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2021-01-13 04:41:40 +01:00
NumPy C Style Guide
The NumPy C coding conventions are based on Python PEP-0007 by Guido van
Rossum with a few added strictures. There are many C coding conventions and
it must be emphasized that the primary goal of the NumPy conventions isn't
to choose the 'best', about which there is certain to be disagreement, but
to achieve uniformity. Because the NumPy conventions are very close to
those in PEP-0007, that PEP is used as a template below with the NumPy
additions and variations in the appropriate spots.
This document gives coding conventions for the C code comprising
the C implementation of NumPy. Note, rules are there to be broken.
Two good reasons to break a particular rule:
1. When applying the rule would make the code less readable, even
for someone who is used to reading code that follows the rules.
2. To be consistent with surrounding code that also breaks it
(maybe for historic reasons) -- although this is also an
opportunity to clean up someone else's mess.
C dialect
* Use C99 (that is, the standard defined by ISO/IEC 9899:1999).
* Don't use GCC extensions (e.g. don't write multi-line strings
without trailing backslashes). Preferably break long strings
up onto separate lines like so::
"blah blah"
"blah blah"
This will work with MSVC, which otherwise chokes on very long
* All function declarations and definitions must use full
prototypes (i.e. specify the types of all arguments).
* No compiler warnings with major compilers (gcc, VC++, a few others).
Note: NumPy still produces compiler warnings that need to be addressed.
Code lay-out
* Use 4-space indents and no tabs at all.
* No line should be longer than 80 characters. If this and the
previous rule together don't give you enough room to code, your code is
too complicated, consider using subroutines.
* No line should end in whitespace. If you think you need
significant trailing whitespace, think again, somebody's editor might
delete it as a matter of routine.
* Function definition style: function name in column 1, outermost
curly braces in column 1, blank line after local variable declarations::
static int
extra_ivars(PyTypeObject *type, PyTypeObject *base)
int t_size = PyType_BASICSIZE(type);
int b_size = PyType_BASICSIZE(base);
assert(t_size >= b_size); /* type smaller than base! */
return 1;
If the transition to C++ goes through it is possible that this form will
be relaxed so that short class methods meant to be inlined can have the
return type on the same line as the function name. However, that is yet to
be determined.
* Code structure: one space between keywords like ``if``, ``for`` and
the following left parenthesis; no spaces inside the parenthesis; braces
around all ``if`` branches and no statements on the same line as the
``if``. They should be formatted as shown::
if (mro != NULL) {
else {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
while (isstuff) {
do {
} while (isstuff);
switch (kind) {
/* Boolean kind */
case 'b':
return 0;
/* Unsigned int kind */
case 'u':
/* Anything else */
return 3;
* The return statement should *not* get redundant parentheses::
return Py_None; /* correct */
return(Py_None); /* incorrect */
* Function and macro call style: ``foo(a, b, c)``, no space before
the open paren, no spaces inside the parens, no spaces before
commas, one space after each comma.
* Always put spaces around the assignment, Boolean and comparison
operators. In expressions using a lot of operators, add spaces
around the outermost (lowest priority) operators.
* Breaking long lines: if you can, break after commas in the
outermost argument list. Always indent continuation lines
appropriately, e.g., ::
"Oh dear, you messed up.");
Here appropriately means at least two tabs. It isn't necessary to
line everything up with the opening parenthesis of the function
* When you break a long expression at a binary operator, the
operator goes at the end of the previous line, e.g., ::
if (type > tp_dictoffset != 0 &&
base > tp_dictoffset == 0 &&
type > tp_dictoffset == b_size &&
(size_t)t_size == b_size + sizeof(PyObject *)) {
return 0;
Note that the terms in the multi-line Boolean expression are indented so
as to make the beginning of the code block clearly visible.
* Put blank lines around functions, structure definitions, and
major sections inside functions.
* Comments go before the code they describe. Multi-line comments should
be like so::
* This would be a long
* explanatory comment.
Trailing comments should be used sparingly. Instead of ::
if (yes) { // Success!
do ::
if (yes) {
// Success!
* All functions and global variables should be declared static
when they aren't needed outside the current compilation unit.
* Declare external functions and variables in a header file.
Naming conventions
* There has been no consistent prefix for NumPy public functions, but
they all begin with a prefix of some sort, followed by an underscore, and
are in camel case: ``PyArray_DescrAlignConverter``, ``NpyIter_GetIterNext``.
In the future the names should be of the form ``Npy*_PublicFunction``,
where the star is something appropriate.
* Public Macros should have a ``NPY_`` prefix and then use upper case,
for example, ``NPY_DOUBLE``.
* Private functions should be lower case with underscores, for example:
``array_real_get``. Single leading underscores should not be used, but
some current function names violate that rule due to historical accident.
Those functions should be renamed at some point.
Function documentation
NumPy doesn't have a C function documentation standard at this time, but
needs one. Most numpy functions are not documented in the code and that
should change. One possibility is Doxygen with a plugin so that the same
NumPy style used for Python functions can also be used for documenting
C functions, see the files in doc/cdoc/.