import traceback import warnings from types import FrameType from import ( BaseKernel, BaseClock, BaseDebugger, BaseIOManager, SignalManager, ) from structio.core.context import TaskPool, TaskScope from structio.core.task import Task, TaskState from import CTRLC_PROTECTION_ENABLED from structio.core.time.queue import TimeQueue from structio.exceptions import StructIOException, Cancelled, TimedOut from collections import deque from typing import Callable, Coroutine, Any from functools import partial import signal class FIFOKernel(BaseKernel): """ An asynchronous event loop implementation with a FIFO scheduling policy """ def __init__( self, clock: BaseClock, io_manager: BaseIOManager, signal_managers: list[SignalManager], tools: list[BaseDebugger] | None = None, restrict_ki_to_checkpoints: bool = False, ): super().__init__( clock, io_manager, signal_managers, tools, restrict_ki_to_checkpoints ) self.skip: bool = False # Tasks that are ready to run self.run_queue: deque[Task] = deque() # Data to send back to tasks dict[Task, Any] = {} # Have we handled SIGINT? self._sigint_handled: bool = False # Paused tasks along with their deadlines self.paused: TimeQueue = TimeQueue(self.clock) # All task scopes we handle self.scopes: list[TaskScope] = [] self.pool = TaskPool() self.current_pool = self.pool self.current_scope = self.current_pool.scope self.current_scope.shielded = False self.scopes.append(self.current_scope) self._closing = False def get_closest_deadline(self): return min( [ self.current_scope.get_actual_timeout(), self.paused.get_closest_deadline(), ] ) def get_closest_deadline_owner(self): return self.paused.peek() def event(self, evt_name: str, *args): if not hasattr(BaseDebugger, evt_name): warnings.warn(f"Invalid debugging event fired: {evt_name!r}") return for tool in if f := getattr(tool, evt_name, None): try: f(*args) except BaseException as e: # We really can't afford to have our internals explode, # sorry! warnings.warn( f"Exception during debugging event delivery ({evt_name!r}): {type(e).__name__} -> {e}", ) traceback.print_tb(e.__traceback__) def done(self): if self.entry_point.done(): return True if any([self.run_queue, self.paused, self.io_manager.pending()]): return False for scope in self.scopes: if not scope.done(): return False return True def spawn(self, func: Callable[[Any, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]], *args): task = Task(func.__name__ or repr(func), func(*args), self.current_pool) # We inject our magic secret variable into the coroutine's stack frame, so # we can look it up later task.coroutine.cr_frame.f_locals.setdefault(CTRLC_PROTECTION_ENABLED, False) task.pool.scope.tasks.append(task) self.run_queue.append(task) self.event("on_task_spawn") return task def spawn_system_task( self, func: Callable[[Any, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]], *args ): task = Task(func.__name__ or repr(func), func(*args), self.pool) task.coroutine.cr_frame.f_locals.setdefault(CTRLC_PROTECTION_ENABLED, True) task.pool.scope.tasks.append(task) self.run_queue.append(task) self.event("on_task_spawn") return task def signal_notify(self, sig: int, frame: FrameType): match sig: case signal.SIGINT: self._sigint_handled = True case _: pass def step(self): """ Run a single task step (i.e. until an "await" to our primitives somewhere) """ self.current_task = self.run_queue.popleft() while self.current_task.done(): if not self.run_queue: return self.current_task = self.run_queue.popleft() runner = partial( self.current_task.coroutine.send,, None) ) if self.current_task.pending_cancellation: _runner = partial(self.current_task.coroutine.throw, Cancelled()) elif self._sigint_handled: self._sigint_handled = False runner = partial(self.current_task.coroutine.throw, KeyboardInterrupt()) self.event("before_task_step", self.current_task) method, args, kwargs = runner() if not callable(getattr(self, method, None)): # This if block is meant to be triggered by other async # libraries, which most likely have different method names and behaviors # compared to us. If you get this exception, and you're 100% sure you're # not mixing async primitives from other libraries, then it's a bug! self.throw( self.current_task, StructIOException( "Uh oh! Something bad just happened: did you try to mix " "primitives from other async libraries?" ), ) # Sneaky method call, thanks to David Beazley for this ;) getattr(self, method)(*args, **kwargs) self.event("after_task_step", self.current_task) def throw(self, task: Task, err: BaseException): if task.done(): return if task.state == TaskState.PAUSED: self.paused.discard(task) self.handle_errors(partial(task.coroutine.throw, err), task) def reschedule(self, task: Task): if task.done(): return self.run_queue.append(task) def check_cancelled(self): if self._sigint_handled: self.throw(self.entry_point, KeyboardInterrupt()) elif self.current_task.pending_cancellation: self.cancel_task(self.current_task) else: # We reschedule the caller immediately! self.run_queue.appendleft(self.current_task) def schedule_point(self): self.reschedule_running() def sleep(self, amount): """ Puts the current task to sleep for the given amount of time as defined by our current clock """ # Just to avoid code duplication, you know self.suspend() if amount > 0: self.event("before_sleep", self.current_task, amount) self.current_task.next_deadline = self.current_task.paused_when + amount self.paused.put(self.current_task, amount) else: # If sleep is called with 0 as argument, # then it's just a checkpoint! self.skip = True self.reschedule_running() def check_scopes(self): for scope in self.scopes: if scope.get_actual_timeout() <= self.clock.current_time(): error = TimedOut("timed out") error.scope = scope self.throw(scope.owner, error) def wakeup(self): while ( self.paused and self.paused.peek().next_deadline <= self.clock.current_time() ): task, _ = self.paused.get() task.next_deadline = 0 self.event( "after_sleep", task, task.paused_when - self.clock.current_time() ) self.reschedule(task) def run(self): """ This is the actual "loop" part of the "event loop" """ while not self.done(): if self.run_queue and not self.skip: self.handle_errors(self.step) self.running = False self.skip = False if self._sigint_handled and not self.restrict_ki_to_checkpoints: self.throw(self.entry_point, KeyboardInterrupt()) if self.io_manager.pending(): self.io_manager.wait_io() self.wakeup() self.check_scopes() self.close() def reschedule_running(self): """ Reschedules the currently running task """ self.run_queue.append(self.current_task) def handle_errors(self, func: Callable, task: Task | None = None): """ Convenience method for handling various exceptions from tasks """ try: func() except StopIteration as ret: # We re-define it because we call step() with # this method and that changes the current task task = task or self.current_task # At the end of the day, coroutines are generator functions with # some tricky behaviors, and this is one of them. When a coroutine # hits a return statement (either explicit or implicit), it raises # a StopIteration exception, which has an attribute named value that # represents the return value of the coroutine, if it has one. Of course # this exception is not an error, and we should happily keep going after it: # most of this code below is just useful for internal/debugging purposes task.state = TaskState.FINISHED task.result = ret.value self.on_success(self.current_task) except Cancelled: # When a task needs to be cancelled, we try to do it gracefully first: # if the task is paused in either I/O or sleeping, that's perfect. # But we also need to cancel a task if it was not sleeping or waiting on # any I/O because it could never do so (therefore blocking everything # forever). So, when cancellation can't be done right away, we schedule # it for the next execution step of the task. We will also make sure # to re-raise cancellations at every checkpoint until the task lets the # exception propagate into us, because we *really* want the task to be # cancelled task = task or self.current_task task.state = TaskState.CANCELLED task.pending_cancellation = False self.event("after_cancel") self.on_cancel(task) except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as err: # Any other exception is caught here task = task or self.current_task task.exc = err err.scope = task.pool.scope task.state = TaskState.CRASHED self.event("on_exception_raised", task) self.on_error(task) def release(self, task: Task): """ Releases the timeouts and associated I/O resourced that the given task owns """ self.io_manager.release_task(task) self.paused.discard(task) def on_success(self, task: Task): """ The given task has exited gracefully: hooray! """ # TODO: Anything else? task.pool: TaskPool for waiter in task.waiters: self.reschedule(waiter) if task.pool.done(): self.reschedule(task.pool.entry_point) task.waiters.clear() self.event("on_task_exit", task) self.io_manager.release_task(task) def on_error(self, task: Task): """ The given task raised an exception """ self.event("on_exception_raised", task, task.exc) for waiter in task.waiters: self.reschedule(waiter) self.throw(task.pool.scope.owner, task.exc) task.waiters.clear() self.release(task) def on_cancel(self, task: Task): """ The given task crashed because of a cancellation exception """ for waiter in task.waiters: self.reschedule(waiter) task.waiters.clear() self.release(task) if task.pool.done(): self.reschedule(task.pool.entry_point) def init_scope(self, scope: TaskScope): scope.owner = self.current_task self.current_scope.inner = scope scope.outer = self.current_scope self.current_scope = scope self.scopes.append(scope) def close_scope(self, scope: TaskScope): self.current_scope = scope.outer self.reschedule(scope.owner) self.scopes.pop() def cancel_task(self, task: Task): if task.done(): return err = Cancelled() err.scope = task.pool.scope self.throw(task, err) if task.state != TaskState.CANCELLED: task.pending_cancellation = True def cancel_scope(self, scope: TaskScope): scope.attempted_cancel = True inner = scope.inner if inner and not inner.shielded: self.cancel_scope(inner) for task in scope.tasks: self.cancel_task(task) if scope.done(): self.reschedule(scope.owner) def init_pool(self, pool: TaskPool): pool.outer = self.current_pool pool.entry_point = self.current_task self.current_pool.inner = pool self.current_pool = pool def close_pool(self, pool: TaskPool): self.current_pool = pool.outer def suspend(self): self.current_task.state = TaskState.PAUSED self.current_task.paused_when = self.clock.current_time() def setup(self): for manager in self.signal_managers: manager.install() def teardown(self): for manager in self.signal_managers: manager.uninstall()