import structio import time import threading async def child(ev: structio.Event, n): print(f"[child] I'm alive! Waiting {n} seconds before setting the event") await structio.sleep(n) print("[child] Slept! Setting the event") ev.set() assert ev.is_set() async def main(i): print("[main] Parent is alive") j = structio.clock() async with structio.create_pool() as pool: evt = structio.Event() print("[main] Spawning child") pool.spawn(child, evt, i) print("[main] Child spawned, waiting on the event") await evt.wait() assert evt.is_set() print(f"[main] Exited in {structio.clock() - j:.2f} seconds") def thread_worker(ev: structio.thread.AsyncThreadEvent): print("[worker] Worker thread spawned, waiting for event") t = time.time() ev.wait_sync() print(f"[worker] Event was fired after {time.time() - t:.2f} seconds") async def main_async_thread(i): print("[main] Parent is alive") j = structio.clock() async with structio.create_pool() as pool: # Identical to structio.Event, but this event # can talk to threads too evt = structio.thread.AsyncThreadEvent() print("[main] Spawning child") pool.spawn(child, evt, i) print("[main] Child spawned, calling worker thread") await structio.thread.run_in_worker(thread_worker, evt) assert evt.is_set() print(f"[main] Exited in {structio.clock() - j:.2f} seconds") # Of course, threaded events work both ways: coroutines and threads # can set/wait on them from either side. Isn't that neat? def thread_worker_2(n, ev: structio.thread.AsyncThreadEvent): print(f"[worker] Worker thread spawned, sleeping {n} seconds before setting the event") time.sleep(n) print("[worker] Setting the event") ev.set() async def child_2(ev: structio.Event): print(f"[child] I'm alive! Waiting on the event") t = structio.clock() await ev.wait() print(f"[child] Slept for {structio.clock() - t:.2f} seconds") assert ev.is_set() async def main_async_thread_2(i): print("[main] Parent is alive") j = structio.clock() async with structio.create_pool() as pool: evt = structio.thread.AsyncThreadEvent() print("[main] Spawning child") pool.spawn(child_2, evt) print("[main] Child spawned, calling worker thread") await structio.thread.run_in_worker(thread_worker_2, i, evt) assert evt.is_set() print(f"[main] Exited in {structio.clock() - j:.2f} seconds"), 5), 5), 5)