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2021-01-14 08:07:24 +01:00
`reconstruction_loop` originally part of CellProfiler, code licensed under both GPL and BSD licenses.
Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Broad Institute
All rights reserved.
Original author: Lee Kamentsky
cimport numpy as cnp
cimport cython
def reconstruction_loop(cnp.ndarray[dtype=cnp.uint32_t, ndim=1,
negative_indices=False, mode='c'] aranks,
cnp.ndarray[dtype=cnp.int32_t, ndim=1,
negative_indices=False, mode='c'] aprev,
cnp.ndarray[dtype=cnp.int32_t, ndim=1,
negative_indices=False, mode='c'] anext,
cnp.ndarray[dtype=cnp.int32_t, ndim=1,
negative_indices=False, mode='c'] astrides,
Py_ssize_t current_idx,
Py_ssize_t image_stride):
"""The inner loop for reconstruction.
This algorithm uses the rank-order of pixels. If low intensity pixels have
a low rank and high intensity pixels have a high rank, then this loop
performs reconstruction by dilation. If this ranking is reversed, the
result is reconstruction by erosion.
For each pixel in the seed image, check its neighbors. If its neighbor's
rank is below that of the current pixel, replace the neighbor's rank with
the rank of the current pixel. This dilation is limited by the mask, i.e.
the rank at each pixel cannot exceed the mask as that pixel.
aranks : array
The rank order of the flattened seed and mask images.
aprev, anext: arrays
Indices of previous and next pixels in rank sorted order.
astrides : array
Strides to neighbors of the current pixel.
current_idx : int
Index of highest-ranked pixel used as starting point in loop.
image_stride : int
Stride between seed image and mask image in `aranks`.
cdef unsigned int neighbor_rank, current_rank, mask_rank
cdef int i, neighbor_idx, current_link, nprev, nnext
cdef int nstrides = astrides.shape[0]
cdef cnp.uint32_t *ranks = <cnp.uint32_t *>(
cdef cnp.int32_t *prev = <cnp.int32_t *>(
cdef cnp.int32_t *next = <cnp.int32_t *>(
cdef cnp.int32_t *strides = <cnp.int32_t *>(
with nogil:
while current_idx != -1:
if current_idx < image_stride:
current_rank = ranks[current_idx]
if current_rank == 0:
for i in range(nstrides):
neighbor_idx = current_idx + strides[i]
neighbor_rank = ranks[neighbor_idx]
# Only propagate neighbors ranked below the current rank
if neighbor_rank < current_rank:
mask_rank = ranks[neighbor_idx + image_stride]
# Only propagate neighbors ranked below the mask rank
if neighbor_rank < mask_rank:
# Raise the neighbor to the mask rank if
# the mask ranked below the current rank
if mask_rank < current_rank:
current_link = neighbor_idx + image_stride
ranks[neighbor_idx] = mask_rank
current_link = current_idx
ranks[neighbor_idx] = current_rank
# unlink the neighbor
nprev = prev[neighbor_idx]
nnext = next[neighbor_idx]
next[nprev] = nnext
if nnext != -1:
prev[nnext] = nprev
# link to the neighbor after the current link
nnext = next[current_link]
next[neighbor_idx] = nnext
prev[neighbor_idx] = current_link
if nnext >= 0:
prev[nnext] = neighbor_idx
next[current_link] = neighbor_idx
current_idx = next[current_idx]