype(dtype))
def _fast_nl_means_denoising_3d(cnp.ndarray[np_floats, ndim=3] image,
Py_ssize_t s, Py_ssize_t d, double h,
double var):
Perform fast non-local means denoising on 3-D array, with the outer
loop on patch shifts in order to reduce the number of operations.
image : ndarray
3-D input data to be denoised.
s : Py_ssize_t, optional
Size of patches used for denoising.
d : Py_ssize_t, optional
Maximal distance in pixels where to search patches used for denoising.
h : double, optional
cut-off distance (in gray levels). The higher h, the more permissive
one is in accepting patches.
var : double
Expected noise variance. If non-zero, this is used to reduce the
apparent patch distances by the expected distance due to the noise.
result : ndarray
Denoised image, of same shape as input image.
J. Darbon, A. Cunha, T.F. Chan, S. Osher, and G.J. Jensen, Fast
nonlocal filtering applied to electron cryomicroscopy, in 5th IEEE
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro,
2008, pp. 1331-1334.
Jacques Froment. Parameter-Free Fast Pixelwise Non-Local Means
Denoising. Image Processing On Line, 2014, vol. 4, p. 300-326.
cdef double DISTANCE_CUTOFF = 5.0
if s % 2 == 0:
s += 1 # odd value for symmetric patch
if np_floats is cnp.float32_t:
dtype = np.float32
dtype = np.float64
cdef Py_ssize_t offset = s / 2
# Image padding: we need to account for patch size, possible shift,
# + 1 for the boundary effects in finite differences
cdef Py_ssize_t pad_size = offset + d + 1
cdef double [:, :, ::1] padded = np.ascontiguousarray(
np.pad(image, pad_size, mode='reflect').astype(np.float64))
cdef double [:, :, ::1] weights = np.zeros_like(padded)
cdef double [:, :, ::1] integral = np.zeros_like(padded)
cdef double [:, :, ::1] result = np.zeros_like(padded)
cdef Py_ssize_t n_pln, n_row, n_col, t_pln, t_row, t_col, \
pln, row, col
cdef Py_ssize_t pln_dist_min, pln_dist_max, row_dist_min, row_dist_max, \
col_dist_min, col_dist_max
cdef double weight, distance, alpha
cdef double s_cube_h_square = h * h * s * s * s
n_pln, n_row, n_col = padded.shape[0], padded.shape[1], padded.shape[2]
var *= 2
with nogil:
# Outer loops on patch shifts
# With t2 >= 0, reference patch is always on the left of test patch
# Iterate over shifts along the plane axis
for t_pln in range(-d, d + 1):
pln_dist_min = max(offset, offset - t_pln)
pln_dist_max = min(n_pln - offset, n_pln - offset - t_pln)
# alpha is to account for patches on the same column
# distance is computed twice in this case
if t_pln == 0:
alpha = 1.0
alpha = 0.5
# Iterate over shifts along the row axis
for t_row in range(-d, d + 1):
row_dist_min = max(offset, offset - t_row)
row_dist_max = min(n_row - offset, n_row - offset - t_row)
if t_row == 0:
alpha = 1.0
alpha = 0.5
# Iterate over shifts along the column axis
for t_col in range(0, d + 1):
col_dist_min = offset
col_dist_max = n_col - offset - t_col
# Compute integral image of the squared difference between
# padded and the same image shifted by (t_pln, t_row, t_col)
_integral_image_3d(padded, integral, t_pln,
t_row, t_col, n_pln, n_row,
n_col, var)
# Inner loops on pixel coordinates
# Iterate over planes, taking offset and shift into account
for pln in range(pln_dist_min, pln_dist_max):
# Iterate over rows, taking offset and shift
# into account
for row in range(row_dist_min, row_dist_max):
# Iterate over columns
for col in range(col_dist_min, col_dist_max):
# Compute squared distance between
# shifted patches
distance = _integral_to_distance_3d(integral,
pln, row, col, offset, s_cube_h_square)
# exp of large negative numbers is close to zero
if distance > DISTANCE_CUTOFF:
weight = alpha * _fast_exp(-distance)
# Accumulate weights for the different shifts
weights[pln, row, col] += weight
weights[pln + t_pln, row + t_row,
col + t_col] += weight
result[pln, row, col] += weight * \
padded[pln + t_pln, row + t_row,
col + t_col]
result[pln + t_pln, row + t_row,
col + t_col] += weight * \
padded[pln, row, col]
alpha = 1.0
# Normalize pixel values using sum of weights of contributing patches
for pln in range(pad_size, n_pln - pad_size):
for row in range(pad_size, n_row - pad_size):
for col in range(pad_size, n_col - pad_size):
# No risk of division by zero, since the contribution
# of a null shift is strictly positive
result[pln, row, col] /= weights[pln, row, col]
# Return cropped result, undoing padding
return np.asarray(result[pad_size:-pad_size, pad_size:-pad_size,