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2021-01-14 08:07:24 +01:00
from __future__ import division
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
import pickle
import io
import os
import random
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from coffeehouse_dltc.base.document import Document
def save_to_disk(path_to_disk, obj, overwrite=False):
""" Pickle an object to disk """
dirname = os.path.dirname(path_to_disk)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
raise ValueError("Path " + dirname + " does not exist")
if not overwrite and os.path.exists(path_to_disk):
raise ValueError("File " + path_to_disk + "already exists")
pickle.dump(obj, open(path_to_disk, 'wb'))
def load_from_disk(path_to_disk):
""" Load a pickle from disk to memory """
if not os.path.exists(path_to_disk):
raise ValueError("File " + path_to_disk + " does not exist")
return pickle.load(open(path_to_disk, 'rb'))
def get_documents(data_dir, as_generator=True, shuffle=False):
Extract documents from *.txt files in a given directory
:param data_dir: path to the directory with .txt files
:param as_generator: flag whether to return a document generator or a list
:param shuffle: flag whether to return the documents
in a shuffled vs sorted order
:return: generator or a list of Document objects
files = list({filename[:-4] for filename in os.listdir(data_dir)})
if shuffle:
generator = (Document(doc_id, os.path.join(data_dir, f + '.txt'))
for doc_id, f in enumerate(files))
return generator if as_generator else list(generator)
def get_all_answers(data_dir, filtered_by=None):
Extract ground truth answers from *.lab files in a given directory
:param data_dir: path to the directory with .lab files
:param filtered_by: whether to filter the answers.
:return: dictionary of the form e.g. {'101231': set('lab1', 'lab2') etc.}
answers = dict()
files = {filename[:-4] for filename in os.listdir(data_dir)}
for f in files:
answers[f] = get_answers_for_doc(f + '.txt',
return answers
def get_answers_for_doc(doc_name, data_dir, filtered_by=None):
Read ground_truth answers from a .lab file corresponding to the doc_name
:param doc_name: the name of the document, should end with .txt
:param data_dir: directory in which the documents and answer files are
:param filtered_by: whether to filter the answers.
:return: set of unicodes containing answers for this particular document
filename = os.path.join(data_dir, doc_name[:-4] + '.lab')
if not os.path.exists(filename):
raise ValueError("Answer file " + filename + " does not exist")
with, 'r') as f:
answers = {line.rstrip('\n') for line in f}
if filtered_by:
answers = {kw for kw in answers if kw in filtered_by}
return answers
def calculate_label_distribution(data_dir, filtered_by=None):
Calculate the distribution of labels in a directory. Function can be used
to find the most frequent and not used labels, so that the target
vocabulary can be trimmed accordingly.
:param data_dir: directory path with the .lab files
:param filtered_by: a set of labels that defines the vocabulary
:return: list of KV pairs of the form (14, ['lab1', 'lab2']), which means
that both lab1 and lab2 were labels in 14 documents
answers = [kw for v in get_all_answers(data_dir, filtered_by=filtered_by).values()
for kw in v]
counts = Counter(answers)
histogram = defaultdict(list)
for kw, cnt in counts.items():
return histogram
def calculate_number_of_labels_distribution(data_dir, filtered_by=None):
""" Look how many papers are there with 3 labels, 4 labels etc.
Return a histogram. """
answers = get_all_answers(data_dir, filtered_by=filtered_by).values()
lengths = [len(ans_set) for ans_set in answers]
return Counter(lengths).items()
def get_coverage_ratio_for_label_subset(no_of_labels, hist=None):
Compute fraction of the samples we would be able to predict, if we reduce
the number of labels to a certain subset of the size no_of_labels.
:param no_of_labels: the number of labels that we limit the ontology to
:param hist: histogram of the samples.
Result of calculate_label_distribution function
:return: number of labels that we need to consider, coverage ratio
hist = hist or calculate_label_distribution()
hist = sorted([(k, len(v)) for k, v in hist.items()])
total_shots = sum([x[0] * x[1] for x in hist])
labels_collected = 0
hits_collected = 0
for docs, label_count in reversed(hist):
hits_collected += docs * label_count
labels_collected += label_count
if labels_collected >= no_of_labels:
return labels_collected, hits_collected / float(total_shots)
return -1
def get_top_n_labels(n, hist=None):
Return the n most popular labels
:param n: number of labels to return
:param hist: histogram, result of calculate_label_distribution() function
:return: sorted list of strings
hist = hist or calculate_label_distribution()
labels = sorted([(k, v) for k, v in hist.items()], reverse=True)
answer = []
for _count, kws in labels:
if len(answer) >= n:
return answer[:n]