# verify.rtapp.io backend This is the backend code the Recap Time Squad is using on our. This project is helpful on those who maintain their own fork of the repo in both GitHub and GitLab repos. It's still an work in progress througn, but if you like to contribute, ask @ajhalili2006 over Discord (check the links below) ## Getting help * Discord: For Autocode users who are in the official Autocode Discord sevrer, just ping Andrei Jiroh (`Andrei Jiroh#`). You can also optionally join ## Related Projects * [Main rtapp-verify repo](https://gitlab.com/RecapTime/verify) ([GitHub mirror](https://github.com/RecapTime/verify) is available through we use issue forms) - where all the ## Credits * [Hakiki](https://discord.gg/hakiki) for the landing page guide: