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2021-01-14 08:07:24 +01:00
# cython: cdivision=True
# cython: boundscheck=False
# cython: nonecheck=False
# cython: wraparound=False
# distutils: language = c++
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as cnp
cimport safe_openmp as openmp
from safe_openmp cimport have_openmp
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
from skimage._shared.transform cimport integrate
from skimage._shared.interpolation cimport round, fmax, fmin
from cython.parallel import prange
from ..color import rgb2gray
from ..transform import integral_image
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from ._texture cimport _multiblock_lbp
import math
# Struct for storing a single detection.
cdef struct Detection:
int r
int c
int width
int height
# Struct for storing cluster of rectangles that represent detections.
# As the rectangles are dynamically added, the sum of row, col positions,
# width and heights are stored with the count of rectangles that belong
# to this cluster. This way, we don't have to store all the rectangles
# information as array and the average of all detections in a cluster
# can be easily computed in a constant time.
cdef struct DetectionsCluster:
int r_sum
int c_sum
int width_sum
int height_sum
int count
# Struct for storing multi-block binary pattern position.
# Defines the parameters of multi-block binary pattern feature.
# Read more in skimage.feature.texture.multiblock_lbp.
cdef struct MBLBP:
Py_ssize_t r
Py_ssize_t c
Py_ssize_t width
Py_ssize_t height
# Struct for storing information about trained MBLBP feature.
# Feature_id contains an index to array where the parameters of MBLBP features
# are stored using MBLBP struct. Index is used because some stages in cascade
# can have repeating features. The lut_idx contains an index to a look-up table
# which gives, depending on the computed value of a feature, an answer whether
# an object is present in the current detection window. Based on the value of
# look-up table (0 or 1) positive(right) or negative(left) weight is added to
# the overall score of a stage.
cdef struct MBLBPStump:
Py_ssize_t feature_id
Py_ssize_t lut_idx
cnp.float32_t left
cnp.float32_t right
# Struct for storing a stage of classifier which itself consists of
# MBLBPStumps. It has the index that maps to the starting stump and amount of
# stumps that belong to a stage after this index. In each stage all the stumps
# are evaluated and their output values( `left` or `right` depending on the
# input) are summed up and compared to the threshold. If the value is higher
# than the threshold, the stage is passed and Cascade classifier goes to the
# next stage. If all the stages are passed, the object is predicted to be
# present in the input image patch.
cdef struct Stage:
Py_ssize_t first_idx
Py_ssize_t amount
cnp.float32_t threshold
cdef vector[Detection] _group_detections(vector[Detection] detections,
cnp.float32_t intersection_score_threshold=0.5,
int min_neighbour_number=4):
"""Group similar detections into a single detection and eliminate weak
(non-overlapping) detections.
We assume that a true detection is characterized by a high number of
overlapping detections. Such detections are isolated and gathered into
one cluster. The average of each cluster is returned. Averaging means
that the row and column positions of top left corners and the width
and height parameters of each rectangle in a cluster are used to compute
values of average rectangle that will represent cluster.
detections : vector[Detection]
A cluster of detections.
min_neighbour_number : int
Minimum amount of intersecting detections in order for detection
to be approved by the function.
intersection_score_threshold : cnp.float32_t
The minimum value of value of ratio
(intersection area) / (small rectangle ratio) in order to merge
two rectangles into one cluster.
output : vector[Detection]
The grouped detections.
Detection mean_detection
vector[DetectionsCluster] clusters
vector[int] clusters_scores
Py_ssize_t nr_of_clusters
Py_ssize_t current_detection_nr
Py_ssize_t current_cluster_nr
Py_ssize_t nr_of_detections = detections.size()
Py_ssize_t best_cluster_nr
bint new_cluster
cnp.float32_t best_score
cnp.float32_t intersection_score
# Check if detections array is not empty.
# Push first detection as first cluster.
if nr_of_detections:
for current_detection_nr in range(1, nr_of_detections):
best_score = intersection_score_threshold
best_cluster_nr = 0
new_cluster = True
nr_of_clusters = clusters.size()
for current_cluster_nr in range(nr_of_clusters):
mean_detection = mean_detection_from_cluster(
intersection_score = rect_intersection_score(
if intersection_score > best_score:
new_cluster = False
best_cluster_nr = current_cluster_nr
best_score = intersection_score
if new_cluster:
clusters[best_cluster_nr] = update_cluster(
clusters = threshold_clusters(clusters, min_neighbour_number)
return get_mean_detections(clusters)
cdef DetectionsCluster update_cluster(DetectionsCluster cluster,
Detection detection):
"""Updated the cluster by adding new detection.
Updates the cluster by adding new detection to it. The added
detection contributes to the mean value of the cluster.
cluster : DetectionsCluster
A cluster of detections.
detection : Detection
The detection to be added to cluster.
updated_cluster : DetectionsCluster
The updated cluster.
cdef DetectionsCluster updated_cluster = cluster
updated_cluster.r_sum += detection.r
updated_cluster.c_sum += detection.c
updated_cluster.width_sum += detection.width
updated_cluster.height_sum += detection.height
updated_cluster.count += 1
return updated_cluster
cdef Detection mean_detection_from_cluster(DetectionsCluster cluster):
"""Compute the mean detection from the cluster.
Returns the mean detection computed from the all rectangles that
belong to current cluster.
cluster : DetectionsCluster
A cluster of detections.
mean : Detection
The mean detection.
cdef Detection mean
mean.r = cluster.r_sum / cluster.count
mean.c = cluster.c_sum / cluster.count
mean.width = cluster.width_sum / cluster.count
mean.height = cluster.height_sum / cluster.count
return mean
cdef DetectionsCluster cluster_from_detection(Detection detection):
"""Create a cluster from a single detection.
Creates a cluster with count one and values that are taken from detection.
detection : Detection
A single detection.
new_cluster : DetectionsCluster
The cluster struct that was created from detection.
cdef DetectionsCluster new_cluster
new_cluster.r_sum = detection.r
new_cluster.c_sum = detection.c
new_cluster.width_sum = detection.width
new_cluster.height_sum = detection.height
new_cluster.count = 1
return new_cluster
cdef vector[DetectionsCluster] threshold_clusters(vector[DetectionsCluster] clusters,
int count_threshold):
"""Threshold clusters depending on the amount of rectangles in them.
Only the clusters with the amount of rectangles greater than the threshold
are left.
clusters : vector[DetectionsCluster]
Array of rectangles clusters.
count_threshold : int
The threshold number of rectangles that is used.
output : vector[DetectionsCluster]
The array of clusters that satisfy the threshold criteria.
Py_ssize_t clusters_amount
Py_ssize_t current_cluster
vector[DetectionsCluster] output
clusters_amount = clusters.size()
for current_cluster in range(clusters_amount):
if clusters[current_cluster].count >= count_threshold:
return output
cdef vector[Detection] get_mean_detections(vector[DetectionsCluster] clusters):
"""Computes the mean of each cluster of detections in the array.
Each cluster is replaced with a single detection that represents
the mean of the cluster, computed from the rectangles that belong
to the cluster.
clusters : vector[DetectionsCluster]
Array of rectangles clusters.
detections : vector[Detection]
The array of mean detections. Each detection represent mean
for one cluster.
Py_ssize_t current_cluster
Py_ssize_t clusters_amount = clusters.size()
vector[Detection] detections
for current_cluster in range(clusters_amount):
detections[current_cluster] = mean_detection_from_cluster(clusters[current_cluster])
return detections
cdef cnp.float32_t rect_intersection_area(Detection rect_a, Detection rect_b):
"""Computes the intersection area of two rectangles.
rect_a : Detection
Struct of the first rectangle.
rect_a : Detection
Struct of the second rectangle.
result : cnp.float32_t
The intersection score area.
Py_ssize_t r_a_1 = rect_a.r
Py_ssize_t r_a_2 = rect_a.r + rect_a.height
Py_ssize_t c_a_1 = rect_a.c
Py_ssize_t c_a_2 = rect_a.c + rect_a.width
Py_ssize_t r_b_1 = rect_b.r
Py_ssize_t r_b_2 = rect_b.r + rect_b.height
Py_ssize_t c_b_1 = rect_b.c
Py_ssize_t c_b_2 = rect_b.c + rect_b.width
return (fmax(0, fmin(c_a_2, c_b_2) - fmax(c_a_1, c_b_1)) *
fmax(0, fmin(r_a_2, r_b_2) - fmax(r_a_1, r_b_1)))
cdef cnp.float32_t rect_intersection_score(Detection rect_a, Detection rect_b):
"""Computes the intersection score of two rectangles.
The score is computed by dividing the intersection area of rectangles
by the area of the rectangle with the smallest area.
rect_a : Detection
Struct of the first rectangle.
rect_a : Detection
Struct of the second rectangle.
result : cnp.float32_t
The intersection score. The number in the interval ``[0, 1]``.
1 means rectangles fully intersect, 0 means they don't.
cnp.float32_t intersection_area
cnp.float32_t union_area
cnp.float32_t smaller_area
cnp.float32_t area_a = rect_a.height * rect_a.width
cnp.float32_t area_b = rect_b.height * rect_b.width
intersection_area = rect_intersection_area(rect_a, rect_b)
smaller_area = area_a if area_b > area_a else area_b
return intersection_area / smaller_area
cdef class Cascade:
"""Class for cascade of classifiers that is used for object detection.
The main idea behind cascade of classifiers is to create classifiers
of medium accuracy and ensemble them into one strong classifier
instead of just creating a strong one. The second advantage of cascade
classifier is that easy examples can be classified only by evaluating
some of the classifiers in the cascade, making the process much faster
than the process of evaluating a one strong classifier.
eps : cnp.float32_t
Accuracy parameter. Increasing it, makes the classifier detect less
false positives but at the same time the false negative score increases.
stages_number : Py_ssize_t
Amount of stages in a cascade. Each cascade consists of stumps i.e.
trained features.
stumps_number : Py_ssize_t
The overall amount of stumps in all the stages of cascade.
features_number : Py_ssize_t
The overall amount of different features used by cascade.
Two stumps can use the same features but has different trained
window_width : Py_ssize_t
The width of a detection window that is used. Objects smaller than
this window can't be detected.
window_height : Py_ssize_t
The height of a detection window.
stages : Stage*
A link to the c array that stores stages information using
Stage struct.
features : MBLBP*
Link to the c array that stores MBLBP features using MBLBP struct.
LUTs : cnp.uint32_t*
The ling to the array with look-up tables that are used by trained
MBLBP features (MBLBPStumps) to evaluate a particular region.
public cnp.float32_t eps
public Py_ssize_t stages_number
public Py_ssize_t stumps_number
public Py_ssize_t features_number
public Py_ssize_t window_width
public Py_ssize_t window_height
Stage* stages
MBLBPStump* stumps
MBLBP* features
cnp.uint32_t* LUTs
def __dealloc__(self):
# Free the memory that was used for c-arrays.
def __init__(self, xml_file, eps=1e-5):
"""Initialize cascade classifier.
xml_file : file's path or file's object
A file in a OpenCv format from which all the cascade classifier's
parameters are loaded.
eps : cnp.float32_t
Accuracy parameter. Increasing it, makes the classifier
detect less false positives but at the same time the false
negative score increases.
self._load_xml(xml_file, eps)
cdef bint classify(self, cnp.float32_t[:, ::1] int_img, Py_ssize_t row,
Py_ssize_t col, cnp.float32_t scale) nogil:
"""Classify the provided image patch i.e. check if the classifier
detects an object in the given image patch.
The function takes the original window size that is stored in the
trained file, scales it and places in the specified part of the
provided image, carries out classification and gives a binary result.
int_img : cnp.float32_t[:, ::1]
Memory-view to integral image.
row : Py_ssize_t
Row coordinate of the rectangle in the given image to classify.
Top left corner of window.
col : Py_ssize_t
Column coordinate of the rectangle in the given image to classify.
Top left corner of window.
scale : cnp.float32_t
The scale by which the search window is multiplied.
After multiplication the result is rounded to the lowest integer.
result : int
The binary output that takes only 0 or 1. Gives 1 if the classifier
detects the object in specified region and 0 otherwise.
cnp.float32_t stage_threshold
cnp.float32_t stage_points
int lbp_code
int bit
Py_ssize_t stage_number
Py_ssize_t weak_classifier_number
Py_ssize_t feature_number
Py_ssize_t features_number
Py_ssize_t stumps_number
Py_ssize_t first_stump_idx
Py_ssize_t lut_idx
Py_ssize_t r, c, widht, height
cnp.uint32_t[::1] current_lut
Stage current_stage
MBLBPStump current_stump
MBLBP current_feature
for stage_number in range(self.stages_number):
current_stage = self.stages[stage_number]
first_stump_idx = current_stage.first_idx
stage_points = 0
for weak_classifier_number in range(current_stage.amount):
current_stump = self.stumps[first_stump_idx +
current_feature = self.features[current_stump.feature_id]
r = <Py_ssize_t>(current_feature.r * scale)
c = <Py_ssize_t>(current_feature.c * scale)
width = <Py_ssize_t>(current_feature.width * scale)
height = <Py_ssize_t>(current_feature.height * scale)
lbp_code = _multiblock_lbp(int_img, row + r, col + c,
width, height)
lut_idx = current_stump.lut_idx
bit = (self.LUTs[lut_idx + (lbp_code >> 5)] >> (lbp_code & 31)) & 1
stage_points += current_stump.left if bit else current_stump.right
if stage_points < (current_stage.threshold - self.eps):
return False
return True
def _get_valid_scale_factors(self, min_size, max_size, scale_step):
"""Get the valid scale multipliers for the original window size.
The function takes the minimal size of window and maximum size of
window as interval and finds all the multipliers that will give the
windows which sizes will be not less than the min_size and not bigger
than the max_size.
min_size : typle (int, int)
Minimum size of window for which to search the scale factor.
max_size : typle (int, int)
Maximum size of window for which to search the scale factor.
scale_step : cnp.float32_t
The scale by which the search window is multiplied
on each iteration.
scale_factors : 1-D cnp.float32_ts ndarray
The scale factors that give the window sizes that are in the
specified interval after multiplying the search window.
current_size = np.array((self.window_height, self.window_width))
min_size = np.array(min_size, dtype=np.float32)
max_size = np.array(max_size, dtype=np.float32)
row_power_max = math.log(max_size[0]/current_size[0], scale_step)
col_power_max = math.log(max_size[1]/current_size[1], scale_step)
row_power_min = math.log(min_size[0]/current_size[0], scale_step)
col_power_min = math.log(min_size[1]/current_size[1], scale_step)
mn = max(row_power_min, col_power_min, 0)
mx = min(row_power_max, col_power_max)
powers = np.arange(mn, mx)
scale_factors = np.power(scale_step, powers, dtype=np.float32)
return scale_factors
def _get_contiguous_integral_image(self, img):
"""Get a c-contiguous array that represents the integral image.
The function converts the input image into the integral image in
a format that is suitable for work of internal functions of
the cascade classifier class. The function converts the image
to gray-scale float representation, computes the integral image
and makes it c-contiguous.
img : 2-D or 3-D ndarray
Ndarray that represents the input image.
int_img : 2-D floats ndarray
C-contiguous integral image of the input image.
if len(img.shape) > 2:
img = rgb2gray(img)
int_img = integral_image(img)
int_img = np.ascontiguousarray(int_img, dtype=np.float32)
return int_img
def detect_multi_scale(self, img, cnp.float32_t scale_factor,
cnp.float32_t step_ratio, min_size, max_size,
"""Search for the object on multiple scales of input image.
The function takes the input image, the scale factor by which the
searching window is multiplied on each step, minimum window size
and maximum window size that specify the interval for the search
windows that are applied to the input image to detect objects.
img : 2-D or 3-D ndarray
Ndarray that represents the input image.
scale_factor : cnp.float32_t
The scale by which searching window is multiplied on each step.
step_ratio : cnp.float32_t
The ratio by which the search step in multiplied on each scale
of the image. 1 represents the exaustive search and usually is
slow. By setting this parameter to higher values the results will
be worse but the computation will be much faster. Usually, values
in the interval [1, 1.5] give good results.
min_size : typle (int, int)
Minimum size of the search window.
max_size : typle (int, int)
Maximum size of the search window.
min_neighbour_number : int
Minimum amount of intersecting detections in order for detection
to be approved by the function.
intersection_score_threshold : cnp.float32_t
The minimum value of value of ratio
(intersection area) / (small rectangle ratio) in order to merge
two detections into one.
output : list of dicts
Dict have form {'r': int, 'c': int, 'width': int, 'height': int},
where 'r' represents row position of top left corner of detected
window, 'c' - col position, 'width' - width of detected window,
'height' - height of detected window.
Py_ssize_t max_row
Py_ssize_t max_col
Py_ssize_t current_height
Py_ssize_t current_width
Py_ssize_t current_row
Py_ssize_t current_col
Py_ssize_t current_step
Py_ssize_t number_of_scales
Py_ssize_t img_height
Py_ssize_t img_width
Py_ssize_t scale_number
Py_ssize_t window_height = self.window_height
Py_ssize_t window_width = self.window_width
int result
cnp.float32_t[::1] scale_factors
cnp.float32_t[:, ::1] int_img
cnp.float32_t current_scale_factor
vector[Detection] output
Detection new_detection
int_img = self._get_contiguous_integral_image(img)
img_height = int_img.shape[0]
img_width = int_img.shape[1]
scale_factors = self._get_valid_scale_factors(min_size,
max_size, scale_factor)
number_of_scales = scale_factors.shape[0]
# Initialize lock to enable thread-safe writes to the array
# in concurrent loop.
cdef openmp.omp_lock_t mylock
if have_openmp:
# As the amount of work between the threads is not equal we
# use `dynamic` schedule which enables them to use computing
# power on demand.
for scale_number in prange(0, number_of_scales,
schedule='dynamic', nogil=True):
current_scale_factor = scale_factors[scale_number]
current_step = <Py_ssize_t>round(current_scale_factor * step_ratio)
current_height = <Py_ssize_t>(window_height * current_scale_factor)
current_width = <Py_ssize_t>(window_width * current_scale_factor)
max_row = img_height - current_height
max_col = img_width - current_width
# Check if scaled detection window fits in image.
if (max_row < 0) or (max_col < 0):
current_row = 0
current_col = 0
while current_row < max_row:
while current_col < max_col:
result = self.classify(int_img, current_row,
if result:
new_detection = Detection()
new_detection.r = current_row
new_detection.c = current_col
new_detection.width = current_width
new_detection.height = current_height
if have_openmp:
if have_openmp:
current_col = current_col + current_step
current_row = current_row + current_step
current_col = 0
if have_openmp:
return list(_group_detections(output, intersection_score_threshold,
def _load_xml(self, xml_file, eps=1e-5):
"""Load the parameters of cascade classifier into the class.
The function takes the file with the parameters that represent
trained cascade classifier and loads them into class for later
xml_file : filename or file object
File that contains the cascade classifier.
eps : cnp.float32_t
Accuracy parameter. Increasing it, makes the classifier
detect less false positives but at the same time the false
negative score increases.
Stage* stages_carr
MBLBPStump* stumps_carr
MBLBP* features_carr
cnp.uint32_t* LUTs_carr
cnp.float32_t stage_threshold
Py_ssize_t stage_number
Py_ssize_t stages_number
Py_ssize_t window_height
Py_ssize_t window_width
Py_ssize_t weak_classifiers_amount
Py_ssize_t weak_classifier_number
Py_ssize_t feature_number
Py_ssize_t features_number
Py_ssize_t stump_lut_idx
Py_ssize_t stump_idx
Py_ssize_t i
cnp.uint32_t[::1] lut
MBLBP new_feature
MBLBPStump new_stump
Stage new_stage
tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
# Load entities.
features = tree.find('.//features')
stages = tree.find('.//stages')
# Get the respective amounts.
stages_number = int(tree.find('.//stageNum').text)
window_height = int(tree.find('.//height').text)
window_width = int(tree.find('.//width').text)
features_number = len(features)
# Count the stumps.
stumps_number = 0
for stage_number in range(stages_number):
current_stage = stages[stage_number]
weak_classifiers_amount = int(current_stage.find('maxWeakCount').text)
stumps_number += weak_classifiers_amount
# Allocate memory for data.
features_carr = <MBLBP*>malloc(features_number * sizeof(MBLBP))
stumps_carr = <MBLBPStump*>malloc(stumps_number * sizeof(MBLBPStump))
stages_carr = <Stage*>malloc(stages_number*sizeof(Stage))
# Each look-up table consists of 8 u-int numbers.
LUTs_carr = <cnp.uint32_t*>malloc(8 * stumps_number *
# Check if memory was allocated.
if not (features_carr and stumps_carr and stages_carr and LUTs_carr):
raise MemoryError("Failed to allocate memory while parsing XML.")
# Parse and load features in memory.
for feature_number in range(features_number):
params = features[feature_number][0].text.split()
# list() is for Python3 fix here
params = list(map(lambda x: int(x), params))
new_feature = MBLBP(params[1], params[0], params[2], params[3])
features_carr[feature_number] = new_feature
stump_lut_idx = 0
stump_idx = 0
# Parse and load stumps, stages.
for stage_number in range(stages_number):
current_stage = stages[stage_number]
# Parse and load current stage.
stage_threshold = float(current_stage.find('stageThreshold').text)
weak_classifiers_amount = int(current_stage.find('maxWeakCount').text)
new_stage = Stage(stump_idx, weak_classifiers_amount,
stages_carr[stage_number] = new_stage
weak_classifiers = current_stage.find('weakClassifiers')
for weak_classifier_number in range(weak_classifiers_amount):
current_weak_classifier = weak_classifiers[weak_classifier_number]
# Stump's leaf values. First negative if image is probably not
# a face. Second positive if image is probably a face.
leaf_values = current_weak_classifier.find('leafValues').text
# list() is for Python3 fix here
leaf_values = list(map(lambda x: float(x), leaf_values.split()))
# Extract the elements only starting from second.
# First two are useless
internal_nodes = current_weak_classifier.find('internalNodes')
internal_nodes = internal_nodes.text.split()[2:]
# Extract the feature number and respective parameters.
# The MBLBP position and size.
feature_number = int(internal_nodes[0])
# list() is for Python3 fix here
lut_array = list(map(lambda x: int(x), internal_nodes[1:]))
lut = np.asarray(lut_array, dtype='uint32')
# Copy array to the main LUT array
for i in range(8):
LUTs_carr[stump_lut_idx + i] = lut[i]
new_stump = MBLBPStump(feature_number, stump_lut_idx,
leaf_values[0], leaf_values[1])
stumps_carr[stump_idx] = new_stump
stump_lut_idx += 8
stump_idx += 1
self.eps = eps
self.window_height = window_height
self.window_width = window_width
self.features = features_carr
self.stumps = stumps_carr
self.stages = stages_carr
self.LUTs = LUTs_carr
self.stages_number = stages_number
self.features_number = features_number
self.stumps_number = stumps_number