
246 lines
8.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-01-09 03:43:33 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
from utf8utils import uprint
NOSEG = '<noseg>'
SEG = ' %s ' % SEG_MARKER
LONG_VOWELS = u'ايوى'
ALIFS = u'اأإٱآ'
HAAS = u'هح'
def get_edits(line, options, special_noseg=True):
if '\t' not in line:
if options.verbose:
uprint("ignoring line that doesn't have two parts:")
uprint(' ' + repr(line))
raw, seg = line.split('\t')
# Special cases:
# - an odd edit with no segmentations [e.g. ع -> على]
if special_noseg and raw != seg and SEG_MARKER not in seg:
return [u'<other>'] * len(raw)
# - token deleted
if seg == '':
return [u' <del> '] * len(raw)
# - nothing on the raw side
if raw == '':
if options.verbose:
uprint("ignoring line with empty raw text:")
uprint(' ' + repr(line))
edits = []
last_raw = ''
last_seg = ''
while len(raw) != 0:
# Possible edits, in order that they are searched for:
# :+Al // li + definite article + word starting with l
if raw.endswith(u'لل') and seg.endswith(u'ل%sالل' % SEG_MARKER):
edits.append(u' %s+ال' % SEG_MARKER)
seg = seg[:-3]
# +A:+A // mA + A... verbal negation spelled as just m
elif is_ma_alif(seg, raw):
edits.append(u' +ا%s+ا ' % SEG_MARKER)
seg = seg[:-3]
# x:x // shadda breaking: character duplicated on either side of
# segmentation
# x>xx // shadda breaking: character duplicated, no segmentation
elif is_shadda(seg, raw):
if seg.endswith(SEG_MARKER + raw[-1]):
edits.append(u' x:x ')
seg = seg[:-2]
assert seg.endswith(raw[-1] * 2), repr(seg + '\t' + raw)
edits.append(u' x>xx ')
seg = seg[:-1]
# :+x // added an letter after segmentation (alif for
# li + definite article, noon for recovered first person
# prefix or y -> ny in dialect)
elif is_seg_plus(seg, raw):
edits.append(u' %s+%s ' % (SEG_MARKER, seg[-2]))
seg = seg[:-2]
# +x: // added a letter before segmentation (usually noon, for
# plurals, mim~A, Al~A, etc.)
elif is_plus_seg(seg, raw):
edits.append(u' +%s%s ' % (seg[-3], SEG_MARKER))
seg = seg[:-2]
# <del> // deleted lengthening effect (yAAAAAA -> yA)
elif is_lengthening(seg, raw, last_raw):
edits.append(u' <del> ')
seg += u' '
# : // ordinary segmentation boundary
elif seg.endswith(SEG_MARKER + raw[-1]):
seg = seg[:-1]
# <noseg> // character doesn't change, no segmentation added
elif len(seg) != 0 and seg[-1] == raw[-1]:
# <other> // normalized E or El to ElY
elif is_alaa_normalization(seg, raw):
seg = seg[:-2]
if raw[-1] != u'ع':
assert raw[-2] == u'ع'
seg = seg + ' '
# +V: // added a long vowel (verbal or dialect -wA ending, jussive
# normalization)
elif len(seg) >= 2 and seg[-2] == raw[-1] and seg[-1] in LONG_VOWELS:
if len(seg) >= 3 and seg[-3] == SEG_MARKER:
edits.append(u' %s+%s ' % (SEG_MARKER, seg[-1]))
seg = seg[:-2]
edits.append(u' +%s ' % seg[-1])
seg = seg[:-1]
# y:+h // recover dialectal silent haa after segmentation
elif seg.endswith(u'ي' + SEG_MARKER + u'ه') and raw.endswith(u'ي'):
edits.append(u' ي%s+ه ' % SEG_MARKER)
seg = seg[:-2]
# <del> // deleted a long vowel (dialect ending normalization: mostly
# -kwA -> -kw and -kY -> -k) or dialectal silent haa
elif (len(raw) >= 2 and norm_endswith(seg, raw[-2], HAAS) and
raw[-1] in LONG_VOWELS + u'ه'):
edits.append(u' <del> ')
seg += u' '
# <del> // deleted diacritic
elif is_diacritic(raw[-1]):
edits.append(u' <del> ')
seg += u' '
# x>y: // change x to y after a segment boundary
elif (len(seg) >= 2 and seg[-2] == SEG_MARKER and
is_common_rewrite(seg, raw)):
edits.append(u' %s%s>%s ' % (SEG_MARKER, raw[-1], seg[-1]))
seg = seg[:-1]
# x>y // change x to y without a segmentation (orthography
# normalization)
elif is_common_rewrite(seg, raw):
edits.append(u' %s>%s ' % (raw[-1], seg[-1]))
if options.verbose:
uprint('ignoring line with unknown edit:')
uprint(' ' + line)
uprint('(seg = %s; raw = %s)' % (seg, raw))
uprint('(edits = %s)' % edits)
last_raw = raw[-1]
seg = seg[:-1]
last_seg = raw[-1]
raw = raw[:-1]
if len(seg) != 0:
if options.verbose:
uprint('ignoring line with unknown edit:')
uprint(' ' + line)
uprint('(extra seg: %s)' % seg)
uprint('(edits = %s)' % edits)
return edits
def is_ma_alif(seg, raw):
return (len(seg) >= 5 and len(raw) >= 2 and
is_common_rewrite(seg[-1], raw[-1]) and
raw[-2] == u'م' and
seg[-5:-1] == u'ما%sا' % SEG_MARKER)
def is_seg_plus(seg, raw):
return (len(seg) >= 4 and len(raw) >= 2 and
is_common_rewrite(seg[-1], raw[-1]) and
seg[-2] != raw[-2] and
seg[-2] in u'اني' and
seg[-3] == SEG_MARKER and
is_common_rewrite(seg[-4], raw[-2]))
def is_plus_seg(seg, raw):
return (len(seg) >= 4 and len(raw) >= 2 and
is_common_rewrite(seg[-1], raw[-1]) and
seg[-2] == SEG_MARKER and
seg[-3] != raw[-2] and
seg[-3] in u'ان' and
is_common_rewrite(seg[-4], raw[-2]))
def is_shadda(seg, raw):
seg = seg.replace(SEG_MARKER, '')
if len(raw) == 0 or not seg.endswith(raw[-1]):
return False
last = seg[-1]
for i in range(2, min(len(seg) + 1, len(raw) + 1)):
if seg[-i] != last: return False
if seg[-i] != raw[-i]: return True
# equal through the min of the two lengths, so check if it's
# a beginning-of-word shadda
return seg == raw[-1] + raw
def is_lengthening(seg, raw, last):
seg = seg.replace(SEG_MARKER, '')
if len(raw) < 2 or len(seg) == 0: return False
if raw[-1] != raw[-2]: return False
if raw[-1] != seg[-1]: return False
if len(seg) >= 2 and raw[-1] == seg[-2]: return False
return True
DIACRITIC = re.compile(ur'[~_\u0640\u064b-\u065e\u0670]')
# tatweel dagger alif
# most diacritics
def is_diacritic(char):
return DIACRITIC.match(char) is not None
u'تة', # recovered taa marbuta
u'يىئ', # normalized Egyptian yaa
u'وؤ', # normalized waw hamza
u'هةو', # normalized 3sg ending
HAAS, # normalized future particle
ALIFS, # normalized alifs
u'اأإئؤقءي', # normalized various hamzas (written or spoken)
u'ىهةا', # normalized words ending in /a/ sound
u'تثط', # normalized letters pronounced /t/
u'دذضظ', # normalized letters pronounced /d/
u'سص', # normalized letters pronounced /s/
u'زذظ', # normalized letters pronounced /z/
u'?,،؟', # normalized punctuation
def is_common_rewrite(seg, raw):
if len(seg) == 0 or len(raw) == 0: return False
if seg == raw: return True
for group in COMMON_REWRITES:
if seg[-1] in group and raw[-1] in group:
return True
return False
def is_alaa_normalization(seg, raw):
return ((raw.endswith(u'ع') or raw.endswith(u'عل')) and
def norm_endswith(str, target_ending, norm_group):
Return True if `str` ends with `target_ending`, ignoring differences
between characters in `norm_group`. Otherwise return False.
if len(str) < len(target_ending): return False
source_ending = str[-len(target_ending):]
assert len(source_ending) == len(target_ending)
for s, t in zip(source_ending, target_ending):
if s != t and (s not in norm_group or t not in norm_group):
return False
return True