import structio async def child(n: int): print(f"Going to sleep for {n} seconds!") i = structio.clock() try: await structio.sleep(n) except structio.Cancelled: slept = structio.clock() - i print(f"Oh no, I've been cancelled! (was gonna sleep {n - slept:.2f} more seconds)") raise print(f"Slept for {structio.clock() - i:.2f} seconds!") async def main() -> int: print("Parent is alive. Spawning children") t = structio.clock() try: async with structio.create_pool() as pool: pool.spawn(child, 5) pool.spawn(child, 3) pool.spawn(child, 8) print(f"Children spawned, awaiting completion") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Ctrl+C caught") print(f"Children have completed in {structio.clock() - t:.2f} seconds") return 0 assert == 0 print("Execution complete")