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2021-01-14 08:07:24 +01:00
import numpy
import random
# Various pre-crafted datasets/variables for testing
# !!! Must not be changed -- only appended !!!
# while testing numpy we better not rely on numpy to produce random
# sequences
# but will seed it nevertheless
nx, ny = 1000, 1000
# reduced squares based on indexes_rand, primarily for testing more
# time-consuming functions (ufunc, linalg, etc)
nxs, nys = 100, 100
# a set of interesting types to test
TYPES1 = [
'int16', 'float16',
'int32', 'float32',
'int64', 'float64', 'complex64',
'longfloat', 'complex128',
if 'complex256' in numpy.typeDict:
def memoize(func):
result = []
def wrapper():
if not result:
return result[0]
return wrapper
# values which will be used to construct our sample data matrices
# replicate 10 times to speed up initial imports of this helper
# and generate some redundancy
def get_values():
rnd = numpy.random.RandomState(1)
values = numpy.tile(rnd.uniform(0, 100, size=nx*ny//10), 10)
return values
def get_squares():
values = get_values()
squares = {t: numpy.array(values,
dtype=getattr(numpy, t)).reshape((nx, ny))
for t in TYPES1}
# adjust complex ones to have non-degenerated imagery part -- use
# original data transposed for that
for t, v in squares.items():
if t.startswith('complex'):
v += v.T*1j
return squares
def get_squares_():
# smaller squares
squares_ = {t: s[:nxs, :nys] for t, s in get_squares().items()}
return squares_
def get_vectors():
# vectors
vectors = {t: s[0] for t, s in get_squares().items()}
return vectors
def get_indexes():
indexes = list(range(nx))
# so we do not have all items
indexes = numpy.array(indexes)
return indexes
def get_indexes_rand():
rnd = random.Random(1)
indexes_rand = get_indexes().tolist() # copy
rnd.shuffle(indexes_rand) # in-place shuffle
indexes_rand = numpy.array(indexes_rand)
return indexes_rand
def get_indexes_():
# smaller versions
indexes = get_indexes()
indexes_ = indexes[indexes < nxs]
return indexes_
def get_indexes_rand_():
indexes_rand = get_indexes_rand()
indexes_rand_ = indexes_rand[indexes_rand < nxs]
return indexes_rand_
class Benchmark:
goal_time = 0.25