# Just Another Line Editor or jale.nim # Note This is a new (and very immature) alternative to other line editors such as linenoise (see rdstdin in the nim standard library) or nimline (https://github.com/h3rald/nimline). Currently you probably want to use either of those because this is a wip. # Installation ``` git clone https://github.com/japl-lang/jale cd jale nimble install ``` # Checking the examples out Building the examples ``` nimble examples ``` Checking the sample editor out. Quit with ctrl+c, save with ctrl+s. ``` examples/editor # or windows: .\examples\editor.exe ``` Checking the interactive prompt out. Move between lines using ctrl+up/down. Create new lines with ctrl+down on the last line. ctrl+page up/down also works. ``` examples/interactive_history # or windows: .\examples\interactive_history.exe ``` # Features - multiline support - easily add new keybindings (using templates) - very customizable (even inserting characters is a keybinding that's optional) - plugin system based - history - horizontal scrolling # Missing features Note: they won't be missing forever hopefully. - No utf-8 - No tab autocompletion support - No syntax highlighting support - Windows output still really unstable/untested in depth