import structio async def sleeper(n): print(f"[sleeper] Going to sleep for {n} seconds!") i = structio.clock() try: await structio.sleep(n) except structio.Cancelled: print(f"[sleeper] Oh no, I've been cancelled! (was gonna sleep {structio.clock() - i:.2f} more seconds)") raise print("[sleeper] Woke up!") async def main_simple(n, o, p): print(f"[main] Parent is alive, spawning {o} children sleeping {n} seconds each") t = structio.clock() async with structio.create_pool() as pool: for i in range(o): pool.spawn(sleeper, n) print(f"[main] Children spawned, sleeping {p} seconds before cancelling") await structio.sleep(p) # Note that cancellations propagate to all inner task scopes! pool.scope.cancel() print(f"[main] Parent exited in {structio.clock() - t:.2f} seconds") async def main_nested(n, o, p): print(f"[main] Parent is alive, spawning {o} children in two contexts sleeping {n} seconds each") t = structio.clock() async with structio.create_pool() as p1: for i in range(o): p1.spawn(sleeper, n) async with structio.create_pool() as p2: for i in range(o): p2.spawn(sleeper, n) print(f"[main] Children spawned, sleeping {p} seconds before cancelling") await structio.sleep(p) # Note that cancellations propagate to all inner task scopes! p1.scope.cancel() print(f"[main] Parent exited in {structio.clock() - t:.2f} seconds") async def child(scope: structio.TaskScope, x: float): print(f"[main] Child is alive! Canceling scope in {x} seconds") await structio.sleep(x) scope.cancel() async def main_child(x: float): print("[main] Parent is alive") t = structio.clock() async with structio.create_pool() as p: print("[main] Spawning child") p.spawn(child, p.scope, x / 2) print(f"[main] Child spawned, sleeping for {x} seconds") await structio.sleep(x) print(f"[main] Done in {structio.clock() - t:.2f} seconds") # Should take about 5 seconds, 5, 2, 2), 5, 2, 2), 2)