import inspect import functools from threading import local from import ( BaseKernel, BaseDebugger, BaseClock, SignalManager, BaseIOManager, ) from structio.exceptions import StructIOException from structio.core.task import Task from typing import Callable, Any, Coroutine _RUN = local() def current_loop() -> BaseKernel: """ Returns the current event loop in the calling thread. Raises a StructIOException if no async context exists """ try: return _RUN.kernel except AttributeError: raise StructIOException("must be called from async context") from None def current_task() -> Task: """ Shorthand for current_loop().current_task """ return current_loop().current_task def new_event_loop(kernel: BaseKernel): """ Initializes a new event loop using the given kernel implementation. Cannot be called from an asynchronous context """ try: current_loop() except StructIOException: _RUN.kernel = kernel else: if not _RUN.kernel.done(): raise StructIOException( "cannot be called from running async context" ) from None def run( func: Callable[[Any, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]], kernel: type, io_manager: BaseIOManager, signal_managers: list[SignalManager], clock: BaseClock, tools: list[BaseDebugger] | None = None, restrict_ki_to_checkpoints: bool = False, *args, ): """ Starts the event loop from a synchronous entry point. All positional arguments are passed to the given coroutine function. If you want to pass keyword arguments, consider using functools.partial() """ if not issubclass(kernel, BaseKernel): raise TypeError( f"kernel must be a subclass of {BaseKernel.__module__}.{BaseKernel.__qualname__}!" ) check = func if isinstance(func, functools.partial): check = func.func if inspect.iscoroutine(check): raise StructIOException( "Looks like you tried to call, arg2, ...)), that is wrong!" "\nWhat you wanna do, instead, is this:, arg1, arg2, ...)" ) elif not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(check): raise StructIOException( " requires an async function as its first argument!" ) new_event_loop( kernel( clock=clock, restrict_ki_to_checkpoints=restrict_ki_to_checkpoints, io_manager=io_manager, signal_managers=signal_managers, tools=tools, ) ) return current_loop().start(func, *args)