import structio import time def fake_async_sleeper(n): print(f"[thread] About to sleep for {n} seconds") t = time.time() if structio.thread.is_async_thread(): print(f"[thread] I have async superpowers!") structio.thread.run_coro(structio.sleep, n) else: print(f"[thread] Using old boring time.sleep :(") time.sleep(n) print(f"[thread] Slept for {time.time() - t:.2f} seconds") async def main(n): print(f"[main] Spawning worker thread, exiting in {n} seconds") t = structio.clock() await structio.thread.run_in_worker(fake_async_sleeper, n) print(f"[main] Exited in {structio.clock() - t:.2f} seconds") async def main_timeout(n, k): print(f"[main] Spawning worker thread, exiting in {k} seconds") t = structio.clock() with structio.skip_after(k): # We need to make the operation explicitly cancellable if we want # to be able to move on! await structio.thread.run_in_worker(fake_async_sleeper, n, cancellable=True) print(f"[main] Exited in {structio.clock() - t:.2f} seconds"), 2), 5, 3)