import structio from typing import Any async def reader(ch: structio.ChannelReader): print("[reader] Reader is alive!") async with ch: while True: print(f"[reader] Awaiting messages") data = await ch.receive() if not data: break print(f"[reader] Got: {data}") # Simulates some work await structio.sleep(1) print("[reader] Done!") async def writer(ch: structio.ChannelWriter, objects: list[Any]): print("[writer] Writer is alive!") async with ch: for obj in objects: print(f"[writer] Sending {obj!r}") await ch.send(obj) print(f"[writer] Sent {obj!r}") # Let's make the writer twice as fast as the receiver # to test backpressure :) await structio.sleep(0.5) await ch.send(None) print("[writer] Done!") async def main(objects: list[Any]): print("[main] Parent is alive") # We construct a new memory channel... channel = structio.MemoryChannel(1) # 1 is the size of the internal buffer async with structio.create_pool() as pool: # ... and dispatch the two ends to different # tasks. Isn't this neat? pool.spawn(reader, channel.reader) pool.spawn(writer, channel.writer, objects) print("[main] Children spawned") print("[main] Done!"), [1, 2, 3, 4])