{ "name": "recaptime/rtapp-verify-backend", "timeout": 10000, "connector": false, "events": { "functions/events/discord/bot_mention.js": { "name": "discord.bot_mention" }, "functions/events/discord/command/verify.js": { "name": "discord.command", "subtype": { "command": "verify" } }, "functions/events/github/issues.js": { "name": "github.issues", "subtype": { "action": "opened" } }, "functions/events/discord/command/status.js": { "name": "discord.command", "subtype": { "command": "status" } }, "functions/events/autocode/self/deployed.js": { "name": "autocode.self.deployed" }, "functions/events/discord/message/button/interaction.js": { "name": "discord.message.button.interaction", "subtype": { "custom_id": "confirm_github_connection" } }, "functions/events/discord/command/update-commands.js": { "name": "discord.command", "subtype": { "command": "update-commands" } }, "functions/events/discord/command/link-fandom.js": { "name": "discord.command", "subtype": { "command": "link-fandom" } } }, "env": [ { "name": "MONGO_DATABASE", "description": "MongoDB database connection string" }, { "name": "GH_NAMESPACE", "description": "GitHub repository owner's username. Note that this will be also used in your GitLab fork mirror." }, { "name": "GH_REPO_SLUG", "description": "GitHub repository slug. Note that this will be also used in your GitLab fork mirror." }, { "name": "DISCORD_GUILD_ID", "description": "Discord server ID to run some bot management commands." }, { "name": "DISCORD_ROLE_ID", "description": "Discord role ID to allow run some bot management commands." }, { "name": "MW_OAUTH_ROOT", "description": "Root REST API endpoint for OAuth-related calls.without trailing slash at end." }, { "name": "MW_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID", "description": "MediaWiki OAuth consumer key" }, { "name": "MW_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET", "description": "MediaWiki OAuth consumer secret key" }, { "name": "MW_OAUTH_CALLBACK", "description": "MediaWiki OAuth callback URL" }, { "name": "TRIGGER_DEPLOY", "description": "Trigger an manual deploy, usually used only on CI/CD." } ] }