import input_type import map_type import turtle import turtle_type import math import sequtils import strutils import strformat import terminal import algorithm const blueCutoff = 0.05 const cyanCutoff = 0.1 const greenCutoff = 0.205 const yellowCutoff = 0.335 const redCutoff = 0.505 const magentaCutoff = 1.0 proc setHotnessBackground(hotness: float, maxHotness: float) = if hotness == 0: stdout.setBackgroundColor(bgDefault) else: let hotnessFrac = hotness / maxHotness if hotnessFrac < blueCutoff: stdout.setBackgroundColor(bgBlue) elif hotnessFrac < cyanCutoff: stdout.setBackgroundColor(bgCyan) elif hotnessFrac < greenCutoff: stdout.setBackgroundColor(bgGreen) elif hotnessFrac < yellowCutoff: stdout.setBackgroundColor(bgYellow) elif hotnessFrac < redCutoff: stdout.setBackgroundColor(bgRed) else: stdout.setBackgroundColor(bgMagenta) proc printHotmapLegend(maxHotness: float, x,y: int) = template line(num: int) = setCursorPos(x, y + num - 1) template showColor(col: BackgroundColor) = stdout.setBackgroundColor(col) stdout.write(" ") stdout.setBackgroundColor(bgBlack) stdout.write(" ") proc writeNumber(num: float) = stdout.write(fmt"{}") line(1) showColor(bgDefault) writeNumber(0.0) line(2) showColor(bgBlue) writeNumber(blueCutoff * maxHotness) line(3) showColor(bgCyan) writeNumber(cyanCutoff * maxHotness) line(4) showColor(bgGreen) writeNumber(greenCutoff * maxHotness) line(5) showColor(bgYellow) writeNumber(yellowCutoff * maxHotness) line(6) showColor(bgRed) writeNumber(redCutoff * maxHotness) line(7) showColor(bgMagenta) writeNumber(magentaCutoff * maxHotness) proc displayGeneration*(generationNumber: int, timeSeconds: float, seed: int, input: Input, map: Map, turtles: var seq[Turtle]) = # SCREEN INIT stdout.setBackgroundColor(bgBlack) stdout.setForegroundColor(fgWhite) eraseScreen() setCursorPos(0, 0) # STATISTICS let scoreCount = turtles.len() var scoreSum = 0 var stepsSum = 0 for turtle in turtles: scoreSum += turtle.score stepsSum += turtle.steps let scoreAvg = scoreSum.float() / scoreCount.float() let stepsAvg = stepsSum.float() / scoreCount.float() let variance = turtles.mapIt((it.score.float() - scoreAvg)^2).sum() / scoreCount.float() let stddev = variance.sqrt() # PRINT BASIC INFO echo &"Generation number: {generationNumber}" echo &"Computation time since last stop: {timeSeconds} s" echo &"Seed: {seed}" echo &"Population: {turtles.len()} turtles" echo &"Mean score: {scoreAvg} (in {stepsAvg} steps)" echo &"Standard deviation: {stddev}" echo &"Top score: {turtles[0].score} (in {turtles[0].steps} steps)" # PERCENTILS turtles.sort(compareTurtles) var percentils: seq[int] = @[] for i in 1..9: let index = (input.population div 10) * i percentils.add(turtles[index].score) let percentilsString = percentils.join(", ") echo &"Score of every 10%th percentil: {percentilsString}" # CHOOSE NOTABLE var top10Paths: seq[Turtle] = @[] var notables: seq[int] = @[] var i = 0 while true: if i > turtles.high(): break if top10Paths.len() == 0 or top10Paths[top10Paths.high()].score != turtles[i].score: top10Paths.add(turtles[i]) notables.add(i) if top10Paths.len() >= 10: break inc i let notableString = notables.join(", ") echo &"Notable turtles: {notableString}" # HOTNESS MAP var hotness: seq[seq[int]] = @[] var top10Hot: seq[seq[int]] = @[] var topHot: seq[seq[int]] = @[] for i in 0..input.size-1: hotness.add(@[]) top10Hot.add(@[]) topHot.add(@[]) for j in 0..input.size-1: hotness[i].add(0) top10Hot[i].add(0) topHot[i].add(0) template populateHotness(turtles: seq[Turtle], hotSeq: var seq[seq[int]], maxHot: var int) = for turtle in turtles: let path = turtle.path for i in 0..path.xs.high(): let x = path.xs[i] let y = path.ys[i] hotSeq[y][x].inc() if hotSeq[y][x] > maxHot: maxHot = hotSeq[y][x] var maxHotness = 0 populateHotness(turtles, hotness, maxHotness) var maxTop10Hotness = 0 populateHotness(top10Paths, top10Hot, maxTop10Hotness) var maxTopHotness = 0 populateHotness(@[turtles[0]], topHot, maxTopHotness) # DISPLAY HOTNESS MAP echo "Hotmap of All/Notable/Best Turtles" const yOffset = 10 let xOffset = input.size + 2 for y in 0..input.size-1: for x in 0..input.size-1: let hotness = hotness[y][x] let top10hotness = top10Hot[y][x] let topHotness = topHot[y][x] let symbol = map[y][x].tileToString() # hotmap setHotnessBackground(hotness.float(), maxHotness.float()) setCursorPos(x, y+yOffset) stdout.write(symbol) # top10 map setHotnessBackground(top10hotness.float(), maxTop10Hotness.float()) setCursorPos(x+xOffset, y+yOffset) stdout.write(symbol) # top map setHotnessBackground(topHotness.float(), maxTopHotness.float()) setCursorPos(x+2*xOffset, y+yOffset) stdout.write(symbol) stdout.setBackgroundColor(bgBlack) stdout.write("\n") echo "" # display legend let legendYOffset = yOffset + 1 + input.size printHotmapLegend(maxHotness.float(), 0, legendYOffset) printHotmapLegend(maxTop10Hotness.float(), xOffset, legendYOffset) printHotmapLegend(maxTopHotness.float(), 2*xOffset, legendYOffset) echo "" echo "" # FINISH echo "Press enter to continue." discard stdin.readLine() stdout.setBackgroundColor(bgDefault) eraseScreen() setCursorPos(1,1) echo ""