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2021-01-09 03:43:33 +01:00
Architectural Overview of edu.stanford.nlp.loglinear:
The goal of this package is to provide fast, general structure log-linear modelling that's easy to use and to extend.
The package is broken into three parts: model, inference, and learning
Model contains all of the basic storage elements, as well as means to serialize and deserialize for both storage and
network transit. Inference depends on model, and provides an implementation of the clique tree message passing algorithm
for efficient exact inference in tree-structured graphs. Learning depends on inference and model, and provides a simple
interface to efficient multithreaded batch learning, with an implementation of AdaGrad guarded by backtracking.
We will go over model, then inference, then learning.
Model module overview:
The key to the speed of loglinear is the ConcatVector class. ConcatVector provides a useful abstraction for NLP machine
learning: a concatenation of vectors, treated as a single vector. The basic idea is to have each feature output a vector,
which are then stored in a ConcatVector (or 'concatenated vector'). When the dot-product is taken of two ConcatVectors,
the result is the sum of the dot product of each of the concatenated components of each vector in sequence. To write
that out explicitly, if a feature ConcatVector f is composed of a number of vector f_i's, and a weight ConcatVector w is
composed of a number of vector w_i's, then dot(f,w) is:
\sum_i dot(f_i, w_i)
This leaves us with two key advantages over a regular vector: each component can be individually tuned for sparsity, and
each component has an isolated namespace and so can an individual feature vector can grow after training begins (say
discovering a new word in a one-hot feature vector), and the weight vector will behave appropriately without hassle.
We have a basic NDArray, which allows a standard iterator over possible assignments that creates a lot of int[] arrays
on the heap, and a more elaborate iterator that saves GC by mutating a single array passed over. You'll see this used
throughout the code in hot loops marked by an "//OPTIMIZATION" comment
ConcatVectorTable is a subclass of NDArray that we use to store factor tables for the log-linear graphical model, where
each element of the table represents the features for one joint assignment to the variables the factor is associated
with. In order to get a factor like you learned about in CS 228, each element of the table is dot-producted with weights.
We don't do this at construction to allow a single set of GraphicalModel objects to be used throughout training.
GraphicalModel is a super stripped down implementation of a graphical model. It holds factors, represented by lists of
neighbor indices and a ConcatVectorTable for features. It was deliberate to make all downstream annotations on the model
(like observations for inference or observations for training) go into a HashMap. This is to maintain easy backwards
compatibility with previous serialized versions as features change, and to make life more convenient for downstream
algorithms that may be passing GraphicalModel objects across module or network boundaries, and don't want to create tons
of little 'ride-along' objects that add annotations to the GraphicalModel.
Inference module overview:
This is the traditional 'factor' datatype that you're used to hearing about from Daphne in 228 and "Probabilistic
Graphical Models". It's a subclass of NDArray, and has fast operations for product and marginalize dataflows. It's the
key building block for inference.
This object takes a GraphicalModel at creation and provides high speed tree-shaped message passing inference for both
exact marginals and exact MAP estimates. It exists as a new object for each GraphicalModel, rather than a static call
for each model, to allow for cacheing some messages when repeated marginals are needed on only slightly changing models.
Learning module overview:
This follows the Optimize.jl package convention of providing both gradient and function value in a single return value.
An implementation of AbstractDifferentiableFunction for calculating the log-likelihood of a log-linear model as given by
a GraphicalModel.
This is the basic interface for online optimizers to follow. It is sketched out right now, but no implementations have
been made yet.
There is a fair amount of redundant complexity involved in writing an optimizer that needs to calculate the gradient
on the entire batch of examples every update step. The work between threads must be carefully balanced so that the
time between the first thread finishing, and the last, during which the CPU utilization is far less than 100%, is
minimized. This is managed through rough estimating of the amount of work each item represents, and a perceptron style
updating once the system is running, based on CPU time used for each thread. We also implement a convenience function
here to allow the user to interrupt training early if they are happy with convergence to this point, since that involves
some tricky Java threading to make work.
This subclasses AbstractBatchOptimizer, and implements a simple AdaGrad gradient descent guarded by backtracking line
search to maximize an AbstractDifferentiableFunction.